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  2. I always liked the box art as well. What a beautiful build. Cheers, George
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0WSRnSV9hI Use any mean for translation…
  4. Those lights are looking really good! Keith
  5. Yep that is indeed crazy, absolutely nuts in fact - but with an absolutely brilliant result!! Sorry, but I can't think of anything crazier for you to do!! Best wishes for the op.. Keith
  6. Beautiful aircraft. Now please show pix of model!
  7. Sorry Gerard, I might not make this one- I’m playing catch up on the other completed group builds still, and really need to reduce the number of WIPs I have. I’d hoped we’d have an RAAF F-35 visit for Wanaka that I could maybe have based my build on, but as that didn’t happen I might well wait until I see one fly over the ditch before I build that! Hoping I can make Avalon work next year. If I do have a small window of opportunity, there’s always the Airfix F-35B I have that came with the Dambusters Lanc.
  8. Are the Lancaster and Halifax boxes longer than the others, or is it due to the perspective of the photo?
  9. He was the Wing Commander, His boss in the UK was unamused, coz he didn't ask permission (deliberately) It got him busted from the promotion list, and a posting to Vietnam. Just what he wanted. The rest is History. Lovely rendition of Voodoos - can't gen enough of them.
  10. The Priller kit was the 1978 Airfix FW 190F-8/A-8. The instructions said that there were bombs included that were not relevant to this aircraft and should be ignored.
  11. Fitting the wings continues... The rear section joined to the fuselage with the help of a clamp. Small gaps but easily filled with superglue/talc mix which will improve the strength of the joint. The upper wings were going to be a challenge. A lot of the problems are the result of the 'snap & glue' lugs and the ledge added to the fuselage. They aren't there on the original kit. Once removed the upper wings went on fine. Still a gap on the starboard side, not sure why as it's not there on the port upper wing that Pete donated to me. Some filler next and then primer and paint.
  12. Thanks I got mine from Spotmodel in Spain and I got the Zero acid yellow paint from Hiroboy in the UK Ian 😀
  13. Today
  14. Hi all, I’m a modelling returnee and one of the things that seem to have been invented in the intervening years are decal solutions. I’ve got both types from VMS and have got to say that I’ve not had a very good experience with the second one that you use (set?). I’m not near my gear at the moment and can’t remember what they call it. I’ve used it on carbon fibre seat backs and motorcycle wheel rims and the decal just seem to disintegrate when it’s applied. Obviously, I think I’ve followed their instructions but if anyone has any further advice it’s be greatly appreciated as I’ve got some difficult decals to do soon. In particular the Tamiya RC213 Honda, TOMS Supra and a Porsche GT2. Cheers, Michael.
  15. Your belly strap comment is not quite correct. The belly strap was only added to F-4Es up to and including FY69. FY71 and later had reinforced skin which you could not see from the outside. Also, apart from a few anomalies only FY71 and later aircraft had the TISEO, i.e. no belly strap when there is a TISEO fitted. Jens
  16. Interesting to see photos and profiles of the Croatian machine. In my first modelling phase (pre-1990) I made this aircraft in 1/72 using a Heller kit and Almark decals. Still have it in a tea-chest somewhere. But quite exciting to see this new Eduard kit and all the photos that have emerged in the intervening years, so might have another go at it. Justin
  17. Welcome Alex, I’m a fellow returnee after several decades away. The thing that’s struck me the most is just how much ‘stuff’ there is to enable the quality of builds to be improved - PE, decal solutions, detail up kits etc, compared to the early 70’s when I was active. I also remember my mothers complaining about dusting them….! Looking forward to seeing some of your builds. Regards, Michael.
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