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stevehnz last won the day on April 18 2023

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About stevehnz

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    Nelson, New Zealand

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  1. In a fit of rashness, I did the mottling on this, not quite what I wanted, I didn't thin enough but once I started I just kept going & suddenly I had done it. For what it is it'll do I reckon. It should look OK once the decals are on. Coupla days eh? Steve
  2. Feeling reasonably happy about this now. The painting has gone OK & some decals should hit it in the next day or so. It has first dibs on my time just now.
  3. Not far off now, decals in a day or so, the D-day Spitfire gets first dibs on that task. Still the off small task though, some more canopy painting & making a hole for the aerial but all in all, pretty close. Steve.
  4. Yes, I have, I was quite enthusiastic about it to begin with but once we got into "the thread" realised how wrong it was. A bit too dark & grey & quite lacking the violet tinge. Think in terms of a very faded PRU blue sort of colour. Steve.
  5. I knew t was too good to be true. Oh well nothing more than I'd always expected. Steve.
  6. The Army would surely have records of your Dad's posting which would give you a closer date, there might even be records of movements of dependents? Hopefully someone who knows more will show up. Steve.
  7. This has come up really well. I notice it doesn't have those weird as aerials with all the rings between the wires, so it has some attraction for mine come the day. What was your reference for this? Stunning scheme too. Steve.
  8. You've not spotted my reply to your post on the other thread where you asked about this? It was a bit of a necrothread to be sure. Steve.
  9. Definitely. Probably several candidates tucked away. Steve.
  10. Try this, it is a pdf copy of the MA decal instructions. Steve.
  11. This is certainly looking very good, nice going. 👍 Steve.
  12. Absolutely, I'm in, probably a plane, maybe a car. Steve.
  13. Thanks Yasa, I'll have another read through of my copy of Wings over the Hindu Kush, the caption for the profile says that #s 74 & 77 were cannibalised to keep 72 operational. Much as though I agree that the green over tan would be a nicer scheme, I've decals for 72 & not the others. Steve.
  14. That looks very smart. A most attractive take on one of my favourite aircraft. 👍 Steve.
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