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  2. Thanks @Seawinder and @stevehnz for your helpful replies. I’m in much the same position as @Nigel Bunker in his 2011 post. Being away on holiday with a temporary medical condition that prevents me joining my wife and dog on seaside walks , I managed to spend a large part of yesterday trying to decide what paint to use for the underside of Airfix’s Mitsubishi A6M2b Zero. When Sovereign Hobbies were still going I confused myself and bought Colourcoats ACJ17 - Nakajima Amber Grey instead of ACJ16 Mitsubishi Zero Grey-Green which I think is the correct underside colour Apparently they are slightly different. ACK16 looks a bit lighter and greyer, maybe I should just add a bit of light grey to the ACJ17 and escape from this rabbit hole! Charlie
  3. With the scramble order received, it was time to unseal the box and start mangling plastic... As customary, we find ourselves beginning in the cockpit. And boy, with this model has Airfix provided us with a cockpit. I spent a good hour snipping, trimming, sanding, fitting and glueing a host of small assemblies that will eventually come together to form a very well detailed out-of-the-box cockpit: 79DEFF14-C3F2-4D9A-A75C-974236C76A46 by Evan Bailly, on Flickr I had wanted to keep this a mostly OOB build, and I think that the detailing provided by Airfix thus far should be enough to keep me from straying too much from that path. About the only thing that I see letting down the cockpit is the typical Airfix instrument panel decal on a flat plank. I may see if I can find a Yahu or similar instrument panel in the next few days. In the meantime, there's a whole bunch of sub-assembly assembling that should occupy my modeling sessions for a while.
  4. Hi All, With recent focus being on maritime endeavours, it's been nice to get back into the comfort zone for a final push to get this over the line! There was really very little left to do - I'd printed some Yagi antennae a couple of weeks ago, so holes were drilled for those after they were painted. It was then just a case of finishing off the turret, adding the final fiddly bits, and adding a wire antenna using Uschi fine line. Here's a couple of teaser shots: This has been a fun build, and I cannot speak highly enough of this lovely little kit. It's nice to add a unique footnote to the collection - I shall post separately over in RFI. Thanks to all those who have added kind words and encouragement along the way - it has been much appreciated! Thanks for looking, Roger
  5. Wow, beautifully built and finished, taking the time for your builds certainly pays off. Very nice photography as well! Welcome to the forums, I'm sure we'd all like to see more of your work.
  6. Brad

    Online dating agencys

    Haha yeh we often ribbed chipper about his tinder date looking up his facebook and surprising him by turning up at his cricket match.
  7. Those windows do look really good- very nice solution. Do you know how well/if the glue takes masking? That was my main fear in doing the same for the myriad small windows on the Shack, at least until the final stages.
  8. We’re getting away from the original question* but I’m finding this a useful, interesting and informative thread. I had to remind myself what ‘Stammkennzeichen’ were, look up ‘cromulant’ and the origin of the phrase ‘load of cobblers' (Steve could have said ’load of b*lls', but that would have been rude). *Something I wondered about when reading Steve’s original build thread in the in Classic Airfix GB, but dared not ask for fear of generating a discussion like this. Charlie
  9. OK. She's truly up on her feet now. Wheels and Tyres by Eduard. Sparrow Missiles also installed in the front bays. Comments, critiques, questions, as ever are welcome.
  10. Again, thank you everyone for your kind words. I appreciate the compliments! dreamwriter, the decals I used were from Aztec Models. The sheet included the red striping for the cowling. What I did was make a photocopy of the sheet, then I used the striping and transferred the chevron's shape onto some tape to use as a mask. After painting, I used MicroSol and Set to gently coax the striping to match the curves of the white paint. Hopefully that makes sense, but more importantly, hopefully that's helpful. If you have any other questions, or if there's any other way I can help, please don't hesitate to ask. Regards, -O
  11. Today
  12. Tzulscha

    That's it four now

    Whom are NOT amused
  13. Awesome! We've been treated with some great looking Thuds lately. Your SEA rendition is just about perfect!
  14. Looks great! Beautiful plane in one of the most attractive color schemes ever... cannot go wrong. Have a Kfir C2 in the stash and can't wait to get it going.
  15. Very nice. Who doesn't like a Chipmunk (even a Navy one). Thanks for posting Colin
  16. Songs- Dancing Queer Broke on the Water The Pall Learning to Fry
  17. There's an old film starring Rita Tushingham and Oliver Reed, "The Trap". I decided to let that one go so as not to encourage a deluge of toilet jokes. 😩
  18. Pink the Bismarck - Only WW2 ship modelers will get that one, a reference to Mountbatten's camo colour.
  19. @Johnson, you might might find this thread from some time ago useful. I have a tin of Hemp among my paints just for the day I pull my Pearl harbour gift set off the shelf. Steve.
  20. 50 spades of grey. - It's about gardening I believe Corn Free - a cooking show of making bread WITH gluten Try panic - losing control at sea
  21. right down to royalty
  22. to eating with celebrities
  23. There is a good chance I will not finish in time. I'll follow what I preach: Stop starting and start finishing. I won't start anything new until the PT-19 is finished, Sep 15 or whenever. I wouldn't want the GB extended on my account though.
  24. Fair comment. For those who were confused, I meant that the Stammkennzeichen was not accurate for a Fw 190D at that time or later, according to a query I raised quite some years ago, either on here or the now defunct Luftwaffe Experten Message Board. The Stammkennzeichen was a system of 4 letter codes used by the Reichsluftministry to uniquely identify aircraft as they were produced. Or something like that. Steve.
  25. Hello, It's in primer now! So nice not to see that yellowish colour anymore. The primer revealed more pinholes from bubbles. I'm annoyed at the amount of shrinkage on the Squadron Putty though. That hole under the cowling was flush with the surface when the putty was wet. PPP didn't want to stick to the resin, and I hope it will stick to the primer now. I'll also have to sand and fill where the rear of the coaming meets the fuselage, and clean up the CA mess at the front. Tailplane to fuselage join needs filler, and I need to tidy up where the baffle joins the cowling. No surprises, really, as I expected another round of filler and primer. IMG_4727 by Wlad Franco-Valias, on Flickr More filling and sanding underneath as well. The rear of the wing to fuselage join looks great though, I'm very happy about how that turned out. And the primer to thinner ratio is about 2 to 1, with 23 psi and airbrush needle wide open. It is still thin, not like using an aerosol can that can soak the model in primer if one isn't careful. I'm getting the hang of it. IMG_4728 by Wlad Franco-Valias, on Flickr I was hoping to get some aluminum sprayed on the cowling today, yet life got in the way and I'm tired now. Cheers, Wlad
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