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bentwaters81tfw last won the day on August 24 2021

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About bentwaters81tfw

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    On Finals
  • Interests
    Modelling,Photography, Aircraft. Taking the p.

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  1. lots of after market
  2. I'd rather stick pins
  3. The orange and black machine is Royal Navy.The HAR 10 is airforce. They are both at Doncaster, and I went there specifically to photograph them both. My shots of the Navy craft are identical to perdu's pictures, so the lighting is the same. Navy blades are black, Airforce are green/black
  4. Kits, paint and glue
  5. I have them as dark green on top, black undersides and leading edge. Just finished the 1/48 Revell as a 22 sqn machine.
  6. and suitable tracked vehicle
  7. can hardly manage one
  8. with the cloned numberplates
  9. Good news from the medic then. If all else fails they can fit you with a set of Caterpillar tracks!
  10. it's made for vegans
  11. Funnily enough, it progressing well on my bench right now. Anyone working on it, part # K8 (x4) need to be turned round to fit the scoop. You will see what I mean.
  12. 350 Euros, plus postage from France. Watch this space.
  13. So E.T. can phone home. 👽
  14. on a vegan diet
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