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bootneck last won the day on January 14 2018

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About bootneck

  • Birthday 08/20/1948

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    Somerset, UK
  • Interests
    1:35 vehicles
    Seen it, done it, got the app.

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  1. Hi Jur, I don't like Chrome so I uninstalled it when I bought this PC. I have just reinstalled it and am currently using it to do some tests. So far, the scrolling down/load more activity is working well. I am still having issues with the other elements though: opening your (this) thread took an age, with the circling thing (egg timer replacement) going round for about 30 seconds before it would open this thread. going back to a previous thread of mine and trying to start an Edit took three attempts, the first two just timed out with nothing happening. Trying to add a photo and then edit it caused the "Sorry, there was an error loading more activity As such, I don't think there is enough of improvement for me to stay with Chrome. I will close out of Chrome now and go back to Firefox. cheers, Mike EDIT: saving this post took about 20 seconds.
  2. Hi Tony, I don't have a problem with that, I just needed an idea of how a Land Rover specialist would advertise that on his garage wall back in the 1960s. I can use that sign to make up something similar. I intend to start a WiP shortly for a Land Rover series II restoration in a local garage. The idea has been inspired by the photo behind my initial construction of the garage below. I'm not sure how I can display the internals of the garage, once all the benches and tools have been installed. I shall probably have to leave out the side wall to allow me to take photos from this angle. I shall need to put a roof on but whether to do the whole roof, or just the half furthest from this view is something that I am still mulling over. cheers, Mike
  3. I worked for a tech company in the 1990's and, when anyone raised a fault ticket, the stock answer seemed to be "it's not us, it's you/them". I can't afford to go dragging my PC off to the city for a diagnostics check and possible repair, so I am hoping that this issue isn't going to leave me stranded between who's OS, hardware or updates are causing the problem. The situation has become so regular now that I shall only be able to respond to posts once, maybe twice a day. Each post takes three or four efforts, timing out, before it is saved or sent. I have noticed that the biggest issue for me is if I try to go back and edit something. That just seems to go round and round: save, timeout, reload, save, timeout reload etc., etc. cheers, Mike
  4. Another interesting element in Britmodeller, is that when I select "Mark site read" the screen automatically (eventually) goes to the top of the forum. That's new, so something must also have changed in BM? cheers, Mike
  5. Thanks mb, I was searching on Garage signs for Land Rover and obviously missed those. cheers Mike
  6. Hi Mike, yes, mine is up to date with the same version as yours. I have also checked the Connection Settings and mine show: Use System Proxy Settings, and Proxy DNS when using SOCKS v5 is ticked. Hope that helps. cheers, Mike
  7. I am trying to find images of signage on garage walls of the 1960s showing that they specialised in Land Rover repairs and servicing. Does anyone know of any images like that? I have been googling and pinteresting for ages without any luck. cheers, Mike
  8. I have a desktop PC with Windows 11 OS. Browser is Firefox, I don't have any other installed. Like others, it only seems to have started about a week or so ago. Mike
  9. I have just re-cleaned my system, cleared the cache and done a DNS flush, again all to no avail. It is getting very frustrating, to the point that I am not bothering to reply to most posts, or even give someone a Like or Thanks etc. The team doesn't seem to have picked up on this yet as I haven't seen any response. cheers, Mike
  10. Paul Young: Every time you go away, you take a piece of meat with you
  11. did you cook this?
  12. wouldn't it be easier to take a bus or taxi?
  13. I have just started a new thread in a GB but, at the rate of having to reload the page four or five times for every entry, the GB will be over! Mike EDIT: even this post took three attempts before it would save. Two previous save attempts just timed out.
  14. No worries there Michael, anything that doesn't have a scale part will either be scratchbuilt or 3D printed. (tongue in cheek mode switched off now ). cheers, Mike
  15. Well, I could keep on researching and then find this GB is finished before I have even started! As such, I am laying the foundation (pun intended) on my attempt for this GB. It will be a representation of a 1950s built house, on a small estate in a rural town. The footprint will have a frontage of 27.5 feet and sidewall of 29ft. At 1:35 scale, that should work out about 240.0 x 252mm I intend/plan/hope to construct this building using styrofoam, wood, balsa, styrene sheet and 3D printed parts; or, any other materials that come that will suit. Cheers, Mike
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