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    Staying alive. Next weeks winning lottery numbers.

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  1. ...and the other allergy one, seen on a packet of peanuts; Contains Nuts. John.
  2. Very nice Ratch. What are they like at taking penalties?? John.
  3. Thanks Paul. I might have a go at them. It all depends on how much work load I have, seeing as I will be building a Stuart as well. Never say never. John.
  4. Whilst looking through my stash, with a view to finding something to build whilst waiting for the Stuart GB to start, I came across this Sherman of the Israeli Defence Force. It's the issue that contained the Israeli paratrooper set. I've had it for a few years and always intended to get around to it at some point, but when I opened the box, it would appear that at some time, I'd made a start. I didn't get very far with it though, just assembled the lower hull, complete with the rear hull plate. Late HVSS M50s, like the earlier VVSS equipped tanks, were built on a number of different hulls. The Dragon kit is one that was based on an M4A4, and they haven't done a bad job of it. Here and there there are things missing, or things that can be improved. To be perfectly honest, that's my kind of kit. So without any more waffle, let's get stuck in. Upper and lower hull. So, we start off with the two halves already joined together. I added the rear hull plate and substituted a couple of handles made from brass wire bent to shape, instead of the kit's rather thick ones. Dragon did a half ways decent job of the engine cooling slats, but left one off. So I left the kit part off and added two slats from thin card. Up the other end of the hull, like most kit manufacturers of this time, Dragon left off the eight bolt heads which secure the FDH to the lower hull. So using my Waldron Punch and Die set, I punched out the sixteen bolt heads and glued them in place. That's it for now. Hopefully some more tomorrow. Thanks for looking. John.
  5. A very useful book, if it's still available, is the Osprey book on the M3/M5 by Steve Zaloga. Several articles in there for about half dozen tanks. John.
  6. Yes, sorry, I should have made that a bit clearer. It's a good kit, with plenty of detail, especially in the turret. If I was to level any criticism at it, then it would be the plastic that it's moulded from. It's quite soft. John.
  7. I built this kit some years ago, and I think that you will find it an interesting build. John.
  8. Yes, I really want to see how this turns out. At some point, I'll probably pick up one of these, though without an interior. John.
  9. Not a bad kit at all. I built this one with a replacement turret (ie; a horseshoe type) some years ago. Apart from a couple of minor issues such as the fins on the road wheels and the idlers being a little under done, it's a good kit. I've got the A1 kit as a back up, in case a miracle happens, and I actually finish a build for a GB with time to spare. John.
  10. A couple that I built a few years ago. The first is a New Zealand Royal Artillery M3. This is based on the Academy kit, but with a replacement horseshoe turret. And the second one is a Stuart Vl (M5A1 Late). This is finished as a tank operated by the Czech Independent Brigade Group, using the AFV Club kit. Sorry, couldn't find a bigger photo. John.
  11. So my choice for this GB is the AFV Club, 1/35th scale M4A3, or as it was known in UK service, the Stuart V. Just a few words about the tank itself. One of the drawbacks of the M3 and the M3A1, was the lack of space in the turret. This was remedied by putting a bustle onto the rear of the turret and putting the radio in it, thus making more space. Other changes were a new hull, similar to the M5, but with sloping sides, and a change of power plant. Not 100% sure of my facts, but I believe the aero engine of the previous M3's was dropped, in favour of a Cadillac V8. Although an improvement over the previous M3's, it didn't find much favour with the US military. Therefore most of the M3A3's went to the UK and other allies. As AFV's kits contain most of what you want, the only AM item that I will be using is the etched brass set from Eduard. So, roll on one weeks time. John.
  12. Morning Enzo. We already have this thread running in the Future GB section. Can you transfer the items over, or do you want me to re-post them here? John.
  13. Good job on an unusual vehicle. Now take it down to the car wash! John.
  14. That is very good, (and scary). The painting is excellent. Well done. John.
  15. One of the most unusual A/C's that I've seen, but you've done an excellent job on it. The painting and weathering are first class. Good work. John.
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