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Alex Gordon

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    Woodhall Spa-Home Of 627 Squadron

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  1. Further to the above it hasn't happened again but I have revisited the link.It seems to have something to do with Notifications.A Like showed up the usual green circle and the mystery page has altered to the following Now we know what it relates to for what it's worth.
  2. A quick Google gives this https://resolutionhobbies.com/ for the website. Best of luck from this end .
  3. Give them a go and see how you get on.I did and got mixed results but I was handling them like I would enamels.Some of the kids I have taught over the years have got good results,far better than any of mine. Thinning and brush cleaning was with some goop called Nilglass which is a mix of IPA,Caustic Soda and water and didn't work with my age old pot of Humbrol clear red.
  4. I was reading this thread https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235149433-172-various-aircraft-types-clear-out/ when this page came out of nowhere uncommanded I've copied the address https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/?app=core&module=system&controller=ajax&do=instantNotifications&csrfKey=c7952cb7852f550669799fb04ab68b51&notifications=0&messages=0 and taken screenshots of the other available bits on the page It happened about 20 minutes before this one and also as I was typing this line at 18:22.
  5. From the BM Walkaround https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/71778-hawker-siddeley-hawk/
  6. As Graham says it is a fuel tank mounted on the centreline.The gen on the aircraft can be found here http://www.airhistory.org.uk/spitfire/p054.html LA561 Seafire 46 SM G87 FF 22-1-47 fitt skid indicator trial install RNAS Anthorn 3-3-47 and there is a profile in Warpaint 20 Griffon Seafires which bears out Troys line,never trust a profile without a photo. The colours of the tank and rocket mountings I couldn't tell you.
  7. I'm considering that conversion in 1/48th.Canopy rails,aft canopy glassware,no cockpit door,cockpit pressurisation compressor intake would about cover the exterior and various mods to the cockpit interior to represent the pressurised cockpit.The extended wingtips would depend on which airframe and when,likewise the colour scheme.
  8. There are teeth on both sides of both sprockets,the only reason the teeth aren't there on one of them is that I lost the relevant bit and had to make a replacement. The build thread for mine is here https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234956435-airfix-churchill-in-176th-scalefinished/ .Feel free to half inch any of my little wheezes ,I've likely pinched them from elsewhere and that's why I've posted them.
  9. I ended up using a couple of lengths of thin wire and drawing the ends together in situ.
  10. It may have something to do with the little intake just below the windscreen
  11. G'day Chums,a handful to show this time. The year started with my first Arma kit,the basic version of the 1/72nd TS11 Iskra,which took a bit of work but went together well.The RFI is here https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235136951-arma-hobby-ts-11-iskra-bis-df-in-172nd-scale/ . The F 84 Group Build was fun and yielded this Hobbyboss 1/72nd offering.The build thread is here https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235135978-hobbyboss-f-84-g-in-172nd-scalefinished/ . Alongside that the WW2 Twins GB was on the go for which I had a more involved time than anticipated with a Mistercraft 1/72nd Me 262 B-1a,build thread here https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235134876-mistercraft-me-262-b-1a-in-172nd-scalefinished/ . The Baby Boomers GB was suddenly upon us for which I built the Airfix 1/72nd MiG 17 https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235137018-airfix-mig-17-in-172nd-scalefinished/ and the Airfix 1/48th Spitfire XIV as an XVIII https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235138125-airfix-spitfire-xviii-in-148th-scalefinished/ . As a part of my ongoing one of each Spitfire project I refurbished the Airfix 1/48th Spitfire Vc that I knocked together some 20 years ago,the RFI is here https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235144949-airfix-spitfire-vc-in-148th-scale/ . Another rework job was this Airfix old tool 1/72nd Buccaneer,the RFI is here https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235145678-airfix-old-tool-buccaneer-in-172nd-scale/ . The Classic Airfix GB was big and varied in its content,my contribution was Davie the 54mm 42nd Highlander,build thread here https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235141495-airfix-42nd-highlander-in-54mm-scalefinished/ . The final offering for this year was a Frog 1/72nd Mustang with a difference,the RFI is here https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235147101-dazzle-cam-frog-mustang-in-172nd-scale/ . My thanks to all who looked in and encouraged and once again to Mike and the Mod team without whom we'd all have no place to play.
  12. In the same way that Vice Versa isn't dirty poetry.
  13. The Seafire 46 was a contraprop too. Photo found here https://www.armedconflicts.com/Supermarine-Seafire-Mk-46-t109936
  14. I tried a homebrew one in my Airfix Black Watch build earlier this year using a Ferrero Rocher box,a dishcloth and the paper that covers the front of a decal sheet. The moisture level has more to do with keeping the lid on when not in use and stopping it drying out rather than wicking through the paper,I also used a piece of polythene sheet with some success to do the same job. The whole tale can be found in this build thread https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235141495-airfix-42nd-highlander-in-54mm-scalefinished/ .It was a very useful way of doing things and I will use the same thing again somewhere along the line. Hope this is of use.
  15. There's a thread on Army Rumour Service that gives a bit of gen https://www.arrse.co.uk/community/threads/m1-carbine-in-ruc-service.311503/ . I don't recall if there is any ripe language to be wary of.
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