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About davecov

  • Birthday 12/30/1958

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    Stow, Scottish Borders
  • Interests
    Travel, Photography, Modelling, Painting, Reading.

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  1. As well as traditional clamps, I also use quilting/embroidery clips, used to hold material together before sewing. They give just enough grip without damaging or bending the plastic and much easier to use: I find them particularly good for smaller parts, trailing edges etc. You can buy them from various places but here are some on Amazon. Dave
  2. Another little update. The rash I had disappeared just before Christmas, thanks to the antihistamines. I had a review with the Rheumatology Clinic consultant on 21st January and he is pleased with my progress. He confirmed that I won't be taking any other medication for it - apart from painkillers when necessary. He was interested to see what my next set of blood tests will reveal as my last blood tests were in November and my white blood cell count and platelet level were low. Coincidentally, two weeks ago, I received a phone call from the Health Centre saying that my GP wanted me to give another blood sample. This was arranged for yesterday, the 28th January, and I got the results this morning. My white blood cell count and platelet level are still a bit low. However, I was told that my iron levels are now normal and I no longer need to take any medication. My other meds have also been stopped apart from that which I am currently taking for Type 2 Diabetes and my painkillers. It is really good news as I feel far better now than I have done for eighteen months. I do still have issues with the RA but they are manageable - as long as I don't do anything silly. After last year's rather trying times health-wise, I have decided that I need a holiday and so, in a couple of weeks, I will be spending a week in Copenhagen. Dave
  3. My builds of the Airfix 1/32 Sd Kfz 250/3 Rommel's Half Track (06360-7) I last built one of these in 2012 as Rommel's Greif - At the end of 2024 I decided it was time to build another one, this time in the alternative Russian Front scheme. Straightforward builds, I replaced the kit tracks in the second build with Heavy Hobby 1/35 Tracks A. Although slightly smaller in scale, a little fettling of some of the teeth allowed them to fit nicely. I also bought some aftermarket Jerry Cans but annoyingly, they were too big so I had to make do with the kit parts. Dave
  4. I have been having the same problem on a Windows 11 desktop and a Windows 11 laptop both using Edge and Firefox with both displaying the message Mike has been getting. BTW, when I get that error message, clicking on it shows the "more activity". On a Samsung Smartphone using a Samsung browser I do not get error messages, just extremely slow loading pages. Dave
  5. Have fun, Pat. I have built both versions of the Avia Cockle over the past two years and it is an almost straightforward build. I did discover a problem with the large beaching wheels though in that the top of them rubbed against the forward wing struts. My solution was to move the location of the wheels back a millimetre or so and glue small discs of plastic to the rear of the wheels to bring them out from the fuselage slightly - Cockle Wheels. Dave
  6. davecov


    Wishing you all health, wealth and happiness in 2025. Happy New Year. Dave
  7. Very nice build.👍 I am building one of these at the moment and if it turns out half as good, I will be very happy. Dave
  8. Yes it is. I also have a boxed version as you can see here on Scalemates. Dave
  9. Thank you. 👍 My bus didn't come with glazing and I also have a boxed Merit version in my stash that doesn't have glazing either . However, this one was a blister packed kit and I used the plastic from that for the glazing. . Dave
  10. Another quirky Avis kit, this time it is the Avis 1/72 Stout Skycar_II (72040) An OOB brush-painted build. Dave
  11. Most of my struggles this year have been away from the modelling bench but I have still managed to knock out an eclectic bunch of builds. My build of the Merit Hobby HO/OO 1927 Maudslay ML3 Single-Deck Bus (5133) An enjoyable OOB build. My build of the Merit Hobby HO/OO Horse-Drawn Delivery Van (5132) An enjoyable OOB build. My build of the Airfix 1/72 Airco DH4 1918 (01079) My build of the Airfix 1/32 Jaguar XKR GT3 (A03410) My build of the Airfix 1/72 Sopwith Pup (01062-1) I had lots of problems with the decals that were very poor due to their age. I couldn't resolve issues with the fuselage roundels and rudder decals. My build of the Heller 1/72 AMX 30/105 (71221) As this was a quick OOB build, I didn't bother to scratch-build turret stowage baskets. The kit tracks were awful and devoid of detail. I replaced them with cut-down Sherman tracks. My build of the Hauler 1/72 Morris Mk.II (HLP72031) A nice little kit but it was fiddly, seeing as it is just over two inches long. I added stowage for some flimsies, added a gunner, added a brass rod aerial, and added an exhaust. My build of the Novo 1/72 Bleriot XI (F173) The rigging inside the fuselage was difficult because the fuselage sides and floor were moulded in one piece. If they had been separate then life would have been so much easier. Even so, it was a very satisfying build. My build of the Airfix 1/72 Folland Gnat (116) A brush-painted build. Decals were not very good which is not surprising given the age of the kit. I replaced the fin flashes and roundels with aftermarket ones. My build of the Airfix 1/72 DHC Chipmunk T10 (01054-0) A brush-painted build. Decals were not very good which is not surprising given the age of the kit. I replaced the fin flashes and roundels with aftermarket ones. My build of the Avis 1/72 Short S.1 Cockle (BX 72031) An OOB build, painted with a hairy stick. My build of the Airfix 1/72 RNLI Shannon Lifeboat (A55015) I made quite a few changes to the basic kit and added RNLI figures from Scale3D. Flags were spare decals from a Severn Lifeboat kit. I used Humbrol and Xtracolor enamels and not the Starter Set acrylics. My build of the Airfix 1/37 Quick Build Transport for London New Routemaster (J6050) An enjoyable diversion from traditional modelling. I did think about painting the lights and mirrors but in the end I decided to leave it as it is. My build of the Heller 1/24 Renault 4 CV (80762) A rather frustrating build caused mainly by the rear parcel shelf refusing to sit correctly when joining bodyshell to chassis. Rather than use my normal lacquers for the chrome, I used Molotow Chrome markers. My build of the Airfix 1/72 Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress (585) This was intended to be an OOB build but it ended up being a bit more involved. The tail was modified to a Cheyenne tail, and the starboard waist window was moved back opposite the port window. I also removed the rivets. I applied Kits-World decals but they were useless and I had to resort to using the kit decals. My build of the Avis 1/72 Stout Skycar_II (72040) An OOB, brush-painted build. Dave
  12. My build of the ancient Airfix 1/72 Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress (585) This was intended to be an OOB build but it ended up being a bit more involved. The tail was modified to a Cheyenne tail, and the starboard waist window was moved back opposite the port window. I also removed the rivets. I applied Kits-World decals but they were useless and I had to resort to using the kit decals, which necessitated the painting of Miss Lace's dress red. Dave
  13. As a result of a 25-minute telephone appointment with the Rheumatology Clinic consultant yesterday, I will not be resuming the taking of Sulphasalazine or trying any other immuno-suppressors either. He has seen a big reduction in my Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms over the past year and thinks I can do without them. To be honest, I think I can too, providing my condition stays as it is. My blood results are the same as last month with no problems with kidney or liver and the rash I have should disappear within a week - providing I keep taking the antihistamines. I have a review with the consultant in January but unless my Rheumatoid Arthritis conditions take a big turn for the worse, I won't be taking any medication for it, apart from painkillers occasionally. Dave
  14. Thanks, lads. Things have moved on since I wrote the previous post. The GP phoned earlier this afternoon to say that he has spoken to the Consultant at the hospital Rheumatology Clinic and as a result I have been prescribed antihistamines. An hour later, the Rheumatology Clinic phoned me to arrange a phone call appointment with the Consultant at 1220 on Thursday. Ten minutes after that, the Clinic phoned again to say that the Consultant wanted to phone me even earlier on Thursday at 0940. Of course, I agreed, although it all seems to be a bit of a blur at the moment! I will be getting another phone call later today to tell me the results of today's blood samples. I wonder what they will discover. In the meantime, my left arm is so swollen it looks like Popeye's! Dave
  15. I didn't think that I would be giving an update so soon after my last post. I finally started taking Sulphasalazine immuno-suppressers on 14th November but today I have been told to stop taking them as my body is reacting badly to them. Over the past two days I have been suffering headaches, sore throat, high temperature and a rash has broken out over my body. My legs in particular are in a bad way. The booklet I was given by the hospital said that I should report the symptoms to my GP straight away. As I had an appointment for bloods to be taken this morning, I mentioned my symptoms to the phlebotomist. After my bloods were taken, she reported my problems to one of the GPs straight away. She came back, took blood pressure and temperature readings and wrote a report for the GP who saw me within ten minutes. He took photos of the rash which was much worse than I had thought and he told me to stop taking the Sulphasalazine immediately. He wrote a report for the specialist at the hospital Rheumatology Clinic and I have to wait to hear from the Rheumatology Clinic about the next medication to try. He assured me that they will find the right medication eventually but until then, no more blood tests. Another disappointment especially as I had been waiting so long to get on this medication. On the positive side, the service I get from my village health centre has been excellent as usual. Also, my Rheumatoid Arthritis hasn't been as severe as it has been - and that has been without the Sulphasalazine. Rather ironic, really, but it has meant that I have been able to get some modelling done. Dave
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