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JOCKNEY last won the day on May 29 2021

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    West Highlands, Scotland

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  1. Hi mate Absolutely the links I received in the this thread and your article have been superb. I'm coming round to the idea of the aluminium dope colour, with kit supplied decals as I have absolutely no idea where I'd source the large orange Triangles from cheers Pat
  2. I've been fortunate enough to receive some superb links and information regarding these aircraft, please see link below Cheers Pat
  3. Delighted to see this one on the GB I built an Academy B-17 a while back and found the plastic was very brittle so hopefully your isn't the same I got to sit in a Catalina a while ago when one visited us locally, when I got a chance to take this picture of 2 "Cats" together Best of luck Cheers Pat
  4. I've found a few more modest examples of my own from previous GB's to join the excellent previous examples. Chinese P-38 Lightning Tamiya Nakajima KI-84 Hayate "Frank" 1/72 LS K5Y2 Willow 1/72 Cheers Pat
  5. Hi @Ed Russell & @mackem01 Great to have you with us. Anyone else tempted ? Cheers Pat
  6. Great stuff Nigel Delighted to see you and the Dakota in this GB Best of luck mate Cheers Pat
  7. Great stuff Cliff Best of luck with this one Cheers Pat
  8. Hi Jerzy I am away from home at the minute but I will post pictures for you when I get back. I got my kit from Evilbay very cheap as no-one else decided to bid for it Cheers Pat
  9. These aircraft were based in what is now Indonesia, previously the Dutch East Indies. They saw relatively little action against the Japanese before they met an unfortunate fate, in being deliberately wrecked by their own crews to prevent capture as they didn't have the range to escape from the forthcoming invasion. The camouflaged version shown in the picture above is a mixture of a one off paint job, but unfortunately applied to the wrong version of aircraft ! So I have a choice, go for the prewar aluminium dope finish with the Dutch segmented roundal markings or the hastily applied olive green top and sides with Dutch "Neutral Orange Triangles " which of course the kit doesn't come with If you have made this kit before or know anything about the aircraft I would love to hear from you Cheers Pat
  10. I found this previous link to info about this aircraft here on BM. The sad part is that the vast majority of them were destroyed by their own crews to avoid the Japanese getting them, as they lacked the range to get away from the incoming invasion ! The camouflage version looks like a bit of invention from Planet models as the real aircraft in one of the pictures on the excellent links is the earlier version, with open cockpit and gun positions. It would appear that later, post conflict with the Japanese the aircraft recieved olive green tops and sides and a switch to "Neutral Orange Triangles" which of course is a whole new can of worms Cheers Pat
  11. Blimey George, I feel even more inadequate now ! Well done mate Cheers Pat
  12. Hi @Rob K. The links are amazing, thank you. Cheers Pat
  13. Thanks very much @Hook and @KRK4m The links are brilliant Cheers Pat
  14. Hi @JTninja Have you done any more since we last heard from you ? Cheers Pat
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