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About RMP2

  • Birthday 07/13/1977

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    Cleethorpes, UK
  • Interests
    Cars, women, beer, music, planes, shooting.

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  1. That's both properly nice and interesting too. I hadn't realised that the early LAG underside Harriers got snow camo, only ever seen them in full wrap around. Top work all round. For what it's worth, I remember reading of folk fixing the nose and outrigger gear before the rear main, then lightly glueing the rear main gear and setting the model on its feet so the rear main gear finds its place by itself. If that makes sense. Lovely model regardless.
  2. There are a few publicity shots at airshows with the Martel in front of Jags, even the ALARM which surprised me a bit. I do wonder if the RAF Jags could in theory use the Martel at least given that it's pre programmed and essentially just needs pointing n lobbing in the right direction. It was considered on the FGR2 in case you weren't aware. But seems us Brits leave SEAD type stuff to the US. And don't bother at all with anti ship things anymore
  3. At least they haven't stuck the ALQ101 ECM pod on the lip of a main gear door. I'm taking that as a win.
  4. I love the Jaguar and am really pleased to see a new one out there especially in 48th. I look forward to the reviews and future releases of versions. I feel a little disappointment though in the lack of options like open panel details, afore mentioned tandem rails (a very Jag thing), and no sign of PE or extra detail or mask bits etc. Just seems a bit of a basic, but externally detailed kit with some bent wing options requiring aftermarket instantly. Unpopular opinion - I'll stick with a modded KH and be happy to be unpopular 🤷‍♂️
  5. Apparently, allegedly, both seats are in the box or so this guy says. Also theres a pointy nose option too....
  6. A DARIN III option would be a bit good, same for an Agave radar fitted jobby. Hope they got the pylons the right way around this time too!
  7. How incredibly surprising this news is, coming just 2 days after I snaffled another KH Jag.... 🤦‍♂️🤣 Nice one, Airfix, looking forward to seeing some reviews (and 20 quid coming off the price 😉)
  8. 1/72 available for preorder, due in January - https://air-graphics.uk/shop/ols/products/air72-030-raf-eurofighter-typhoon-squadrons-special Hope the 1/48 will be available around the same time too
  9. Like sayyyyy.... a 1/32 Jaguar?
  10. Do you know if they will be producing a 1/48 set too? I'm still after some II(AC) FGR4 stickers Edit.... Scratch that. Fantasy Printshop are doing the sheet in 1/48. Excellent news!
  11. They looked at the Jag and "considered it" apparently, then went and made their own. Bit like the over size F16 they knocked up
  12. The Soko J22 Orao has a fair bit of Jaguar look to it too, right down to the main gear
  13. Thanks very much
  14. Hmm. Not quite the rear ending he was hoping for!
  15. Would anyone happen to know anywhere that has the Tornado specific TERMA pod in stock in 1/48? All I can find is places out of stock. Hoping my google-foo is at fault there
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