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John Masters

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John Masters last won the day on May 28 2023

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About John Masters

  • Birthday 02/17/1965

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  • Location
    Paros, Greece
  • Interests
    Oh well...lots of stuff really.

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  1. Thanks Pat. They’re actually from the RSModels 406 kit. Someday I might try building that kit but it’s RSModels and I’ve not had great luck with them. But the decals look good.
  2. Here's my first entry. I have four to enter (three Dewoitine D500/501), but I am doing them one at a time. I discovered that to have 3-4 threads going on the same GB is a real headache photographically, so one at a time is best for me. Anyway... A venerable set of moulds, dating back to 1965, the year of my birth. 😃 Although the French decals are fine I will be using the Swiss set from the RS Model kit (perhaps not a good set of moulds, knowing RS...) This is their profile for the Swiss D-3800... decals... sprue... a bit of a closeup...😉 See you all tomorrow! --John
  3. Yep! That did the trick. Now the sprue is a nice steel-grey tone. Perfect. Thank you.
  4. Thank you. I'll try that. And thank you for the link!😀
  5. I tried it with scrap sprue and nothing happened. 15 minutes. Maybe the wrong mind of cleaner? Essentially Mr. Muscle or the equivalent. Thank you Martin. 😄 Thanks Keith. 😃 Thank you Cliff. It's a fun kit, and well designed, so far. This is what I have so far. I am waiting for the paint form the LHS to arrive in the post. Tomorrow or Saturday I think. Meanwhile I am trying to figure out what to load in the back. I have an idea, a bit unorthodox, but it might be able to sidestep the 1/24th scale dilemma. 1/35th scale stuff is way too small and that the largest I have for boxes, whatnot...I won't say what I have in mind. I have to do some reconnaissance on at a local tourist shop first...if I can find one that is open! 😉 --John
  6. This is where I am now. The chassis and motor are complete. Wheels are on. I have begun moving in the direction of the interior and the van areas. I will get some better images today but truthfully, I have to weather the chassis and motor first with some airbrushing and stuff. I looked at my friend's 2CV motor the other day and it is not a pretty sight. It was kind of grey, dirty, dusty...not this black and silver thing I have made. --John
  7. 😆😅
  8. Thank you. Yes...I'll do a test first.
  9. Also...is there a tutorial somewhere about how to make scale cardboard boxes? I'l check online too...
  10. One quick mention...this is an obviously very popular GB. So bravo! to the idea. I also noticed that aside from all the usual GB suspects lurking about there seems to be quite a few names I don't recognise. Bravo once again. It has attracted many hobbyists who normally don't hang around the military areas. This is a very good thing. 😁
  11. This is very nice. I'd like to stop in for a cuppa...
  12. Very nice Steve. With my Fourgnette, we'd make a pair. Will you load it up with anything?
  13. Looks very fun. Now I want one too...
  14. And little pots of mortar...
  15. The decision has been made...as you see. I am going for the French postal delivery 2CV, and my thinking it will be for a rural route. This gives me the opportunity to add a little dirt, dust and a splash of mud here and there. Box top as a reminder... This is the profile... Back parts, metallic parts, chrome parts... White and clear parts... Metal screws? Ok. No worries... I'll start with the engine. Not complicated... I wasn't really sure what to do with the C10/C15 parts (front axle)...how they fit, etc...I looked ahead to another panel and figured it out. As long as the axles are loose, it's ok. And notice they want to get the tires on the rims right away and quickly onto the axles. I really want to build the chassis and body first, then paint it all then add the wheels later. I am taking a chance. I hope this will be the case. I think once the chassis is painted properly, I will add the wheels. Front axle...first set of screws. The rear got some too. And the remaining 4 are for attaching the two axles to the frame. Primer grey is perfect for the wheels. The chassis is essentially built. The motor and the radiator with the fan too. I need to proceed carefully now. And the plastic is a little odd. Very soft. I'll wash the very nice rubber tires in some washing up liquid to dull them a bit. Then fit them with their wheels. Primer is next for the chassis. I think I'll stick with grey as the factory colour. I will actually order some Camel Yellow from the LHS so the body colour is correct. Question...I'm not keen on the chrome bits. I have seen others remove the chrome finish and replace it with a better paint tone. How do I remove the chrome finish? --John
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