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About IanC

  • Birthday 08/08/1964

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  • Location
    Berkshire, UK
  • Interests
    Planes, tanks, bikes

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  1. Great tip! 👍 I have the bridgelayer version in the stash so that's useful to know.
  2. IanC

    New here

    Welcome Alex. I had mine hanging on one wall in my bedroom like an enormous plastic butterfly collection. It looked quite good. 😀
  3. Nice. Brought to life by some excellent and well painted figures.
  4. Nicely painted but I'm not surprised they're out of the production. They're ridiculous.
  5. Neat paintwork there, Heather. The model is coming along nicely. Despite its faults, it looks Battle-y enough for me! 😀
  6. I love the commando figure. That was a great set with some really good poses. It's a shame the moulds for the 1/76 ones disappeared.
  7. Many modellers and wargamers of a certain age will recall how the Airfix Churchill instilled a degree of fear with its complex suspension system. In it's catalogue entry, Airfix trumpeted the fact that the kit comprised 'over 100 superbly detailed parts' but failed to mention that most of them were fiddly wheels and bogies. This made for a very tricky assembly and for many youngsters, including me, the results weren't pretty. Many years later, as part of my little 'vintage classics' project re-visiting the tank kits of my youth, I decided it was time to face the Churchill again! I made no attempt to add any detail or correct the flaws with the turret, most notably the lack of the armoured bulge around its base, but I did replace the skinny gun barrel with a metal aftermarket one I found in the spares. Crucially, this time round I actually managed to get the wheels and springs seated correctly. 🙂 I changed the markings too, to depict a tank from 'B' Squadron, 147 Regt RAC, 34th Tank Brigade. So, after several poor or stalled attempts in the past, I'm happy to have put the kit together as Airfix intended. A modelling ghost finally laid to rest! 😀
  8. I'm up for this, too. It'll be something small, Allied and running on tracks - probably. Thanks, Ian
  9. Superb so far! The subtle weathering suits a vehicle that's just off the ship.
  10. Lovely work Steve. How about a real peanut or sunflower seed in Mr Finch's beak? 😀
  11. That's a superb book. What saddens me is that in recent years the wrecks of both ships have been pilfered illegally by Chinese salvage teams. The ships are lying in shallow waters so it's too tempting for some.
  12. I agree with you Jeff. I'm sticking to 'like' and 'thanks', although I did just post a tick 'agreeing' with your post! 😄 I don't get the Father Ted reference, but then I'm more of an Alan Partridge fan (there is a connection...) At the end of the day, it matters not compared to the serious business of plastic bothering so I'm happy to let others do as they please. 🙂
  13. Welcome, Michael. I like Tamiya's bike kits too, although I wish they did a few more of the ones we actually ride! Ian
  14. There's just something about those big, old Monogram kits... This is one of the best I've seen. A superb result.
  15. Wow, that came out really well. Hat's off to you on another fine build!
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