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Keeff last won the day on March 6 2023

Keeff had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Leicestershire, UK
  • Interests
    WW2 history, learning new stuff, building kits

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Keeff's Achievements

Completely Obsessed Member

Completely Obsessed Member (6/9)



  1. The Italian Bob Hellfarters Ditty Harry The scone collector Harry Potter and the philosophers scone Harry Potter and the poisoner of azkerban
  2. Nutting Hill Sliding deers Lick, stick and two smirking barrels For a few donners more
  3. Keeff

    That's it four now

    Gibberish and other languages
  4. Lovely work .... I like it!👌 Keith ☺️
  5. Police Squid The Dimbusters
  6. Keeff

    That's it four now

    For my new patio
  7. Keeff

    That's it four now

    Of the rear springs
  8. Well, after several seconds in the kitchen .... Ta daaaah! Don't forget to share now!! Keith ☺️
  9. Now that appears to have come out well .... and it's yellow! Looks like I'd better get the cake out ...... 🤣 Keith ☺️
  10. Keeff

    That's it four now

    And crunchy peanut butter
  11. That last picture ...... what the? It's like AI has mashed all the images together ... it's a freak of flying! Keith ☺️
  12. Superb! Lots of detail and plenty to keep the interest .... Keith ☺️
  13. Thank you so much for the comments @Stef N., @FrancisGL, @Bullbasket, @Hamden and @Muchmirth .... they really are appeciated. For once, I sat and thought about where the mud would be flung by the tracks based on their direction of rotation ..... and where it would build up in the damaged side fenders. Still some weathering to complete ..... a bit of dust here and there and mud spatters ..... then the tracks to tackle! Keith ☺️
  14. Well, now I've caught up on this build I have to say that your rant is justified John .... for a kit that price, it should be right! Anyhow, back to the build itself, and it's a joy to see you working your magic and adding all the extra/missing details and finding the solution to the ill fitting parts ..... Looks like I'll have to keep following now! Keith ☺️
  15. Hello 👋 and a warm welcome to you! Keith ☺️
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