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Westland Wyvern S4 RFI - Trumpeter 1/72


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My latest completion is this unusual subject, the Wyvern.

Beauty or Beast, having stood in front of the exhibit at Yeovilton I can certainly confirm that it's an imposing aircraft.


After some dithering I succumbed to requests for the Suez Crisis scheme, WP337 flying from HMS Eagle's 830 Sqdn in 1956.



Sorry about the blurred shot and too late to replace now - it's on the ceiling!)
















Now on the ceiling to avoid knocking anything off:




Stynylrez white primer, Colourcoats enamels*, W&N Satin varnish and out of the box.

Quite a fiddly build with all the weapons and aerials but a nice kit. WiP thread here:


I guess, by the number of pictures in the RFI, I'm quite happy with it… :D 


*Edit: Apart from the Maroon - Revell SM331 enamel I 'inherited' from a friend of Mrs B's. The only Maroon I had.

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Thanks Alistair, Mark, Simon, Tojo, Bill, Ralph, Giorgio, Chris, Dr Q, Serkan, celt, Ben and Rob - very kind of you all :) 


14 hours ago, 72modeler said:

Very nice one, Ced! You nailed the maroon spinner and finlet color- what paint did you use for them, if I may ask?


Thanks Mike :) It's a tin of Revell SM331 enamel I 'inherited' from a friend of Mrs B's. The only Maroon I had.

Should have noted that in the post - now edited!


11 hours ago, Vinnie said:

Bravo, Ced. What a nice model. Can I ask what the offset tubes at the rear end of the torpedo are. Mines?

Thanks Vinnie :) 

They're Rocket Assisted Take Off Gear (RATOGs) - I'd never seen them before this build.

There's a BM discussion on them here and an interesting article about their use on HMS "Ocean" in the Korean War here.

The article says:

"…the name Korea means “Land of the Morning Calm” so windless mornings were not uncommon. With 1000lb bombs mounted more like 95 knots was needed so RATOG, (rocket assisted take off), was used instead of the catapult. Rockets were attached to the underside of the aircraft and the take off run was started from the stern of the ship. At a predetermined point on the take-off run you would fire the rockets and heigh-ho you hopefully found yourself up in the air. All good fair-ground stuff! The rocket carriers were jettisoned after take-off."

Wish I'd read that before the build - I should have left them off for an 'in flight' build :( 


I was also interested to note that that was the trip when "a flight led by Lt. Hoagy Carmichael shot down a Mig and so became the first and I believe only piston engine aircraft to shoot down a jet fighter. Hoagy was awarded the DSC." That's a model of his Sea Fury on the ceiling above and to the right of the Wyvern.

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2 hours ago, CedB said:

I should have left them off for an 'in flight' build


Jettison mechanism failure....!! :)


Another lovely build Ced, great work - and another fun build thread, my apologies for not posting more than 'likes', but been feeling a bit lethargic these past few days and typing has become more of a chore than usual.



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