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  1. Hi Ced , I?m also in here. Ha, this time from the start. More of course in mid June, when I will have finished with my colloqial ex am. Everything went well so far. Err, a typical Ced turbo build again?. Looks fine and busy so far Chhers Benedikt
  2. Helllo Ced, back here after quite while. So I may take my seat here in the back row. My written exams were done this week and hopefully I have a bit more time now. I know I have to read a lot here to bring me rather up to date. Oh ball turrets? A lot of masking to do. This is the Hasegawa one, correct?. Looks very convincing so far. Cheers Benedikt
  3. Hello, found this, but itis in german. maybe you can use the photos https://www.wettringer-modellbauforum.de/forum/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=66945 Cheers
  4. Hi Giorgio, looks great so far. Not much from me here in the last year. My exams knocking at the door now ( 4 Weeks to go). So more from me again in June/July hopefully. I have tio read a lot here then, I kwow. Cheers
  5. Hello, you may try this link: https://www.thewebernets.com/sdm_downloads/arizona-uss-1200-trumpeter-instruction-manual/ Cheers
  6. Yep Giorgio. That looks rather splendid. Cheers
  7. Hello G. Incredible good looking Mustang. Very busy. Fine work as usual. Cheers
  8. That really looks grand John. Exquisite work as usual. Cheers
  9. Hi Tony, just outstanding. Really hervorragend!. 2021 is leaving now slowly and I like to wish you and yours einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr. Hopefully a more relaxing one than this was. Cheers in 2022. Benedikt
  10. As above Giorgio. Great work and progress so far. Now christmas has arrived here and of course also a merry christmas to you and yours from me here. Stay safe and healthy all. Cheers Benedikt
  11. Glad to hear that. Also a merry christmas to you and of course to Ced too, if you see him. Cheers Benedikt
  12. Thank you Bill and yep all a bit confusing and challanging at the moment. We will see how it turns out Stay safe all. Cheers
  13. Thanks CC So I wasn't that hat wrong so far. Cool looking one in that colours and of course the co-driver with a cigarette Cheers
  14. Hi Bill, this is exactly the correct word for that. You could also say "Wunderschön", which expresses the same here. Have a merry christmas too, Cheers Benedikt
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