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Airfix 1/72 Lightning F.2A

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Good afternoon All, with apologies to the United States Marine Corps:  This is my Lightning, there are many like it but this one is mine.


The Airfix 1/72 EE Lightning F.2A built from the gift set boxing.  The decals in this boxing are a simplified set and do not include the prominent canopy cut marks.  Alas I do not trust my hand painting skills to make a neat job of yellow on black, so they are missing.  Apart from seat belts from foil and the forward undercarriage door links it is built out of the box.  Alclad Airframe Aluminium for the undersurfaces and Xtracrylix RAF Dark Green BS241 for the uppers.  Xtracrylix satin varnish to finish.














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A very nice and tidy build there, impressive even in that scale.


Just a minor observation mate, the serial under the left wing is upside down; the X is always outer, next to the roundel under each wing. But that doesn't detract from what is a cracking Lightning.

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1 hour ago, Lord Riot said:



Just a minor observation mate, the serial under the left wing is upside down; the X is always outer, next to the roundel under each wing. But that doesn't detract from what is a cracking Lightning.

Ha, ha, ha!  I was so careful to avoid just this mistake, so I soaked both decals at the same time and made sure one was the other way up from the other... then turned the aircraft round to apply them thereby ensuring I did exactly what I didn't want to!  Well it isn't for competitions, doesn't get displayed upside down and doesn't sit on a mirror, so it is what it is.

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