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drdjp11 last won the day on June 5 2022

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About drdjp11

  • Birthday October 27

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    Seattle WA
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    Looks like a busy 2024 with all those fun GBs.

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  1. "Make it yellow," they said, "but orangier..." Well, here we are...
  2. And some filler on the seams. And sanded down and a coat of AK grey primer/microfiller (yes, it looks green...) And a dry fit of the wings - quite a decent size.
  3. Also a great suggestion. I'll give that a try sometime. I presume you'd be using the thinnest CA so it would run in easier?
  4. Thanks, I'll definitely be looking into that, as I do have several interesting resin kits in the stash, but I've been leery about getting into them. I even have another one of these, as I thought I might mod one to a Travel Air 5000 at some point. In fact, epoxy might be the best approach for the wings, tails, struts, etc, as they will be coming up imminently.
  5. A bit more progress. I'm not liking the superglue the parts together and align them perfectly while you're doing it..
  6. Looks great! I love floatplanes and fling boats. Well done. Again, sorry to hear about the sciatica, it seems to be a common ailment among us modellers.
  7. More photos in progress. Painted the interior buff, because a light brown/beige seems to be about right. Instruments with a black under layer for some highlighting before it all goes together.
  8. A few more fiddly bits added and some interior primer
  9. Making some progress on this. First resin model, so pretty tricky.
  10. Getting around to colours other than olive drab... And here it is with the paint mule (an old Novo Morane Saulnier 406)
  11. Absolutely. I just had a setback with some Vallejo paint (so what's new?) and waiting on decals to arrive sometime this week, so one or to weeks would be great. Paint's not a disaster, but it didn't go well.
  12. Primer done, now time for the base colour.
  13. Mr Surfacer 1000 rattle can. Amazing stuff (but now I'm out of grey and almost black...)
  14. Took forever to get the seams sorted, but here we are.
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