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  1. Excellent work. What is the bomb load on the birds?
  2. Sweet. What colours did you used for cockpit?
  3. RE PE set i ment the one for Marcel Bloch MB.200
  4. They will fit. As they say if it dioesn't fit smoothly you must use a bigger hammer. I also think some PE parts from Extratech/Brengunn set will be usefull RE decals i hope the decal manufacturers will use the oportunity for a Battle of France sets (MB.210, DB-7, Maryland etc....). It would be time someones jumping in.
  5. They are a little gems. I bought them for some of my projects including Heller MB 210
  6. What would be dive brake interior of early A-24's used in Oz and Java NEI by 92nd BS, 27th BG (L). IRRC they were ex SBD-2's repainted in OD/NG
  7. Also used with B-57G with extended fuses 4 in the bomb bay IIRC. In 1/72 they were produced by Eduard
  8. Definitly nicer and you get a doggo with it
  9. 1/72 they are produced by Flightpath (David J. Perkins) in white metal https://davidjparkins.com/product/trolley-accumulator-set/
  10. Another shot of wheel bay doors. Is that a small fillet on the wing fuselage joint? Blenheim Mk V of No.114 Squadron:
  11. Sweet. What colours did you use?
  12. A6A models is repop of Skale wings kit. Skale wings also produced set of folded wing & canopies that IRRC had this issue corrected. https://www.scalemates.com/kits/skale-wings-vs-72002-folded-wings-skyraider--1089240
  13. Just a question RE A&A kit. Should it have armour plates on the wing bottoms like Hasegawa?
  14. Damn Wurgers will worm into anything
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