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About Wez

  • Birthday December 29

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    Cold War military aircraft, geology, punk, beer!

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  1. OK, count me in, I don't know what with yet although in theory it should be a short, sunburnt, ginger haired Tommy as my maternal grandpa was in that area with the Ox & Bucks, it won't be, I have enough trouble painting aircraft let alone doing figures.
  2. @Enzo the Magnificent @Selwyn isn't this right up your strasse?
  3. Let us know how you get on with it. I'm fascinated by it and use it whenever I go somewhere new, I just like knowing what I can hear.
  4. So I believe, never heard or seen one this side of the Channel, generally don't hear them until we get south of the Loire.
  5. Ha! You spotted that! No we were in various parts of France, starting in Morbihan near Vannes, before moving further around the coast then onto Nantes, then we headed west back to the coast, île de Noirmoutier, further down into the Vendée,the Marais-Poiteven then île D'Oleron and other places in the Charente-Maritime before heading back north. To be fair, it's only really the Golden Oriele, Stork and Hoopoe that I considered to be the exotic species, pretty much all of the rest we get at home. We live near the Itchen and have seen Snowy Egrets there, they've been overwintering at Testwood Lakes between Southampton and Romsey for some years now, they get about a bit. Around us is pretty verdant, we get Blackbird, Blackcap, Goldcrest, Woodpeckers and Tawney Owls around our way, I haven't tried the Merlin app out in our garden yet, must do that one evening or early morning before setting off for work.
  6. That's very kind and very helpful of you, many thanks.
  7. Sign me up, got a WHIF I've been meaning to do for years.
  8. The T.4 had the uprated engine fitted to it, seen very much as a hot rod version of the clockwork mouse. The uprated engine required extra cooling which was provided by larger intakes on the upper spine, the same as fitted on the T.5. Likewise, the T.4 addressed some control issues found on the earlier Mks which introduced the same elevator balance horns as found on the later T.5. In short, the Airfix kit is a T.3/3A not a T.4.
  9. Over the past few days we've seen Stork and Marsh Harriers. On the birdsong front, plenty of Hoopoe, Turtle Dove, Blackcap and this morning, Golden Oriele at last, didn't think I'd get to hear one but this morning there were 3 of them, the nearest one leading the call and two others responding from different directions.
  10. Have Airfix provided the additional upper fuselage intakes and the correct tailplane's for the T.4 in this boxing? They're the same as found on the T.5, not as found on the T.3.
  11. Such a shame, I hoped she was going to make an appearance at one of the Olympic ceremonies. The news gets worse though, Gaps Henderson of the Selecter has also passed, the 2-Tone scene had a big impact on my youth. RIP Gaps...
  12. Heard then saw a Hoopoe flitting between the trees, so that's one off the mental list. Also saw a Zitting Cisticola which sounds like either a painful affliction or an insult. The bird itself is a tiny thing the size of a Blue Tit but emits a rather loud and piercing pip type sound.
  13. If you're talking about Phaedra...
  14. Talking of great Clash covers... I'm also a fan of the Nouvelle Vague version.
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