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Pete in Lincs

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Pete in Lincs last won the day on May 18

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About Pete in Lincs

  • Birthday 23/04/1954

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  • Interests
    Aircraft, cars, Sci Fi, films, all in no particular order

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  1. A lovely model of a very interesting Aircraft.
  2. So good news and bad. I hope the review comes soon. Best wishes Mate.
  3. Very nicely done ilyushin, Peter. Lots of interesting information in the build thread too. I only ever built the kit once, and was astounded at how badly the parts fitted together. I admire your persistence.
  4. I saw that Pontiac on the bay but the price went past my comfortable limit. I got the Chevelle instead. The Prestige kits usually have optional parts. That base should have a pen holder included so you can build the model and display it on your desk!
  5. On the way by carrier pigeon. I put two sugars in the tea but forgot to stir it.
  6. I imagine that spawned other silly books. I remember reading one about pygmy Giraffes. It was a short story.
  7. So I've noticed. Only a few years ago at work, part of the daily maintenance was to clean your truck windscreen with a yard brush. Nowadays the screens stay fairly smear free. Same with the car.
  8. Thanks chaps. The body shell finally got to the point of being ready for primer. So it's now grey. Inside, the steering wheel was so low it touched the seat, and the seats were so far forward that there was no room for legs. I've modified the seats so they go back to the bulkhead. And raised the wheel but there still isn't a lot of room in there. Saves me having to make pedals at least!
  9. I do have parts to make a 'wooden' tailgate. I just have to figure out hinges and catches etc. It's all just placed in position at the moment. nothing is glued. I don't have a spare wheel as I could only find four of that style in the spares box. If I had one it would go on the cab roof. The Tilly will be painted. The present finish is temporary. Don't forget this is 800 years in the future. It could be 3D printed for all I know.
  10. What would you say to a little update? Hello little update perhaps? Here's Helmut trying to look all casual and butch next to the sanded down Tilly. This is from before I cut out the back end. I still have tidying up to do here underneath, but it's getting there, I think. All the brown bits were 1/35th truck parts. It did taper in towards the back, but once I cut out the number plate panel it sprang apart and the sides are almost straight now. I still haven't figured out the tailgate. The side panels need to be finessed slightly yet. Oh look, It fits! That should keep @rockpopandchips happy. Thanks for looking, Guys. Keep the comments (and dark chocolate Hob Nobs) coming (Postal address on request)
  11. From the bay, a '67 Pro Street Chevelle SS. Missing a small red tail light. But I found a replacement part in a spares box. I'd like to build it, but could be open to offers. There can't be many of them knocking about.
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