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Pete in Lincs

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Pete in Lincs last won the day on February 3

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About Pete in Lincs

  • Birthday 04/23/1954

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  • Interests
    Aircraft, cars, Sci Fi, films, all in no particular order

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  1. From what I've seen on a certain car restoration programme, known as a Popes' nose! And very rare nowadays.
  2. A very good point that a lot of modellers don't notice. Very nice Gustav's, Adam. And with dropped slats! In 1/72nd ! A proper detail! Just as they should be. More please
  3. Do you plan to wash and or sand the panels before primer? A rub down with micro mesh or really fine wet & dry will help the primer to grip. You then shouldn't get any peeling problems. After the primer is dry you can then repeat with a very light sanding to smooth it out. I've use a brand of plastic primer called Hycote for years now and not had problems by doing the above actions. Oh, yes, do warm the can & shake it until your arm hurts! Happy spraying.
  4. Bang bang bang bang (So did Baldrick)
  5. Very nice. A great paint job. Bring on the next one.
  6. Bring some crisps back, will you? Alan, great to see you back doing proper stuff. I have a part started Bat bike and sidecar gathering aeons of dust here. Please send a box of brave pills. I might have a gander at it then and do something besides ignore it. That cleat on the front needs turning 90 degrees and gaining Bat 'wings' much betterer, and damn wot it should look like! Warm up the Bat goop and carry on, Sir.
  7. Bought for next Christmas (Father Jack's brick, was an actual brick!)
  8. I love my brick! (Drink!)
  9. I like your scratch building creativity.
  10. Well, I gotta slug?
  11. Maybe the whip needed to be sharpened? (Nobody wants a blunt whip)
  12. A great model of a great Helicopter. I like the name too. Tree stumps were apparently a great danger (besides everything else) to Huey's in Vietnam. I love the sound of a Huey's rotor.
  13. Add libs, so distracting
  14. Mike, the different phases of the build will make it even more interesting . The detail level that you are aiming for certainly has my attention. It's the little things that can make the difference.
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