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  1. Hi WESSEX experts- I want to find out about the winch hydraulic hoses that are attached to the fuselage - there two rows of three connectors & I notice on some aircraft the three hoses are connected to the top three connections & on others the reverse is the case - can anyone throw some light on this? - is either option correct? thanks Chris
  2. I thought it prudent to update the original first post of this thread to save people having to hunt through multiple pages to find pricing, and other details. As new parts come online I will update this 1st post to include all the relevant details. Please note that I will be updating the pricing as of 1st Jan, 2024. I'm trying to keep pricing fair, but also recognizing that it is taking a fair bit of effort and time to fulfill these orders - much more than I had anticipated. Even with the price increase I still believe these sets are good value for money. Where possible I try to throw in a few spares and some other small gizzits. Set A: The engine bay Gnome engines X2 Lower bay firewall Upper bay firewall Battery tray Blue electrical box X2 Reservoir (at least that's what I think it is) Exhaust X2 Nose Door bulkhead Set B: the Other Greeblies Beetleback Cabin Bulkhead Cabin sliding door stop Fuel Filler caps x 2 Loadmasters rail Rescue hoist & hook Nitesun, control box, & junction box SACRU Undercarriage strengthening plates x 2 Wheel chocks x 4 Set C The transmission area Reservoir (stbd) Main rotor head Main rotor gearbox Oil filter (stbd) MRGB torque link Winch hatch stop Reservoir (fwd bulkhead) Cooling fan Cooling fan pulley U Frame Rotor brake Crossbeam Set D The cockpit Center console with fuel cocks etc. Rotor brake lever (2 supplied) Roof console Floor mounted servo valve (3 supplied) Fitted just forward of the cyclic control Rear bulkhead console with map light Pilot seats (2 supplied) *** EDIT*** photos of the seats to be added later I haven't written any instructions for installation as for the most part, it's self explanatory, but if you have any questions, post them here and I'll answer them Pricing. I've tried to keep things as simple as possible here. WSX72 Set A US$15.00 WSX72 Set B US$15.00 WSX72 Set C US$15.00 WSX72 Set D US$10.00 (To be confirmed - test printing in progress) I may offer just the main rotor gearbox and rotor head in 1:72 as a separate item. PM me if you are interested. WSX48 Set A US$17.50 WSX48 Set B US$17.50 WSX48 Set C US$17.50 WSX48 Set D US$12.00 Postage and packing to the UK will be US$20 (about £16.50 of your British pounds at current rates). This will be unchanged for 2024 (unless USPS put their prices up) This postage charge also works for the EU, but for other locations, I'll need to check and get back to you. PM me with your requirements if you are interested and I'll get back to you. I won't take any payment until I've printed your order and it's ready to be mailed. Hendie ====================================================================================== Original post starts here As most of you may be aware, I have a bit of history with the Wessex and have built one or two on this forum. Over the years I have amassed a number of solid models of Wessex bits, various. Over that time I have made some of those parts available on my Shapeways store but have decided to now make them available via BM. Shapeways prices have got out of hand recently and I can provide a much better deal for end users by printing those parts myself (provided the postage rates don't skyrocket again). At this stage I haven't decided on pricing yet but thought I should start this thread anyway in order to start showing what is going to be available in the way of Wessex sundries from Hendie's Haberdashery Hemporium. Regarding scale, all of the parts will be available in 1/48 with some also available in 1/32, and some in 1/72 where possible. I have a full Italeri 1/48 Wessex in the stash along with bits of a 1/72 kit from the same manufacturer, so designing for those kits is no problem. my Fly Wessex is in th dsiplay cabinet so it's impossible to take any worthwhile dimensions from that kit so any nw parts will need input from BM'ers with access to Fly's monstrosity. Also undetermined at the moment is whether I should offer all parts individually or create sets of parts (much easier to manage from a "who gets what and how many of each" perspective). This is a work in progress therefore I'm going to post a bunch of screenshots to show where everything is at present. As things develop, I'll update the thread to show which parts are available in which scales and post photos of the bare nekkid printed parts. I always try and be as accurate as I can when designing something but inevitably some compromise has to be made for scale effect (and sometimes, I just get things plain wrong!) Lets begin with something simple - and a part that Italeri has never got right. The cabin bulkhead. This is shown with the fire extinguisher and crash axe. They may be printed integrally with the bulkhead, or I may supply them as separate parts for ease of painting - not yet decided. SCALE: 1/48 & 1/72 Next up is the molders nemesis, the Wessex Beetleback. Italeri made a right hash of this in both scales and if I remember correctly, Fly didn't do a great job of it either. As you can see in these shots, the vents are present (and as correct as I can get them given the scale) SCALE: 1/48 & 1/72 A couple of gnomes for the Wessex enthusiast. These will be parts of a larger set to include the firewalls (coming up next) . Yes, one of the gnomes has the turbines rotating incorrectly - I've already fixed that but forgot to take a screenshot. These look fairly good simply painted up but adding some home brewed piping will really make these things a focal point of a build. SCALE: 1/32, 1/48, & 1/72 The firewall assembly. This will require some fettling to fit into Italeri's abomina Wessex in 1/48, but a little care and attention with lots of dry fitting should see the job done. I'm still working on that upper section with the electronics doobries SCALE: 1/48 This is just a teaser shot to show the gnomes fitted into the firewall. Busy, busy, busy. Nose door interior. Once again this will require a decent bit of fettling and being honest, it's not the easiest part to fit - I'll show photos of my endeavours when I get a chance Latches for the nose door SCALE: 1/48 Nitesun. This is proving to be a little bit of a challenge. The actual design is easy - getting the scale to look right is causing me conniptions. I got the dimensions right from the Nitesun website but when I scale it for 1/48 it looks tiny against Italeris 1/48 fuselage, but looks about right for 1/72 scale - based on comparing various photos. Input from the BM collective Wessex Gurus will be required on this one. In 1/72 the mounting bracket is very fragile so that may become a separate part, or left for the modeler to manufacture, along with the tripod. SCALE: 1/48, 1/72 Nitesun Junction Box SCALE: 1/48, 1/72 Nitesun Control Box SCALE: 1/48, 1/72 If you have had the misfortune so stumble across any of my Wessex threads, you will know that there's also a main rotor gearbox (MRGB), rotor head, tail rotor fittings, seamless exhausts, tail wheel casting, winch, and even a SACRU. I shall add screenshots of those later and once I get everything printed I'll update the post with photos All feedback and suggestions welcomed FYI - the last time I posted something to the UK (a few weeks ago) it cost in the region of $18 and change for a small parcel so I'd figure on about $20 for postage and packing.
  3. I've been searching the internet for some time now trying to locate some decent photos of the transmission deck - the area that houses the main rotor gearbox and a few other goodies. All to no avail, unfortunately. I'm aware of the wessex walkaround on YouTube, but the quality is too poor to glean any useful information. I'm also aware of the Helicopter Museum restorations, and while those are among the best photos I've found, their resolution is too small to be useful. Does anyone have good quality shots of the transmission deck area that can share?
  4. Sikorsky H-34 US & Canadian Service (MKM144145) 1:144 Mark I Models Developed and manufactured by rotary wing aviation pioneers Sikorsky, the H-34 Choctaw was ubiquitous throughout most of the Cold War, even in Great Britain where it was re-engineered and re-branded as the Westland Wessex. First flying in the mid-50s, it saw widespread service with many nations including the US military in various versions from military transport (passenger and cargo) to Coastguard and even civilian uses. Powered by a piston-engined Wright Cyclone engine, it was a versatile airframe that lent itself to many tasks, one of which was the carriage of VIPs by the Marines. It was used in a huge range of other operational tasks too, with many operators, including the UK and America’s near neighbour Canada. Whether it was in Navy use, Marines, Air Force or as an air-sea rescue chopper, and whether it was known by the name Choctaw, Wessex or H-34, it was a capable helicopter that was well-regarded by passengers and crew alike. It saw extensive service with the Marines in Vietnam where it was usually painted a camouflage green, but in other uses where visibility could be an advantage it was painted in much brighter, some might say garish liveries that made it stand out. The Kit This is the first boxing of a new 2022 tool from Mark I, and it arrives in a small end-opening box with a profile of one of the decal options on the front, and all the options on the rear. Inside is a single re-sealable clear foil bag containing two sprues of grey styrene, a separate Ziploc bag containing the clear sprue, the decal sheet and instruction booklet printed on folded A4 in colour, with profiles on the back page. Detail is good, especially considering the small scale, with alternative parts for some options. Construction begins with the cockpit, which is based upon an L-shaped floor and rear bulkhead, with moulded-in seats and central console, to which you add the control columns and the instrument panel, with a decal provided to add detail. This is inserted into the starboard fuselage half along with a pair of side windows, a task that is repeated on the port side before the two halves are joined. An alternative nose is included for the port side of one decal option, which would require the removal of the front of the fuselage before joining. There are two underside inserts that are used in conjunction with different detail parts to create the three options that depend on which aircraft you are building. Two decal options also have a different side door layout that is achieved by removing the kit door from the fuselage side and replacing it with a new part, which will be best done by cutting an undersized hole followed by plenty of test-fitting as you adjust it by gradual sanding. The canopy closes the fuselage, and that is made from three portions, the main windscreen and roof and two side windows with blown centres. The stabiliser slots into the tail fin, with a tail wheel beneath it, then you have a choice of two styles of main gear legs, one with two struts and flotation gear on the wheel hubs and lower strut. The other has an A-frame on the lower leg with a support that links to just below the cockpit windows, and both options share the same wheels, the hubs covered with the cylindrical fairing for the flotation equipped bird. A winch is fixed over the starboard side door for three decal options, made from three parts with a fairing behind it that is replicated on the opposite side, then for two of the decal options a two-part additional fuel tank on a mount is installed, the location for which is shown in a scrap diagram nearby. The tail rotor is a single part, while the main rotor consists of a rotor head and four separate blades, which if you are depicting your chopper on the ground should have a little droop added. This can be done by taping the blades evenly to a bowl and running hot water over them, allowing them to cool naturally or with cold water to freeze their shape before removing the tape. Markings There are four decal options on the sheet, and that includes a series of grille decals around the nose and under the rotor-head, plus the afore mentioned instrument panel decal for added realism. From the box you can build one of the following: The decals are printed in good registration, sharpness and colour density, split into subjects by dotted lines, with a number of stencils provided despite the small scale. Conclusion Another great small-scale release from Mark.I of this almost ubiquitous early Cold-War helicopter in US and Canadian service, complete with some colourful markings options. Highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  5. I've actually forgotten when started building this kit, whether is was before I after university, so lets say almost 30 years in the making. I started as a Revell owned Matchbox release so all grey plastic. Thanks to an excellent conversion article in Airfix magazine Vol1/#6 Feb 1989 and subsequently a super walkaround in (IIRC) Aviation News I made a start on the conversion as well as adding a lot of small detail and improvements. Here's a run down of the work done: * Removed and rescribed the raised panel lines. * Crash-moulded air-scoops, hatch handles/hinges from stretched sprue * Grab handles from wire * Modified pipework on underside to match the HAR2 more closely * Fuselage windows squared off and replaced with crash mould glazing. * Front windscreen re-glazed and framed. * Side windows replaced with crash-moulded examples to pose open. * Airwaves PE used for grills and cockpit detail * Added extra detail to the rotor hub * Winch detail - I could have improve the housing as it's very simplified * floatation gas bottles * Spot lights * Aerials, so many aerials! Over the years I added the 4+ book which has some lovely scale drawings and more recently the Haynes book which helped me redo the rotor head detail. The excellent ModelDecal sheet #95 which provides a number of Rescue Wessexes and HC2/HU5s. I can't recommend this sheet enough as it provides full stencils with variants so I could pick those that matched my references. Big thanks to MarkyM607 for providing a spare rotor blade that I snapped when trying to add some droop. The lack of droop is the only thing that detracts from the finished model. So here is XR507 of 22 Sqn St Mawgan, circa 1990
  6. Hello All, Well, I haven't quite got helicopters out of my system with the group build... At the Cosford model show I was rummaging in the bagged kits section on a stand and I came across a bagged Frog Wessex for £1.99. When I asked the man whether the boxed one was complete he said he didn't know and threw it in for free! So I now have two Wessexes for 99p each - seems rude not to build at least one. The boxed one is complete, so I decided to build the bagged one. There are some issues with it. The canopy is subtly short shot - the right hand side of the windscreen has shrivelled a bit and does not fit. Some of the windows were missing, but that's not big loss as they all needed replacing anyway. There is also a missing rotor plate (here replicated out of plastic card and rod), bulkhead (plastic card and scored wine bottle foil), and a missing seat (spares box). I knocked up a quick cockpit from the seats, balsa, card, rod and fuse wire. I also cut away the shrivelled side windscreen and located a Frog Blenheim turret as a donor for a replacement pane: Cockpit painted and fitted: Replacement pane cut from the turret: I made some replacement side window frames from card: And here are the parts for the windscreen taped together. I will file down the new pane and add a pillar to the edge: The bulged side window needed replacing so I made a quick balsa and superglue plunge mould: It fits! And I've hollowed out the exhausts: So I plan to use the decals from the boxed kit and go with the overall blue scheme. Two questions: Is it blue or blue-grey? Is there a source of white letters and numbers in Royal Navy font? I have a number of projects that are crying out for these (including a tasty orange and blue scheme for this one), but I can't find a suitable decal sheet. Thanks for looking, Adrian
  7. Good morning all, hope everyone is well. Season's greetings. I am hoping someone might be able to help me with the world of 1/72nd scale Westland Wessex helicopters. I'm totally unfamiliar with what's available in this area but I know there are many knowledgeable folk on here. I recently spotted an ideal candidate for a little diorama and since I have an old Frog 1/72nd scale Wessex hidden in the depths of my stash thought it might re-kindle some modelling mojo. I think the area that is likely to require most work would be the rotor heads, main and tail. Are there any manufacturers on the market who offer resin/photoetch upgrades for a 72nd scale Wessex? The cockpit isn't a huge concern as the photos I've taken show the glazing covered by condensation so much of the visibility into the cockpit will be obscured. Likewise the rear deck and cabin interior. The full sized aircraft has a tarp conveniently draped over those areas. I have searched t'interweb and seen some upgraded resin wheels so may treat myself to a set of those. Also, the aircraft I would like to depict is in a bit of a sorry state at present which is exactly what appeals to me. Recreating the aged appearance of the markings would be easier with masks so if anyone knows of suitable Royal Navy marking masks that could help create the roundels and numbers I'd be interested in those too. Here's a snap of the candidate in all her patinated glory😍 Thanks for any help you're able to offer. Cheers.🎄
  8. Here is the first (and the last so far) helicopter in my collection - Wessex HAS.3 in 1/72. Italeri kit made straight out of the box. The only change is tail rotor direction (wrong in kit) and, of course, add of antenna wires. Generally it was fast and simple work, just to try if build of helicopters models makes me happy.... I have discovered that it`s fun, so I hope that it`s not my last heli. This is well known Wessex HAS.3 in boring blue-gray, which was embarked on HMS Antrim during Falklands War. Note that not all decals from the Italeri`s set have been applied - the painting of this Wessex in 1982 was little different from today`s at Fleet Air Arm Museum (lack of emblems etc.). Maybe one day I`ll add some A-S weapons to this Wessex, but I don`t have any so far. For now my Wessex HAS.3, perhaps the most ugly helicopter in the world , looks like this:
  9. Like so many other people recently I started scale modelling during Lockdown. During a spring clean I came across a Wessex kit someone had bought me for my birthday a few years ago, this was my first attempt in a long time- i gathered some basic materials and used some left over acrylic paints....given the limited colours i had available its not 100% accurate so I hope I don't offend the purists This was before the purchase of an airbrush so the whole thing was brush painted - quiet an achievement I've been told for a first attempt let me know what you think!
  10. Since I seem to have hit some leaves on the rails over in my Pullman Car build and have been stymied by my nemesis, the unassuming but terrifying nightmare otherwise known as... the paint job, I thought I should try and refresh my batteries by trying a diversion - namely, starting self flagellation another build. I've had this one in the stash for a while, and my interest was sparked by @HL-10's very nice Fly 1:32 Wessex build (sorry, don't know how to add that nice little box thingie with the preview) so I thought what the heck, let's give it a go. What's the worst that can happen ? Well, let's get some things straight before we start... this will not be a quick build. I just can't do quick builds. Also, as my slightly battered psyche joyrides on the sinusoidal monorail that is mojo, I will probably switch back and forth between this build and the Pullman Car to keep things (namely me) interested. Scratchbuilding? Well it goes without saying - yes, there will be lots of scratch building. There may even be some 3D printed parts or some resin parts cast up. Let's wait and see shall we? So what are we dealing with here ? Well, here's a couple of bits of 1/32 Wessex taped up and sitting in front of my 1/32 Pullman Car (yes, it's just the chassis so far, and yes, it's upside down). I never realized just how close they were in size to each other before. I'm going to need a bigger display case. and we're off! I actually glued two parts together 'scuse the 1:1 feet photobombing the picture. As this thread continues, I'll try and (constructively) review the kit. So far there are some nice aspects, and some not so nice aspects that I have come across. The most immediately apparent is the lack of any alignment features which is proving troublesome, particularly as the parts also have different wall thickness - you can't just go and glue a tab on the back of one part as the surfaces then end up at different heights. Then, part edges aren't square - tale a look at the gap on the reverse face here. (That will be dealt with later after the glue has cured) So, a short post to start the proceedings, but more to follow as mojo is rising
  11. Another one for my Falklands War collection - 1/72 Westland Wessex HU.5, XS486, 848. Naval Air Squadron, Flight A, RFA Regent,Operation Corporate, May-June 1982 r. Italeri kit + PE parts from Eduard. Wessex XS486 (produced 1964, serial WA160) served in the Falklands as a machine to transport equipment and people between ships and units on the islands. After the end of the war in June 1982, it took part in Operation Keyhole (aboard HMS Endurance), the purpose of which was to retake of the South Sandwich and South Georgia islands. Most of the XS486's fuselage has survived to this day and is awaiting renovation in the back of The Helicopter Museum in Weston-super-Mare. The camouflage from the Falklands war period is not very interesting - almost all the original white inscriptions, emblems etc. were overpainted olive green or black to minimize the visibility of the helicopter. So it's like Shrek - ugly and green... On the other hand it`s W O W (so it is written on both sides of the fuselage in capital letters)... Italeri kit itself is simplified, has some flaws and issues, but it was quite pleasant to build. I'm just glad it joined my collection. Work in progress (in Polish) here: https://www.pwm.org.pl/viewtopic.php?f=884&t=90571 And now some pictures: Thanks for watching!
  12. Rightio, I have started a new project, which i have called (on other platforms) ASW Then vs now. i started this project about a week and a half ago, but i have had a little break As a fan of prototype/pre-production helis, i have decided to go with the pre-production Wessex and Merlin, the Wessex being the first Westland Helicopter to be solely designed to be an Anti-Submarine Helicopter, and the Merlin being the latest These are the kits i am using: As far as i can see, the Wessex is practically is the same as the production variant, and so i won't bother doing any scratch building for it. Doing PP5, well that a different story, it would have needed a slight conversion if i was gonna do the earlier or later look, the latter looking more like a production Merlin HMA.1..... so i decided to be mean to my self and take the harder one, and well, the Whirlwind conversion was hard, this will be pushing my limits. This is how i will be depicting ZF649 (PP5) This is a production HMA.1(what the kit is) I do need to do quite a big conversion; i need to do a fair bit of a redesign to the tail aft the fold, make a symmetrical tail plane, sand down the side of the sponsons and cut away at the sides to make it seem like the float bags aren't in place, remove the front float bags, remove the lower rear cockpit window... and possibly more. I have started most of the main bits of conversion before even considering 'starting' the kit if you will. I have sorted out the tail, started the tail plane and sponsons and removed the window As for the interior for both, The Wessex doesn't have one, and the cockpit is just seats. None of the instruments are there, but I'm really not sure if i can be bothered to do any work to the cockpit. The Merlin i am just keeping the same, I'm not sure what the interior of PP5 looked like, so i would rather it look full than empty
  13. This is where I'm up to with my current build, a Westland Wessex commando carrier. I've just been doing some faffy window masking. The instructions said to paint the passenger seats olive drab same as the pilot seas, but I've seen two photos of similar choppers of the same era where the seats are dark blue, and indeed this is how they are on the splendid Fly Models 1/32 kit, so I went with blue. This is my first helicopter, I'm enjoying it so far. I realise those circle things on the starboard fuselage should really come out, but they won't be seen once it's assembled. I've filled the three corresponding craters on the other side...
  14. Picked this up off eBay a little while ago, its OOB apart from an Eduard exterior set and a few scratch built bits. The aerials are thin elastic and the exhaust are from a "chrome pen" (I'm aware the HAR3 had different sized windows so you'll have to accept my intent to build OOB as much as possible!) hope you like paint is Xtracryllic RAF rescue Yellow with Xtradecals for 22 Sqn and a lot of stencils from the spares box.
  15. Hello guys, This is my effort with the new 1/48th Italeri Wessex HU5. built as a Falklands war veteran. The references for this actual bird seem to be slim pickings and the Italeri research is questionable. Nevertheless the kit builds nicely and I added a few touches of my own. The main cabin received pipework & cabling as well as seatbelts and some gear to make it look busier. The aerials, tie down rings & hoses were added where I thought necessary and I scratchbuilt something that looks like a cargo sling. The twin aerial lines are EZYline elastic. I hope you like her. Cheers. Andrew
  16. I was asked by my good lady why all my models are dark grey and green or "boring grey". Do I have any nice bright coloured ones to make? So, I found these two old kits lurking in the loft, along with a Sea King and an S&M Models Sycamore, so thought I'd give them a go. They don't come much brighter than bright yellow! I'll start with the Wessex, for which I'd treated myself to a set of aftermarket decals. Luckily there should be enough 'Rescue' markings for the Whirlwind as well. I'll be making the helicopter in 22 Sqn markings, circa mid-1980s. I'd love one in 1/48 too if I can ever find a cheap one on ebay. All silly prices for the Italeri Wessex 'UH5'. Anyway, back onto the little HAR2, which is what this will be. Strangely, there are no serial numbers included in the decal set, so I'll have to raid the spares bags. I splashed out on some paint too! Hopefully enough for all four choppers. Must be a Chinese import Matchbox kit! Luckily the missus is a fluent Mandarin speaker ...
  17. Dear all, Last months I've been working on an Italeri Wessex HU5 in 1/48 scale. Some info on the Wessex: Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westland_Wessex The kit from Italeri is not too bad, but also not really good. Details are soft, especially on the top. And some basic details are lacking. The fit is ok-ish. I used the following: 1. Italeri Wessex UH5 kit no 2720 (the 'UH5' is an error by Italeri. It should be HU5...) 2. Eduard mask 3. Eduard interior PE 4. Paints from Gunze for airbrush and Vallejo for brush painting 5. Weathering products from van Gogh, 502 abteilung (oils), AK Interactive line with e.g. grease, oil, dust etc 6. Uschi van der Rosten rigging wire 7. Some copperwire and evergreen for some of the details I've added I decided to portray the Wessex in the form of 84 Squadron, based in Cyprus (according to the kit info) in 1987. Here are the pics. You can see the build log here. I will now be starting on a Hobbyboss 1/72 Tomcat. Cheers! Jurrie
  18. Garden shot with stand photoshopped out. A bit of a vid to show sensor activation, runs for 30 seconds (adjustable). Supplies 6v for motors and lights. The same stand as used on an Argosy build from last year. Bit messy I know, I’m not sure what angle the rotorshaft should be tilting forward but it seems about right. The main rotor is driven via a 6v 200rpm motor gear box.. I think I remember the real thing was about 230 - 240 rpm. The rotor head isn’t fixed to the shaft (although it goes through it) but has a slipping clutch effect on the collar shown, which is fixed. It takes about 15 seconds for the rotor head to catch up with the shaft. (The nuts shown aren’t used) I did it like this because I didn’t want a high speed motor running away with it’s self and difficult to keep it slower and steady speed. But then the problem with the slower geared rotation was too much torque which would go from 0 - 200 rpm in less than a second which would either rip the blades off or rip the body apart. The tail rotor spins at about 1000rpm but is so light I just used the same motor as in my Argosy. IR jammer, as close to what I can remember when I was on 72sqn in the mid 90s
  19. Hello everyone This is my latest kit. It's Mark I Models' 1:144 Wessex HCC.4 XV733 of The Queen's Flight, RAF, at RAF Benson, UK, in 1981. It was built mostly OOB modifying the main rotor mast, this kit's main flaw, apart from those modifications specified for this variant in the instructions concerning the windows on the fuselage sides. The folded steps came as a nice resin part but unfortunately about 2mm too long so I had to cut it in two and reduce the length. Missing struts were added to the steps made from stretched sprue. In the cockpit I added belts from Tamiya tape and shortened the control sticks. The various antennae and the cable cutters were added from stretched sprue and etched metal. The engine exhausts were opened up as they were moulded solid. The kit was fully painted and varnished by brush and freehand. The photos in the walkarounds section were very helpful. A big thanks there. Although some things didn't come out right I'm pleased with the finished result. Thanks for looking and all comments are welcome Miguel
  20. Hello everyone! Here is one of two Westland Wessex kits I built back in 2015. It is Wessex HC.2 XR505/081, Escuadrón Helicópteros, Aviación Naval Uruguaya, based at Base Aeronaval Capitán Curbelo, Laguna del Sauce, Uruguay, as seen on the USS Oak Hill (LSD-51) during Exercise Southern Partnership Station, Uruguay, in July 2009. This one one of five ex-RAF machines delivered to the Uruguayan Naval Aviation. It is the Mark I Models 1:144 kit with etched parts from Brengun. The kit needs some care and work as the fit of parts isn't great. The Brengun parts really improve the cockpit and supply several missing external details such as the winch and steps. The biggest flaw of this kit, and one that really needs a resin replacement, is the main rotor mast. As it comes, it is nothing like the real thing and makes the main rotor sit lower than it should. My simple solution in both kits was to cut off the mast, make the rotor head thinner (as it is on the thick side) and make a new mast from the kit's sprue sanded more or less to shape. It's not a great fix but looks much better. I'm currently building an HCC.4 and I'm giving thought to adding the links which would really improve the appearance. The exhausts were hollowed out as they came moulded solid. The kit was fully painted and varnished by brush. Thanks for looking and all comments are welcome. Miguel
  21. Hello. My newest project that just got finished.
  22. Hi all, Would be grateful if anyone could help with best interior colours for a Royal Navy Wessex - I know the soundproofng was 'apple green' but just not sure about the main cabin/seats/cockpit, cushions etc. Many thanks in advance! Dermot
  23. Hi, Joined a while ago but this is my first post! I am an ex FAA Artificer and model mainly RN aircraft in 1/48. I spent my time in the navy on Wessex Mk5 and Lynx mk3 and still have a soft spot for the Wessex even now.I am currently building a HAS3 from the Italeri kit,having previously completed two Mk5s. Despite its faults, I like this kit as it is 100% better than the old Revell offering and it was a long,long wait for anything half decent in 1/48. I am also thinking about starting the old Fujimi Wasp kit and have been comparing it with the drawings in the recent warpaint book. The fuselage seems to be too short according to these drawings, the discrepancy being in the section between the point wher the fuselage taper starts and the rear undercarriage mounting is located. Does anyone know if these drawings are accurate.I am tempted to take them with a pinch of salt as they were drawn by Richard Caruana who has been known to get things wron on the past. Sorry I seem to have gone on a bit. Cheers Mike Smith
  24. Had the chance of a brief tour of the airframes used engineering training at HMS Sultan IMGP7754 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7768 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7763 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7852 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7851 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7837 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7833 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7823 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7806 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7797 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7796 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7770 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7755 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr Sea King Rotor head IMGP7746 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr Willy
  25. They hope to have them available for Telford, where they will have a stall. Box art for HC.2 and HU.5
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