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wellsprop last won the day on August 10 2014

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    Somewhere near Yeovil

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  1. Agreed. The Kinetic Harriers aren't perfect and have a few errors, but they are the best on the market for a Sea Harrier or small wing Harrier. The Hasegawa big wing harrier isn't perfect either and has some questionable wing shapes, but it's the best option out there.
  2. The Dh Venom and Sea Venom also had similar "no step" markings, as did the Sea Vixen for that matter. The Sea Venom appears to have only had red markings whilst the Venom had red or black (or yellow - if the aircraft on this link has been painted correctly https://www.classicfighters.co.nz/venom). Also note the Swiss Venoms had dotted/broken "no step" lines. I highly doubt it will be possible to find evidence of why it was changed - it was most likely a decision made based on how clear the colours are (somewhat similar to how the Dh Chipmunk has a variety of no step markings - some have mismatching markings on the same airframe).
  3. Looking great Not quite what you're after I know but Montys Models do a lovely range of OO white metal figures, including an RN sailor https://www.dartcastings.co.uk/montys.php These are the wrong period... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/355486498346?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=meaiqelar7u&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=peZth9WcTQC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. Stunning, looking froward to seeing it a little weathered!
  5. Hi, Is anyone aware of any plans / engineering drawings of the round mirror as used on the Spitfire (manufactured by H&S)? Cheers Ben
  6. I had no idea about that there was a 32nd Sea Vixen! I'm sure you've seen this https://www.hyperscale.com/2013/features/seavixen32fm_1.htm
  7. I loved brush painting with Hataka blue line (and red line, for touching up), unfortunately I haven't been able to get on with Hataka red line for airbrush. Some red line paints spray beautifully straight out the bottle, others clog even when thinned.
  8. Scalemates have the instructions for the early release that has the colour call outs. https://www.scalemates.com/products/img/2/4/6/104246-92-instructions.pdf The RAF Typhoon should be painted all over Camouflage (Barley) Grey, Revell doesn't have a specific paint for this.
  9. £12.50 including UK postage for the intakes. I don't yet make any other bits for the E (and later) version as all the other parts are generally good. I do however recommend the Aires cockpit detail sets, if you intend to model the canopy open. Albeit Aires cockpits often require lots of fettling. Eduard also do a very nice ejection seat and photo etch for the E/M.
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