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Vietnam Super Sabre

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That’s a very nice build if I may say so. 
I have a Trumpy one in the stash but am afraid to contemplate trying the burnt rear end which I just know will be impossible with my skills set

nicely done there. 👏 

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Jets are not really my thing, but I cannot see anything wrong with your Super Sabre - it looks a damn good model to me





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6 hours ago, Mark Joyce said:

A very nice job on the old Esci kit, so thanks for posting it.  The burnt metal area looks very convincing.

I have to agree. It looks good! Keep in mind that we're not all expected to build to the exquisite level that some achieve (and I, like some many others, sincerely appreciate the excellence of their work) , but we are encouraged to share our models and the experience gained from their building. I appreciate your posting the picture.

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Thanks guys. A particular problem I have with small kits such as this one is that the photos, being larger than actual size when displayed on an average monitor, show up every flaw. Things that the naked eye does not notice (well, that I don't notice or I can ignore) show up in the photos. I get around the problem to some extent by binning the worst offending photos and by using a smaller size (typically 1333 wide) than I do for general photos. (There is nothing scientific about that figure, it is just what seems right to me.)


I like to post at least one photo showing the model as a model, rather than trying to make it look like the real thing, if you see what I mean. The pic of it sitting on the table next to my tea mug is the example here. Another method I used is to take a selfie of holding the model.


Edited by Lootenant Aloominum
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