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Ventora3300 last won the day on July 3

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About Ventora3300

  • Birthday 01/09/1959

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    Stirling, UK
  • Interests
    Modelling! Keep fit. Food. Drink. (in any order)

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  1. The one and only time I used prop tip decals was on a F4-F (to represent at the Battle of the Coral Sea) - they worked a treat and really draw the eye, particularly on a spinning prop! Looking forward to seeing your chosen scheme on the Buffalo. All the best. Mike.
  2. This really looks vintage/classic in the sky blue plastic - lovely! All the pre-formed struts for the floats should reduce the frustration factor at that stage of construction (the Supermarine S6B comes to mind!) Looking forward to this one. All the best. Mike.
  3. I like the different shades of aluminium as they give life to the model. There certainly seems to be plenty of locating holes for all the topsides bits to go on. Looking forward to the next stage. All the best. Mike.
  4. Looking forward to the race competitors getting their aircraft ready for this one - still no clue which race we are in, though! All the best. Mike.
  5. Did you get the colours sorted out for the HP42 build? I had a look into the history of this aircraft and there is fascinating film footage of the scheduled service set up to the Far East. Looking forward to this build. All the best. Mike.
  6. Erwin, is this P-51 the next kit for your bench? It’s not an aircraft I’ve ever done in 1:24 so it would be good to see all the details I’ve been missing at 1:72! Looking forward to this build. All the best. Mike.
  7. With the front hinged bonnet on the Herald, does that mean you can leave it ‘removable’ on this build so that all the engine detailing can be seen? What did you have in mind over and above what the kit provides? Lolling forward to the next instalment! All the best. Mike.
  8. That’s sad to hear! I wonder if Airfix are interested in receiving feedback from modellers on their products. I’m sure I’ve seen the management participating in the ‘Hornby - A Model World’ TV series and they seemed to be receptive.
  9. A bit of planning will be required here, Volodymyr, to think about where the power for the motor will come from. I always thought those flat disc electronic scales batteries would be ideal for concealing inside fuselages or even below the stand. Good luck with your build. All the best. Mike
  10. Keep that Luftwaffe streak going, Adam. Which of these Dorniers are we likely to see? The old Do217 is the real 'basic' early version which needs some improving (just to let the pilot see out of the windsceen) but I believe the Do17E/F was a different and better tooling, which would be great to see built. Looking forward to this build. All the best. Mike.
  11. I just came across this thread John and it's a lovely build of the Bf109F - I've been waiting to pounce on one of these in a Starter set so it looks like your pre-Order was the way to go. In about 25 years time, we'll be harking back to the 'old days' of the shadow stands! All the best. Mike.
  12. This is a known hazard in a 'Classic' GB - decals that keep you in suspense until time to use them. Maybe the sales of Decal Film will take off as a result of this GB. I've got a bottle somewhere.... Good luck with your build. All the best. Mike
  13. Steve, I noted that this is the 1980 'new tool' Lancaster (in the 1990 BoB 50th Anniversary boxing) - was this the one with the full bomb load included? Looking back, a strange boxing by Airfix as there was another simultaneously that included a Hurricane and a Spitfire! Who cares, it was Airfix after all! All the best for your build. Mike.
  14. Thanks, John. Hopefully the transfers will behave for me and don't need touching in with 'BOAC Blue' paint (like wot happened with the Frog VC10!) Thanks Tony. That stand is what I remember from way back - the 707 looks like it's flying already. While I'm waiting for some fresh PPP to arrive, I had a go at some of the details required - I managed to get a decent image of a RR Conway turbine from the front and printed a couple of sizes off. A cut out one fits nicely inside the engine nacelles so just needs 'punched' in the centre to take the turbine shaft nose. Also, I've used a cone-shaped sanding tool (part of a pedicure kit) to thin out the leading edges of the engine intakes - a big improvement in my eyes. Here is a cut out print of the image of the thrust reverser - looks OK so I will try to print out on decal paper to put on after painting. ...and lastly my bodged up noise suppressor holes in the lump of plastic at the rear that Airfix supplies - hopefully will look OK under paint. Maybe a bit of shaping of the back face of the engine pods will help.
  15. Very interesting, Cliff. You can also see the long angled gearstick which definitely made changing gear an artform (I got 'a shot' of my mate's Traveller once). Also, I can't remember that much legroom in the back! I thought the 'Austin 7' was an older model of vintage appearance so maybe they re-used the type name. Looking forward to this build. All the best. Mike.
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