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About srkirad

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    Belgrade, Serbia

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  1. Revell 1/144 E-2C Hawkeye - weathering finished with MIG pigments (engine exhausts) - fuselage windows were painted Tire Black and then overcoated with Kristal Klear to achieve effect of "glass" - antenna wires were made from Uschi van der Rosten Superfine rigging wire Cheers, S.
  2. ...and the finish line has just been crossed! - weathering finished with MIG pigments (engine exhausts) - fuselage windows were painted Tire Black and then overcoated with Kristal Klear to achieve effect of "glass" - antenna wires were made from Uschi van der Rosten Superfine rigging wire Cheers, Srđan
  3. I've done wash during weekend, next step is final semigloss coat of varnish, and then remains only painting of small details and final assembly. Hopefully it will be finished during next week... Cheers, S.
  4. Decals are applied, now remain some details to be painted, wash to be done, and semigloss final coat of varnish. Hopefully it will be done within deadline... Cheers, S.
  5. I've painted cockpit in black because anything won't be seen anyway, and glued fuselage halves. I'll leave sprue goo on fuselage joins to cure well, and then a lot of sanding is to be done... Cheers, S.
  6. Thanks George, I've hand painted with brush just black leading edges of wings and tails and nose/antiglare area. Demarcation lines between grey and white area were masked with Blutac over white areas, and then airbrush painted grey areas. Cheers. Srđan
  7. During last few days I've painted leading edges of wings and tail areas (de-icing rubber?) as well as antiglare surface and radome. As these areas are really congested, I didn't have oportunity to mask them, so everything is brush painted freehand - I was using Lifecolor Matt Black. Then a few layers of Gauzy were applied, so now is everything put away to cure well before decaling... Cheers, S.
  8. New year, new challenges... Yesterday I've finally took the step forward and painted upper part of camouflage - Light Gull Grey. In few days, when paint fully dries, I will paint leading edges of wings and tail surfaces into black, as well as antiglare surface, radome and radar "plate" outer edge. Cheers, and Happy New Year! Srđan
  9. Good evening mates, as I've said in chat topic for this GB, I've started this kit for the 2024 "Baby Boomers" GB, but during summer months got stuck with heat and loss of mojo, so with permission of GB admins I apply it here again, with these photos to show how far did I go so far... Cheers, Srđan
  10. Good evening mates, Like I've said in chat topic for this GB, I've started this kit years ago, but lost interest in it, so I've found this GB's theme appropriate for it to be finished. Current state of kit is as following: engines and wings are assembled, as well as "cockpit" area Regarding livery, it would be what-if one - I plan to do it in fictive colors of local coffe maker company (Doncafe). I still don't know how exactly will look like, but for sure it won't be airliner plain white Cheers, Srđan
  11. UM 1/72 Artillery tank D-38 - painted with Gunze acrylics - weathering done with artistic oils and MIG pigments - headlights made from Kristal Klear Cheers, S.
  12. Finally finished - within old, non-extended deadline for this GB In the meantime I've applied chipping (sponge and brush painting technique), added headlights (made from Kristal Klear) and weathered further with MIG pigments... It was pretty much fun build for me - although no decals are applied, I've tried, and hopefully succesfully, to add some variety to single-tone camo with different weathering techniques. Cheers, S.
  13. Revell 1/144 Eurofighter EF2000 - painted with Gunze acrylics - weathering done with artistic oils and MIG pigments Cheers, S.
  14. Finished! #10/2024 Cheers, S.
  15. In the past few days I've tried new technique for me - dot filtering with artistic oils but on matt and pre-damped surface, so I achieved a unevenly distributed various shades... Cheers, S.
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