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Alien Romulus

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Apparently is on general release now, my wee local Cinema too, will go see it this week at some point ... why not?

Really surprised its release has escaped me to be honest, am a big Alien franchise fan. I need to keep my ear to the ground more from now on, knew this release was soon, but this has surprised me.

Trailer already I see, but skimmed it, early movie trailers are rarely indicative of the true films worth.

I wonder if It's going to spark up the franchise again, or just more of the same mediocrity? Since Ridley's Alien and Camerons Aliens?

Let's keep this topic open folks, feel free to comment, if you have seen this or not, but I wont view this topic again until I have seen it, any day now and can comment   :)

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this didn't get pushed much pre release I saw some stuff on YouTube but assumed it was just cobbled together fake trailers, but no it is real.


I didn't have much hope for this as sequels can be all over the place, but after hearing some positive early reviews I went to see it on Friday night. sci-fi epics should be seen on the big screen after all.


I have to say I really enjoyed it and I'd probably rank it 3rd after alien and aliens. lotsa sci-fi goodness and I think they really nailed the feel of the technology ships ect. the computers hark back to the first two films.


It is pretty much a horror slasher in space complete with a crew of young adult victims for whom it won't end well. one of my friends pointed out that the first two were also basically horror films in space too but it's been that long since I first saw them I can't remember how I reacted to the horror element on first viewing. Romulus did have me on the edge of my seat for a good part of it so was effective in that regards.


was cool to see an old face which I think worked into the story well


plot holes abound but so what, and the ending will be divisive. there is a ton of references to the other films and one really unnecessary line that made me groan that's almost as bad as 'ive got a bad feeling about this', why do they do this?


anyway for me as someone who counts the first two films in my all time favourites while it might not be up there at quite that level I'd still recommend it.

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21 minutes ago, sardaukar said:

I have to say I really enjoyed it and I'd probably rank it 3rd after alien and aliens

That's not a bad recommendation though, and I hope it brings back the life in the franchise - I just got the UHD Aliens Blu-Ray, and am waiting for the right moment to watch it without the family to interrupt it, and daylight to ruin the shadows.  I do like an occasional Alien (and associated kits), although there were a couple that were a stretch too far, and I prefer not to think too hard about the AVP films.  I like Predator, I like Alien, but they didn't do a great job merging them. :hmmm:


With luck it could trigger some new kits if it does well at the box office/streaming.  Hopefully nothing too toy-like though. :pray:


Also, plot holes are all part of the fun.  Why did the Colon Marines ALL come down to the planet in the drop-ship and leave an empty Sulaco orbiting? :doh:

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It also escaped me until my local cinema had it on advertisement a few days ago. Just watched the trailer on the internet and think it will be entertaining although I do not expect anything new to the story. Apart from that I do try to get as little input before I watch a movie (so I did not read everything above btw).

I guess just more detailed shots on alien action... Would love to see something along the lines of Aliens with lots of nice hardwear and "Alien development" but do not expect it, from what I saw. So: Tomorrow I will watch it with friends and I am quite looking forward to it 🙂

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I've seen it now, still not sure TBH? but am like that with a lot of films I later go on to love.

The more I think about my viewing, and nought wrong with my Cinema's screen or sound, the more I feel a need for a second viewing, but already it's third in line after Alien and Aliens, in that order, IMHO.

The film really shifts into overdrive for the last third of the film I reckon, prior to that it's a lot of homage to the earlier films, and I was groaning inside at some of the clichés and wanting for something fresh, but in the end, it delivered.

Have since looked at some pro reviews, for once I agree with Mark Kermode's assessment of this film ... I'll link to it, it does not give much away, but if in doubt, don't look :)  Most reviews are really quite positive, thought this film was years away from release, a very surprise release indeed.

Go see it is my advice folks.



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So been to the movies as said and I fully agree with Mark Kermode.

Plot apart: For us modellers this nicely decorated movie does not give much of subjects to us IMHO. The Alien line-up is close to the original Giger design and brings nothing really new apart from the "boss monster" at the end of the movie which I did personally not find convincing.

Even the space ship does currently not urge me to do a model of it, although the design is matching the Alien universe very well. There were less good Alien movies with more interesting ships (Betty from Resurrection for example).

As mentioned by Mark Kermode there is lots of refering to Alien and Aliens. Among this is a gun which is referring to the Colonial Marines Pulse Rifle - with white paint to maybe give some Alien look to it. Althjough a nice design it just does not quite kick as the Pulse Rifle, which for me seems to have a story behind it: The gun of the bad-bottom Colonial Mariens, with the ammo counter and grenade launcher. So it had more story than the new gun (wich has additionally an aiming support), which is after all just a gun readily available. 

Still: Enjoyable movie which is better than expected but no match to Alien and Aliens.

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I saw it on Monday and enjoyed watching it. It does remind me of the first film in many respects but does give a nod towards later Alien films. Of to see it again at the BFI in London next week as well.




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On 8/19/2024 at 2:36 PM, sardaukar said:


It is pretty much a horror slasher in space complete with a crew of young adult victims for whom it won't end well. one of my friends pointed out that the first two were also basically horror films in space too but it's been that long since I first saw them I can't remember how I reacted to the horror element on first viewing. 


The first one was originally written as a straight up horror film which happened to be set in space.

In a stroke of good fortune, the final draft of the script was handed to the studio around the same time Star Wars was released, all of a sudden sci-fi was in vogue so the sci-fi elements of the story were given much greater emphasis and the budget for the film was significantly increased. I'd describe it as 50/50 horror/sci-fi, the originally intended version would probably have been more like 75/25 with more of an Event Horizon feel.

Edited by -Ian-
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/19/2024 at 2:56 PM, Mike said:

Also, plot holes are all part of the fun.  Why did the Colon Marines ALL come down to the planet in the drop-ship and leave an empty Sulaco orbiting?

Not actually the biggest Aliens plot-hole, unfortunately. Even bigger than leaving no-one on the Sulaco.... So, the company knows there is an Alien Derelict ship just sitting on LV426, full of nasty critters they could make a shed-load of cashola out of.


In the 57 years between the two films timelines, not one company executive has thought to send another ship to investigate..... Also, the company goes to the ENORMOUS expense of terra-forming the planet and the Alien ship is never seen, in any of the many planetary-surveys they would inevitably have carried out before sending settlers to the surface. Sounds pretty unlikely. Also.... the alien warning-beacon (this is kind of addressed in the Director's Cut version of the film).  


If we really wanna get all black-rollneck about it, what is the company doing on LV426 in the first place? There must be some incredibly-valuable natural resource for them to mine there, or why go to all that effort? This aspect is completely ignored by Cameron. One line of dialogue about mining would have sorted that out. 


One last thing.... Even after 57 years, there is NO WAY that Ripley's shuttle would have entered the "core systems" (what ever they are!). In the first movie, Lambert says it will take 10 months in hyper-sleep for them to reach Earth. Assuming that the Nostromo and its refinery are travelling at something approaching light-speed, that would cover a HUGE distance. Ripley's shuttle is drifting through space, with no power, and would not have covered even one thousandth of the distance involved. 


Still, it ain't the first time that Hollyweird has messed around with science, is it?


I will now brace myself for a deluge of "It's only a bloomin' movie!" comments. 





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3 hours ago, spruecutter96 said:



Still, it ain't the first time that Hollyweird has messed around with science, is it?



Reminds me of somebody asking Michael. Okuda (?) regarding details on how the Heisenberg compensators of Star Trek transporters work. His answer: "Very good, thank you."

Not shure I get this completely correct but what I recall to have read somewhere ages ago. I still like the answer a lot 🙂


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The "hybrid" concept.......................a bit silly, TBH

The return of a face from the past......... not a great idea and looks shockingly bad in some shots.

The film overall.............................7/10. 

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On 02/09/2024 at 22:42, spruecutter96 said:









The return of a face from the past......... not a great idea and looks shockingly bad in some shots.


The return of a face from the past. ... it really looked bad ... Mostly .... more time should have been spent on this scene IMHO to make it look better, especially considering the classic character he was from the past, it just seemed rushed out the door to make money at this point, for this bit to be overlooked.

Perhaps a director's cut can remedy this massive flaw in the film ?  The film is full of clichés, and this was perhaps the biggest cliche of all, but they spoiled it with sub standard visuals IMHO.

Still a decent ish enough film though and Will watch again and probably buy the blu Ray.

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Watched it at the cinema a couple of days ago, I agree with @spruecutter96's rating of 7/10.


The major irritations for me were in a couple of pivotal scenes in the film, events went the character's way for no other reason than blind luck.


A big highlight was the set design which wonderfully captured the feel of the earlier films.

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Saw it tonight and thought it was fairly decent. Very much inspired by and a tribute to Alien and Aliens and more than a hint of the game Dead Space in places, with a touch of Blade Runner for the colony scenes at the beginning.

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