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  1. Well well well !! It's now a bit more than a year that I did'nt started any threads.... CC's back with another lunacy !! Moons ago... around 1988, I bought this one.... Navy aircraft always sparked my interest... Then, it's a Vought one..... Then I put my hand on plans and was disappointed... Indeed, as soon as it has been issued, I bought this one.... And I was about to throw away the old Lindberg kit.... But luckily, I cannot bin a kit.... I found more documents about the so called Gutless... And elected to save the old lindberg because it was not too bad a kit.... Compared it to the Hobbycraft one is surprising but in fact it is simply not the same aircraft at all !! Well, as a madman, I think for myself, I got a blue one but some Cutlass were operated in gray and others were NMF.... Tortuous minds.... I need another Cutlass... Aaaand a few months ago, I got the opportunity to buy that !! I'm ready to send 3 pirates in BM arena !! Do not expect to see the 3 finished this year.... I got the Naval Fighter Serie for the F7U.... Definitely not an OOB .... Trust me !! Advices and Comments are welcome Banter are mandatory.... What do you think @Martian, Mad enough ??? Sincerely. CC
  2. Graf Zeppelin 1:245 Hawk/Lindberg The design and construction of Graf Zeppelin were essentially conservative, based on tried-and-true technology developed over the Zeppelin Company’s decades of experience, and the ship was constructed of triangular Duralumin girders, with frames spaced 15 meters apart. The design of the Zeppelin was constricted by the size of the building shed at Friedrichshafen, which had inner dimensions of 787 feet in length and 115 feet in height. Since greater size meant greater efficiency in long distance operation, the challenge for Ludwig Durr and his design team was to create a ship with the largest possible gas capacity that could be built within the confines of the construction shed. Thus the airship that was designed was a cylinder 776ft in length and 100ft in diameter. The gondola, which was slung under the nose of the airship meant that the height of the airship from the bottom of the gondola to the top of the hull was 110ft. Whilst not the most aerodynamically efficient design it did incorporate one interesting feature, in the fuel used for powering the five Maybach VL-2 12-cylinder engines, which could develop 550hp at maximum revolutions, and 450 hp at 1400 RPM in cruise. This was the use of Blau Gas which had the same density as air so wouldn't upset the balance of the airship as the fuel was used, unlike more conventional fuels such as paraffin and diesel. This also gave the airship an extra 30 hours of flying time as the lifting Hydrogen gas didn't need to be expelled to keep the airship at the correct altitude. The use of Blau gas allowed the Graf Zeppelin to stay aloft for over 100 hours. The Graf Zeppelin had a career spanning nine years, and in that time made 590 flights and carried over 34,000 passengers without incident. She also carried out the first commercial and scheduled flights across the Atlantic, first around the world and even flew a scientific mission over the North Pole. Graf Zeppelin was over the Canary Islands on the last day of a South American flight from Brazil to Germany when it received news of the Hindenburg disaster in Lakehurst, New Jersey. Captain Hans von Schiller withheld the news from his passengers, and told them of the disaster only after the ship’s safe landing in Germany. Graf Zeppelin landed in Friedrichshafen on May 8, 1937, and never carried a paying passenger again. The ship made only one additional flight, on June 18, 1937, from Friedrichshafen to Frankfurt, where she remained on display — all her hydrogen removed — until she was broken up on the orders of Hermann Goering’s Luftwaffe in March, 1940, bringing to an end the era that these huge and graceful ships of the sky brought about. The Model The kit arrives in a very long and quite deep box with several pictures of the Graf Zeppelin on the front and sides. Even though it measures out at 38.5" or 97.8cm long there are very few parts, the two hull halves and a single sprue of quite hard white styrene, one sprue of nylon, apparently. There is also a single clear styrene part and a sealed bag for the included lighting equipment. Detail is naturally quite sparse by the very nature of the airship. The longerons of the hull and fins are quite prominent, perhaps a little over emphasised, but should look ok given a slight sanding down and under a coat of primer and Alclad or similar, in fact the kit is so big it might be better just to go to Halfords and get various shades of silver auto paint. There were apparently shape issues with the older kit and even though it says new tooling on the box there really isn't any evidence of this, so the incorrect cross-section is still there. The nylon parts are also pretty awful to work with whether gluing or filling so beware. Construction is very simple, much like the instructions which leave a lot to be desired. The hull halves have very large location pins and holes and they do give a very positive fit, (not shown in the photograph above, as I wanted to get it apart again), although it will still need some careful gluing and an extensive seam removal session. There is a small conical nose piece that's fitted to the bow. The four tail fins are each made of two halves and locate well into their slots. Again the longerons may need sanding down a bit. Unfortunately the balance horns, on the nylon sprue are completely the wrong shape, rather than being teardrop they should be and aerofoil shape. There are pictures of these on the interweb amongst many others than would prove useful for this build, or at least show up how many other problems there are in the kit. The engines and propellers are also moulded in nylon and as mentioned above are a real problem in assembling, filling and painting. Hawk probably thought it better to use nylon as it is stronger than styrene and as the pods stick out there is a likelihood of breakage. It would have been preferred if they were standard styrene and take the risk to be honest. The struts could always be replaced with brass rod instead. Brass rod will also be required for the fin bracing wires. Anyway the engine pods are in two halves and the propeller shaft is sandwiched between them. There are five in all, two on each side and the fifth on the centreline aft. They will also need bracing wire to complete. The main gondola is a three piece item, the gondola, a clear insert, which is actually very clear, and the gondola bottom. Into the gondola are the pilots controls station and a number of comfy chairs. It also houses the lighting cct. lights, switch, and 3v coin cell battery all included. The internals all fitted, painted and in the case of the lights, tested, the gondola is fitted into place. There is a small bumper parts that is then added to the underside. There are one of the girders, framework and other fittings that are visible in the real Graf Zeppelin in the gondola which is shame, but some enterprising modeller should be able to scratch build this if they like. The rest, as they say is up to the painting and getting the various shades of silver dope that is very noticeable on the real thing, not forgetting that this is a BIG kit. Decals The decal sheet contains the main name titles for the front hull, and registration numbers for the hull just above the rear engine pods on either side and on the upper fin. They are high density and the carrier film looks reasonably thin so should settle down well. It's a shame that decals weren't included for the later years of operation under the Luftwaffe, but there are aftermarket sheets that can provide the swastikas and a bit of colour matching for the paint. At least this version would have added some much needed colour the completed model. Conclusion This is certainly and interesting and impressive kit, if purely for its size. The hull problems cannot be easily sorted, but with the addition of some brass rod and strut it could be made into a good looking model and will look impressive, whether hung from the ceiling or or the stand provided, although a better one would be preferable. I can recommend it purely as something different, baring in mind the problems mentioned above. Review sample courtesy of
  3. The Douglas X-3 Stiletto was an experimental jet fighter of the 50's. Hold on, did someone say Douglas? Surely Lockheed, with those wings? Nope, it was a Douglas project, but according to its Wilipedia entry, it wasn't very good. Despite having two engines, it wasn't very fast, and it wasn't very stable. The single X-3 built was tested by both US Air force and NASA. However, Lockheed took data from the X-3 tests and lo and behold, a Starfighter was borne with trapezoidal unswept wings of very thin aspect ratio. This is the second Lindberg kit I've made, - 3 if you count the Lindberg He 162 reboxed by Revell, I'm bound to say if I see any other LIndberg kits it would have to be a very unusual subject for me to be tempted. I picked this one - and the 1/72 Me 163 " double" (ie 2 kits in the box) up from Home Bargains several years ago, I believe the two cost me £3.99 each, so from a value for money point of view, I've had my money's worth out of them. Another low parts count, just 26 parts, but in all honesty few issues other than some irritating fit issues and a touch of bad workman blames his tools. The box art, and completed model; It is quite a big kit, about 40cm long, that's 16 inches for the traditionally minded among us. Lindberg provide a pair of engines to go inside the long body, and have thoughtfully included in the parts a hatch over part of the engines which, given the fact it didn't fit very well, I decided to keep closed and fill the edges. And then fill, sand, fill, sand, primer, fill, sand, primer, fill sand, give up and use Halfords Appliance white gloss from a rattle can. The Primer was Mr Base 1000, and though the seams did quieten down after the onslaught of filling and sanding, I feared any more coats of primer and appliance white would make the kit look a little bit like a puddle. Some more piccies; Hmm, is that .... yes, a bit of Albion Alloys tube, to replace the kit supplied nose probe which got knocked off during a particularly vigourous seam sanding back incident. Together with a nose made of perfect plastic putty, filled and sanded, several times to look like the kit part. But there's something not quite .... at the back, is it ...... Errrr, yes, the tail plane is warped, with a distinct dressing to the right. I did not notice this until I saw the pictures, and though I could have a go at straightening it (Ange ! I’m borrowing your hairdryer!~ I decided not to. Yes, it detracts from the build. but I'm guessing that saving the experts on BM, noone else including my wife isn't going to notice. An interesting cockpit - it consists of a 2 part seat sat on a raised step of plastic. Nothing else. It's where BM excels, as given a bare shell, most BMer's will scratchbuild what looks like the control room in a recording studio for the cockpit, but no, I just used an Eduard seatbelt. The picture also shows the best canopy masking I have ever done, cut it all myself, pity about the way the paint has gone on the edge of the canopy itself. Incidentally, I didn't take a photo specifically of them, but my home made masks for the wheels also worked a treat, best I've ever done. and the tyres are clearly separated from the hubs. And The silver is Halford's rattle can Nissan Silver, which I find goes on a treat. The decals actually went on really well. There is no silvering, possibly because I put the decals on the gloss Halfords paint. Some of them show a little yellowing on the model, but not on the carrier paper. Hey ho. in conclusion, an interesting and slightly unusual subject - it did actually fly, albeit not very often, a fairly simple kit, that needed a bit of filling and sanding attention, and another little tip for me; make sure there aren't any warped bits! Thanks for looking.
  4. Hi all. Some of you may remember that I built the second prototype Victor in @Col.'s earlier Ground Attack group build. That involved some mild re-working of Lindberg's 1/96 Victor kit. For this GB, I've decided to build the second prototype Vulcan (VX777) - again using a 1/96 Lindberg kit. This time however, there will be no conversion work required as the kit features the correct straight-edged wing shape . Generally speaking, the kit is quite nicely moulded but is pretty basic and has raised panel lines. Probably par for the course in 1959 when the kit was first released. Decals are included for VX777 - they're OK but slightly yellowed. This wouldn't normally be a problem, but may be noticeable against the white paintwork. We'll see... As you can just make out in the instructions reproduced above, the kit includes moveable elevons which can be connected together (through the fuselage), so that the surfaces on both wings move together. This could be fun to keep, if the fit of the elevons is OK. Cheers
  5. Yes we all know if you were to look up the phrase "totally whacked out" either my name or my picture would pop up so..... in keeping with that ideal, May I present (Drum Roll) Lindbergs 1/48 XF-91 Thunderceptor Comments, witticisms, and especially encouragements are not only welcome, but a necessity if this goes as I expect. Where is Gunga Din when you need him? He always was the better man. What I will hope to achieve, accomplish, fake it til you make it are as follows; and in no particular order Remove rivets( groans* not more Rivets) construct correct cockpit new landing gear and bays improve the back end jet and rocket exhaust make new decals That's not too much work. hopefully I didn't tear off more than I can chew. At least I plenty antacid Somebody want to have the men in white with the butterfly nets on standby please? Thank you. Now on with the show...
  6. Hi all. As some of you will know, I particularly like 1/100 scale aircraft. Luckily for me, all three V bombers are available in 1/96 (which is close enough). I've already built a FROG Valiant and I've got Lindberg's Victor and Vulcan in my stash. I thought I'd give the Victor a go in this GB. The kit was originally released in 1959 and throughout its life has suffered from an identity crisis. The main problem is that it combines the shorter nose of the prototypes with the smaller tail of the production aircraft. My 70s boxing has decals for the second prototype WB775, flying in anti-flash white (which I don't think it ever did). Later boxings have the aircraft in green/grey camo. I've decided to modify the tail and build mine as the first prototype, WB771. This first flew on Christmas Eve 1952 and continued until 14th July 1954, when it crashed at Cranfield due to its tail shearing off in flight. Sadly, all four crew members lost their lives I've chosen this particular aircraft as it carried a very smart red, black and silver livery at the 1953 Farnborough Air Show... Cheers
  7. Just purchased, off E bay, an old 1962 Lindberg Heinkel kit. The seller warned me that there could be pieces missing and for sure there was. So before we all start falling about laughing, I thought it would come in handy as to just paint the parts with the airbrush; and get some practice in If there is a chance of getting it sorted, however, I would love to use it as a project and build it. I can see this is a bit slim; due to it being an old kit. However, most of the parts are there and the ones that are broke will be fixed. At a million to one shot what would be the chances of getting an upper Aileron and some propellers for this project. Any suggestions as to were to source parts are 3D print them; without getting into silly money. Could anyone tell me the scale of this kit as its a bit bigger than 1/72. P.S - Not sure if Ive posted in the right place. Is there a place in the forums where you could possible ask people and try to scrounge spare parts. Thank you most kindly.
  8. Hi all Just finished this old kit, it is the 1982 Lindberg boxing of the old 1968 Inpact kit. The build thread is here The fit of the kit is quite good although a bit basic but considering it's age it has done quite well. The cockpit is very basic so I scratched a representation of the cockpit from scrap plasticard and brass rod, the gauge bezels are made from Little Cars 0.1 mm wire The guns are from Mini World and are very detailed I scratched the gun mounts from some plasticard and left over PE parts. The cowling raised panel lines were removed and rescribed. The model was brush painted in Humbrol enamels and rigging is Prym Knitting elastic and invisible thread. The engine is an Armoury Armstrong Siddeley Jaguar IV engine and is a lovely model in it's own right. I added the ignition leads from 0.2mm lead wire and pushrods from 0.33 mm brass rod. Decals are from the lovely Model Alliance, Wings and Waves part 1 set and the model depicts S1282/10 of HMS Glorious (Mediterranean Fleet) in 1930. Anyway enough waffle here's some photos Thanks to those who have supported and encouraged me during the build. Thanks for looking in Chris
  9. Hi folks, This is my first dinosaur since I was little, I think, when I have fuzzy memories of painting Airfix dinosaurs with enamels? I picked up the Lindberg "spitter" Dilophosaurus on a trip a couple of weeks ago at a bargain price and built it pretty much straight away. It's a simple kit with nice surface details. The seams close up pretty well and most of the construction work is in restoring or sculpting lost detail across the seams and where the mould horizons mean a lack of relief. I painted it with Tamiya rattle cans decanted and airbrushed - the main colours are Medium Blue and Dark Earth from the AS range (I think?) and Chrome Oxide Yellow from the TS range. After airbrushing a basic pattern I did a lot of work with a paintbrush to refine it, both sharpening and breaking up the colour transitions. Lots of drybrushing, washes and glazes of acrylics helped define and tone the skin, and I sprayed some thin blotchy filters with Smoke, Clear Green and Clear Red before varnishing. While I did pick out some scales individually on the body, I mostly left that kind of fiddly work for the face which was more-or-less entirely repainted by brush over the airbrushed base. I made a base by sanding a slight profile into the upturned base of a fancy hipster table salt bowl and building a little relief on the top with scraps of torn up foamcard before adding stones, dried twigs and textured putty to create damp ground. Again I painted this up with acrylics and applied "moss" putty mixed from Woodland Scenics ground foam plus various kinds of foliage (Silflor, Heki, Kamizukuri) fixed with matt medium. The dino itself is pinned in place with scraps of 1/16" brass rod as I thought that paperclips weren't substantial enough at this scale. I had a scare when the tail seam cracked open on one side (not sure why) but the join was so exact that it vanished when closed up with thin CA and varnished Overall a fun little project and not bad at under two weeks from shop shelf to my cabinet shelf! Thanks for the various suggestions on the WIP thread and sorry I chickened out (ha!) from adding feathers. Cheers, Will
  10. Hi all, my latest offering to the modelling gods! A bit of a struggle all round, not helped by the many trials and tribulations thrown up by Real Life during 2020... Anyway that aside, for the most part it was a fun build - the headaches were, as is my habit, almost entirely self-created. The WIP thread, for anyone interested, can be found here. Aircraft of this type were the mainstay of the RFC training units in Canada during WW1. The markings depict an aircraft of 'C' Flight, 88 Canadian Training Squadron, 44 Wing based at Armour Heights Field, Toronto, during 1917/18. One of several very interesting photos I found on-line was of this very aircraft, in flight over Central Ontario: (Image in the public domain) Hawk-eyed individuals will note, perhaps with the same level of incredulity as I did, the presence of the trainer on the wing adjacent to the trainee's cockpit whilst approximately one thousand feet above the ground - no doubt explaining to his pupil, in words of one syllable, the fundamentals of flight! So without further delay, here are a set of photos of the finished article: Thanks to everyone who looked in, commented etc on the build, your interest was much appreciated. Comments and criticisms, as ever, welcome
  11. Hi all, herewith my latest assault on Mount Stash - another subject, hopefully unusual enough to ensure my paltry efforts will not be further magnified by comparison with other threads! A recent visit to my LMS yielded what for me looked a decent bargain - £5 for an admittedly old and battered boxing of this Lindberg kit: From what I could see, the only thing missing was the stand, which would never have featured in my plans for the thing anyway. So, what could possibly go wrong! Well, there's this I guess: I think I will need to prime this thoroughly, if only to suppress the nausea from working with such a hideous colour plastic! That said, there isn't a massive amount of flash, and the moulding seems crisp enough if not overly burdened with detail. For the rest of it, the instructions seem clear enough, if apparently written on parchment (I was expecting the text to be in Latin, with the first letter massive and ornate, and covered with gold leaf): Decals are predictably not in the best shape, given their evident age: No matter, I have already procured some potential alternatives courtesy of the Big H: Also in my corner, I have a potentially useful ally: An old publication which is nevertheless quite detailed with various photos. So with that, it is entirely appropriate that I say: "Tally Ho, Yellow!" Work to commence real soon, so stay tuned!
  12. Hello, The old Lindberg "Bomber Escort", an P-51D Mustang (probably the very first P-51D in1/72) was marked VF-L with serial number 317926. Was this an real aircraft or just an fictional marking made by Lindberg? It seems that Lindberg saw what was comming and didn't want to pay any royalties to Boeing by not naming their kit as an P-51D Mustang. https://www.oldmodelkits.com/index.php?detail=23976&page=1&manu=lindberg Picture's of the Lindberg "Bomber Escort" can be seen att IPMS Stockholm. https://www.ipmsstockholm.se/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=9533&p=87124#p87124 Cheers / André
  13. Sometimes older kits showes up as old friends. And some times as not so good friends. When it comes to 1/72 scale P-51D Mustang's the Revell kit must have an record in availability. Albeit not as an good kit. We also have older kits from Airfix, Matchbox, Heller and Hasegawa. But one of the oldest P-51's must be the Lindberg "Bomber Escort". Anyone seen it? Built it? https://www.oldmodelkits.com/index.php?detail=23976&page=1&manu=lindberg Cheers / André
  14. I had this kit in the stash for a very long time, but kept overlooking it because of rigging. However I broke it out recently and decided to have a crack. The kit is basic, but decent fitting. I only replaced the lewis gun with one from the stash which looks a lot better. I rigged it by threading knitting elastic and it worked pretty well. The aircraft depicts one of the 20 odd machines acquired by the Poles to fight their war of Independence against the Russians in February 1919. Decals came from my spares box.
  15. I bought this old Lindberg kit just for the engine and tailpipe to use in a future U-2 build. Wrong engine for the U-2 I know but as it won't show it doesn't matter. Just wanted the length and the tailpipe. The more I think about it, however, the more I think this kit can be built up into a pretty decent model. A surfeit of rivets to be sure but easily removed along with the panel lines. Not sure about the shape but it looks okay. Tommy Thomason has a couple of pages on his blog about the F11-F and a search on Bling images produces this airplane with some colourful paintwork. Something to think about. Dennis
  16. This is the old 1/200 Lindberg moonship from 1958, reissued by Round2 and relabelled as 1/96 scale - which makes the included astronaut figures 5 feet tall instead of 10 feet tall! The original kit was based on an early-50s a von Braun concept for a round-the-moon exploratory flight (without landing). The ship was to be built in Earth orbit: Bonestell made a famous painting of it for a series of Collier's articles in the early 1950s: Lindberg, for reasons best known to themselves, stuck a set of landing legs on it, and removed the crew access, producing a vehicle in which the crew were trapped inside the habitat at the top of the ship, with no evident way of getting out, let alone down to the lunar surface. I wanted to restore it at least partially towards the original von Braun concept, so I removed the legs, added the toroidal hydrogen peroxide tank, scratch-built the crew access from 20mm tube, and chucked away the odd transparent red domes over all the portholes. I adapted one of the standing astronaut figures to become an EVA figure. Decals are mainly from my stash, trying to give the thing an appropriate period feel (a 48-star flag, for instance), mixed with a few decals from the kit that I repurposed. The stand is an old Airfix stand. (The toroidal tank at the base of the stack started life as a plastic curtain ring, which turned out to be exactly the right size.) It's not a great kit, and it has some horrible seams, but it was fun for a quick build.
  17. This one was no precise modern kit with lots of resin & etch. It’s a (very) old school kit with lots of toyish features - retractable undercarriage, opening canopy, removable ejector seat - but a passable overal shape. I tried to improve the air intake, then promptly stuck a FOD cover over it. I built up cockpit interior with plasticard and side panels, and improved the seat with plasticard and pull handles. The canopy had a totally wrong hinge at the back to let it open, so I cut that off and added hinge extension on the side where they should be. I did preshade it (with a limited amount to be seen) but didn’t rescribe it. With limited surface detail the panels didn’t really stand out and I haven’t done a final wash to bring things out. Well this is how she looks
  18. I have always been a fan of the F-8 Crusader and A-7 Corsair. Something about that nose & intake. Always looked purposeful. I am sure A-7s used to sometimes appear at Mildenhall air shows on static display in low viz grey schemes. One day I will have a go at one of those. Until then I have a cheap eBay buy of an old Lindberg F-8J that looks to be an imposing beast, if not the most detailed kit going. You don’t get the amount of parts in a kit like this that you do in a newer kit. And I am sure some filler may be neede at some point. Its got some gimmicks i wuld have loved as a teenager but feel wary of now. Like push in retractable undercarriage and open / closing wheel well doors. And moving flaps and tail elevators and rudder. Now spending on resin & etch isn’t in budget (unless you know of very cheap options) but I don’t rule out some scratch bits. The kit comes with one decal option Nothing against this scheme, although I do have a hankering for low viz, French navy, NASA or something else. Cheap option would be kit decals & try out some toned down weathering & salt effect Whatever she is a sizeable beast - 2 part body to fit in the box for a start. Here next to a Jag for comparison So any advice / hints / tips gratefully received. Only thing for sure is she will get built not binned!
  19. I'm going to go for it. A speed dance equivalent of two Kingfishers. This is the first, a Lindberg boxing procured somwhere I know where not. Found amongst the loft insulation a count of days ago. It did cost £10 though. It's basic, but OK, the plastic is like post multiple colour Matchbox, a kind of silvery shade. There are a small number of sink marks and there are holes for both the undercarriage and floats. Also the cockpits are minimalistic with weird seats. No gun ring or control column the wings are moulded inone piece upper and lower parts that threads through the fuselage as does the tailplane. The instructions are seriously but rather fetchingly old fashioned and the transfers don't look great but I'll not be using them.. The Airfix kit will be another thread Here we are all in the comforting sturdy box. I will refrain from asking Mr Revell to see how good these old fashioned boxes are. Sprue Instructions, transfers and the transparencies. You can see the transfers look suspect, even at this early stage.
  20. This Lindberg kit dates back to 1959 and is still on the shelves. I thought I'd pick it up because it's the first time I've done a jet aircraft. so this B-58 came out in 1959 and there's even a commercial with post cereal advertising box tops that could win you this kit, saying how it's "special" because the parts snap together and there are working features. Well, this kit CAN snap, but it's highly not recommended to do this as it won't look good at all. https://youtu.be/M64Ai4I9-as so, starting with the cockpit. It looks good for a lot from 1959. It has some detail on the walls and the floor and has pilots and accessories like a bomb scope and control panel. https://imgur.com/a/IWL1a compared to the other kits of that era, especially the biggest company of that time, Revell, this model seems to have quite good detail for a model from the late 50s. Or at least what I've seen. The flaps on the canopy section open up revealing the interior, so the windows you see there can be put on later in the build. Then came the joining of the fuselage. https://imgur.com/a/3NhBi the fit wasn't good in a lot of places and when it was it was really uneven, so I'm gonna grab my sanding stick and Tamiya Putty, and when I'm done I'll show everyone the rest of the build!
  21. Hello, I`ve decided to show you some of my older models, so here`s the first one. The kit is well known oldie goldie. I mus admit I really enjoyed building it. There is a lot of things that have been replaced and altered... I thought this one would be a rather quick build but it turned out to be something longer for my standards... My model depicts or is rather inspired by the Deperdussin from Oslo Teknisk Museum. I`m aware that there are plenty of errors and flaws in my build, but I`m relatively happy with the result.
  22. I want to show another of it finished aircraft. This project was similarly complete in 2016 One from "V" bomber serie AVRO VX-777 in 1:96 By "Lindberg". I invite to look. Pleasant impressions. (UKR): "Шануймося, бо ми того варті"
  23. SE.5a 1:48 Lindberg One of the most famous of all British fighters of the Great War, the S.E.5a entered service in 1917, and stayed on the front line until the end of the war in November 1918. It was a much easier aircraft to fly than the tricky Sopwith Camel, and given that many pilots were arriving with as little as 20 hours flying training, a much more suitable mount for the inexperienced. Designed by H P Folland, it's characteristics can be readily seen in the post war Gloster Grebe and Gamecock which Folland also designed. Other of his notable works were the Gloster Gauntlet and Gladiator, and he went on to found the Folland aircraft company.The earlier aircraft were powered by the 200 hp Hispano-Suiza 8b geared engine, and later on the 200 hp Wolsely Viper direct drive engine was introduced. In simple terms, the drive shaft of the Hispano Suiza drove a gear wheel, which then drove another gearwheel above, attached to the back of the prop, which rotated clockwise when viewed from the font. Visually this raised the prop higher in the nose, and often these machines had 4 bladed propellers. The Wolsely Viper was a licence built version of the Hispano-Suiza, and dispensed with the gear mechanism. The prop was bolted directly to the drive shaft, so that visually it sat in the mid position of the nose, and rotated anti-clockwise. This is a quick way to spot the difference between a geared Hispano Suiza, and a direct drive engine, probably a Wolsely Viper, although to complicate things, Hispano Suiza started to produce direct drive engines as well. The Kit Using the way back when machine this kit in fact dates back to 1958 The kit arrives as a bag of parts, most of which are on one central sprue. There is also a length of wire to rig the kit. The engine detail is basic and the interior consists of just a seat, control column and rudder pedals. The wheels attach over the axles and then the end of the axle must be melted down with a hot nail/screw driver etc. The fabric detail on the wings is reasonable, and they have managed to capture the large exhausts & seams down the side fairly well. A length of steel wire is provided to rig the aircraft. Decals The decal sheet is well printed, however the colours do seem a little muted to my eyes. Decals for two aircraft are provided; No. 35 Sqd Royal Flying Corps C Flight, 25th Aero Sqn, Air Service, US Army. Conclusion This kit is a product of it's age. Recommended only if you fancy some nostalgic modelling. Review sample courtesy of UK distributors for
  24. A4D Skyhawk & F-4 Phantom II 1:72 Lindberg This is a double boxing recently re-released by Lindberg. Lindberg kits have been around for a while and it would seem that the F-4 kit dates back to 1965 not too long after the first Phantoms went to the US Navy. The A4D seems to have its origins in the IMC kit from the 1970s which was first reboxed by Lindberg back in 1990. Both kits featured the addition of extra parts to re-create a "battle damaged" look to them, and no doubt to appeal to the younger generation of modellers. A4D The overall shape for the Skyhawk seems to be good, details as expected from a kit this age are sparse. The pilot is moulded to his seat, and the bombs to their oversize pylons. The battle damaged parts consist of a second left fuselage and second horizontal tail part. F-4G The kit was boxed as an F-4G and may reference the US Navy F-4G aircraft from 1963 which were modified F-4B aircraft. Indeed the kit has the thin wing of the F-4B. For this kit that's where the similarity ends, the nose, and under nose fairing look like no F-4. There are no seats for the pilots in the cockpit and no underwing stores apart from external tanks. Damaged parts are a new left intake and a left upper wing. Decals Two options are provided for both kits. The ones for the Skyhawk seem to represent real squadrons, where as those for the Phantom are entirely fictional. The A-4 has the standard US Navy Scheme of the day, where the F-4 features both a SEA scheme and a grey scheme. The decals for the A-4 look well printed, where as he F-4 not so good. Conclusion These kits are a product of their age. Recommended only if you fancy some nostalgia modelling, or fancy trying the "battle damaged" look. Review sample courtesy of UK distributors for
  25. At the beginning of the Battle of Britain KG 3 had a total of 108 bombers, of which 88 were combat ready. KG 3 operated during all phases of the battle. From June 1940 to March 1941 they were stationed at le Culot in France. In March 1941 II. Gruppe left for bases in Poland. During their relocation the unit stopped at Oldenburg for conversion onto the Ju 88 which was completed on 16 March. The rest of the Geschwader had converted to the Ju 88 by early June 1941. This is the ancient Lindberg kit. The cockpit is crude and incorrect in its layout. The pilots sit centrally, all facing forward, whereas in reality the pilot sat forward to the left, two more crew sit behind him to the right (facing forward) and the fourth sits centrally facing the rear. I did not correct this, preferring to build straight from the box, as the manufacturer intended, but with more accurate markings. No machine guns are included in this kit, so the builder must acquire half a dozen if required. That said, there is little chance of making an accurate model, such are the simplifications and errors of this kit. While these may have been acceptable 50 years ago, the modern modeller is more demanding and this kit falls well short of today's standards. For me it was a nostalgic build - I cut my teeth on kits like this.
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