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corsaircorp last won the day on August 14

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About corsaircorp

  • Birthday 09/29/1963

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    The naughty corner, on Venus, at the bar !!
  • Interests
    Above all, naval aviation, mainly USN and FAA

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  1. Hello Gents, And here's the plan for the Monogram Marauder.... One of the B-26 used in the battle of Midway..... What's to do ?? modifying the wing to have the short ones..... Pleasure and cursing guaranteed..... Adding a torpedo launcher on the bomb's bay doors..... No rear lower guns doors either..... I have some doubts about the flashy green serial on the tail.... And so on..... This thread is far from being finished ???? Hold my beer.... Sincerely. CC
  2. Thanks Maestro G ! I struggled to have an appointment, so, I'll meet the toecutter next tuesday..... Well , the typical F-18 seam..... Not too bad in fact.... See you soon Gents !! Sincerely. CC
  3. Hello Gents, Aaaaand here we are again.... Lmproving old Monogram kits is one of my fav games..... But sometimes... I push it a bit too much..... 2X P-40, 1X TBM, 2X TBD, 2X A-26 and a B-26 now..... As they announced a Trumpeter Devastator, let's push up the GWH one.... And add a TBD to my collection soon.... That's the plan..... It was a Navy modelling evening yesterday..... Was it ??? Sincerely. CC still crazy !!
  4. Now, if one of those is appealing to you, just tellit and I send it !! Sincerely. Alf
  5. Hello Gents, Just a check to see if my fixing is valid.... Rule1 : Avoid changing your mind when you already started a kit.... Sincerely. CC
  6. Ai Caramba !! Surgery has been postponed on account of a lurgy.... Soooo.... Checking the seams... It look good to me.... Sincerely. CC
  7. Hello John, Just a pic for you, found on FB.... I know those are F models nut taking off from a carrier.... Sincerely. CC
  8. Hello @2996 Victor Mark, I apologize but seemingly there has been some bugs in my hard drive.... Here's what I got.... Racing Spitfire Yes but a camouflaged one.... Beside an HSS one.... I mixed the 2 in my memory..... I'm confused... Sorry Sir.... I also have this other racing Spitfire.... I think that I ages more and more badly..... Sincerely... A really sorry CC
  9. Look really fine to me David !! Well done that Man !! Sincerely. CC
  10. Congratulations Brian !! Great save on that old kit !! Sincerely. CC
  11. Really nicely done Chris !! Well, It will be my turn soon... I think that I'll use the folding wings on my Operation Goodwood's Firefly.... Sincerely. CC
  12. Waste of time ?? I'll be glad to do such a waste of time !! I really loved the last pic, It's great and precious !! Congrats to the mini Navy Bird !! And great Congrats to you !! Sincerely. CC
  13. And, shame on me, I missed your yearbook.... Splendid job my Dear Spad !! Sincerely. CC
  14. I let a note especially for you on my Cessna O-1's thread !! Sincerely. CC
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