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Hi - I had to go to my shed & try out @hendies advice on the Hoop Frame - I adjusted the frame dimensions to move it back where Hendie advised in line with end of the bay opening - when cutting the Hoop I managed to break some of the resin off the bottom of the Hoop legs off so repaired the damage with plasticard strip, also added some strip to the side of port leg and then sanded the legs to fit the fuselage profile.

The Hoop fits ok and also with both fuselage halves closed up.

I drilled & filed a hole in the back of the rear fuselage bulkhead to allow the rear of the fan to slide in or out for adjustment when aligning the transmission train parts.



I next tried a dry fit of the transmission assembly to see how the parts fit relative to each other - there seems to be more wiggle room now to adjust their relative positions - I should be able to juggle a length of brass tube into the rear of the Rotor Brake when the parts are finally glued in.

The hoop was left out while this dry fit was done.




Hopefully Hendie can give this a look over to see if it is now assembled the way he designed it to be.



Edit - I used my model chisels to reduce the port kit wall thickness where the Hoop frame buts up against it as the frame plus the wall thickness looked a bit too wide for me - I reduced the thickness of the kit wall by about half and am happier with the look now.

I sanded the left side of the hoop where I added the plastic strip to fit the new inner profile - the strip I added was almost sanded away





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36 minutes ago, hendie said:

that all looks great to me Chris.  The only thing to watch out for now is the fit of the mesh over the top - that could be fiddly and maybe need a tweak or two.

Thanks Alan I'm glad you think it is looking ok - I did tentatively try placing the mesh framework over the rotor head & it looks like it will be a fiddly job - plenty of work in the transmission deck area to keep me busy for now


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6 hours ago, perdu said:

Tell you what Chris, give you the tools and you sure do the job nicely, it's looking a bit wonderful in there.


Lovely jubbly Alan.

Thanks @perdu, its Alans parts that make the difference - incidentally I have been browsing here on BM and admiring your RFI's on your 1/72 Wasp & Wessex XP150 Antrim - lovely work. 


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Chris, before you get too far ahead with the mesh grill around the MRH, you might want to add 2mm of plastic strip the the front edge of the rear crosspiece. It's dimensionally incorrect, which doesn't allow the non slip decal to be applied correctly. I'll take a photo of the part I have modified.


Colin the Wessex nut.

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2 hours ago, NAVY870 said:

Wondering if the interior green might be a bit on the pale side?

36 at the FAA museum




Navy870 -Yes it does look pale next to your photo - I have not decided on the final colour but it looks like it needs dirtying up a lot - the exposed roof colour above the walls looks a lot more olive or dark interior green to me - I will play around with some dirty wash & see what that looks like then.

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12 hours ago, heloman1 said:

Chris, before you get too far ahead with the mesh grill around the MRH, you might want to add 2mm of plastic strip the the front edge of the rear crosspiece. It's dimensionally incorrect, which doesn't allow the non slip decal to be applied correctly. I'll take a photo of the part I have modified.


Colin the Wessex nut.

Thanks Colin I'm interested to see this mod.


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I decided to try out my limited weathering skills & dirty up the interior - the XF14 was given a wash with Vallejo umber & then black washes

The transmission bay was airbrushed with XF81 which looked too dark so I sprayed over it with Mr HobbyH50 Lime Green & then some very old Xtracrylic Aircraft grey green - all a bit hit & miss.

Finally the bay was given a wash of the Vallejo Umber & black washes.

I think visibility of much of the cabin interior will be limited once the fuselage halves are glued together except through the cabin doorway - I haven't sealed these colours in yet so I reduced some of the grime on the port fuselage wall as seen through the cabin door.



The colour in the photos varies according to what lighting they are taken under 





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Interior detailing and weathering is looking good.


OK, re the mod to the MRH grill, here is a pic of my modified part. In the right hand side the frame has been widened by 2mm. I used the kit supplied mesh as the PE part is incorrect.


Then, on the starboard side drop down transmission platform, the hoist/winch fold in door is incorrectly positioned. I made a new one from thein plastic-card, then added the two rubbing strips.



Hope these are both of help to you?




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7 minutes ago, heloman1 said:

Interior detailing and weathering is looking good.


OK, re the mod to the MRH grill, here is a pic of my modified part. In the right hand side the frame has been widened by 2mm. I used the kit supplied mesh as the PE part is incorrect.


Then, on the starboard side drop down transmission platform, the hoist/winch fold in door is incorrectly positioned. I made a new one from thein plastic-card, then added the two rubbing strips.



Hope these are both of help to you?




Thats great Colin thanks



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all - I've had a couple of weeks away from the modelling desk but have started to get my Wessex moving along again today.

At the moment my focus is on the transmission bay, MRGB & all of the fiddly little bits therein - this has involved many hours looking at walkaround sites & whatever else I can discover online plus my 4plus book & Haynes Wessex manual.

I still had trouble finding good clear photos of the bay other than what's in the two books - when I looked at the Wessex walkarounds on BM it appears that the MRGB & attachments must vary between versions to some degree. I have been trying to work out where various hydraulic hose run to & from around the MRGB & bay - I have sort of worked out where the main ones run from the photos on BM.

Hendie's MRGB was eased into position & the position of those two support stays worked out & made from Albion Alloys brass tube (set SFT1)


I made up some of the detail around the gearbox from plastic strip, rod & lead wire trying to capture the look of the jumble of bits & pieces in the bay basically working from the photos @hendie posted on the previous pages.


I ran the lead wire hydraulic lines under the MRGB - as I'm not really sure what they connect to on the real thing I ran them into the back of the bay for now.

thanks for looking.


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Chris you are working the Hendie miracle pieces build perfectly, I mean who could possibly build another Wessex without those in future.


Superb, I think the random cables and pipes approach perfectly suits the build too.


Blimey I adore that rotor head!


Great braces dude.

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2 hours ago, bigbadbadge said:

Looking good so far Chris, should look suitably busy  once you've finished.

Great work


Thanks Chris - I'm hoping that it will look a nice jumble of busy bits under a coat of paint!

1 hour ago, perdu said:

Chris you are working the Hendie miracle pieces build perfectly, I mean who could possibly build another Wessex without those in future.


Superb, I think the random cables and pipes approach perfectly suits the build too.


Blimey I adore that rotor head!


Great braces dude.

Thanks @perdu - I hope this motivates others to buy some of @hendies goodies - they are beaut fine replicas - almost not game to touch them some days

@HartDeco has two photos of a nice Wessex build showing @hendies parts on page 4 of Hendies Wessex parts various on 3D printer Makers Space


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Hi all - a small update to the transmission bay after a challenging modelling session - after much head scratching & looking at photos, I managed to work out the starboard reservoir's position and pinned it to the MRGB with some copper wire so that the whole assembly can be moved in one piece, hopefully helping to get everything into position during the build.

I managed to dry fit the MRGB/rotor brake & Cooling Fan into position - the fan can be moved forwards & back to help this & I won't glue them into place until I am happy with the set up - it could be difficult getting everything in place if the fan is fixed - also helps lining up the fan pully & rotor brake drive pully.

I sprayed the gearbox with Mr Hobby H422 Light green, the interior of the bay is Xtracrylic Aircraft Grey/Green.



Next I thought I would try & fit the prominent hydraulic hoses that I read control the direction of the swash plate - these were made from solder wire fixed in place with CA - the first two were fitted as in photo below & should look ok when painted Nato or Rubber Black.

If I can work out where the other hoses go that run under the MRGB, I may add those too - there is some very fine piping that runs down the support struts, but they may be too much of a challenge.


I will add some detail on the starboard side of the MRGB/bay but not much of it will be easily visible unless I leave off the mesh cover under the rotor head - I don't currently plan to do that & I'm not intending to open up the starboard side of the bay. I think the level of detail in the transmission bay is approaching the "good enough" stage


Added more hydraulic hoses/pipework from lead wire & solder wire referring to the few photos I could find of the MRGB installed - some of the hose placement is pure speculation on my part.



Finally popped it all together to see how it all fits.

thanks Chris



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1 hour ago, perdu said:

This is very nice Chris, reminds me of Hendie's 28 sqn build



Thanks I have been scrutinising Hendies 28 SQDN WIP closely the last few days for hints on the transmission deck area - some lovely fine detailing on his Wessex.



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