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About triumphfan

  • Birthday 11/12/1961

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  1. Hi Trevor, it was good to meet up with you and see your models in real life. A worthy win for the camera car. Its just astonishing how much detail you were able to put into such a tiny model 👏 Atb, Steve.
  2. Thanks Colin, I wasn't aware of the impending rerelease. Will have a look to see which version it is. I did fancy doing a factory stock version but I really don't think it will happen. Atb, Steve.
  3. Thanks Tony, it was great to meet you and have a chat in person. Really enjoyed the show. Great to have a social with old friends and new. Atb, Steve.
  4. Beautiful bit of masking and painting Rick. The trim looks really sharp. Atb, Steve.
  5. Wow, I missed that one during my absence from the forum. Thanks for posting the link to an impressive scratchbuild. I am going to have a read through your wip later on. Atb, Steve.
  6. Well done on getting all the opening features working so well. That's a great colour too 👍 Atb, Steve.
  7. That's an impressive engine model. Are you going to build the rest of the car to go around it? Atb, Steve.
  8. Matt, at the Italian GP, Tony Brooks had the yellow nose(#28), Stirling Moss car had the white marking(#26) and Stuart Lewis-Evans was unmarked(#30). Hope this helps. Atb, Steve.
  9. Welcome Tim. I share a similar interest in aircraft, got into building WW1 stuff and biplanes only recently. The rigging had been putting me off, had a go, found it wasn't too hard, and not looked back! I'm located on the Lincs/Cambs border near Peterborough. We do have a few shows around this way during the year, mostly within an hour of travelling. Spalding model club have a show on in Holbeach on 22/9. A very friendly and social affair, there is always someone willing to answer modelling questions (sometimes at great lengths 😉) Well worth visiting the shows for hints and tips (and shopping) Atb, Steve.
  10. Nice build. The extra detailing looks very well done. Atb, Steve.
  11. Coming along nicely. Looks like the driver is fitting in without too much drama. Fernando Pinto produces a model of the Vanwall with the nose scoop. His has an open rear. https://www.fppmodels.com/product-page/vanwall-f1-1958 Hopefully the link above will show this. Atb, Steve.
  12. Just completed the C1 Escort. It is technically a trans-kit but it is very comprehensive and only uses a few of the kit parts, the main ones being the chassis/floor pan and the 'glass'. I wanted to build a model of the car my brother in law owned back in the 80's. Neither of us could remember the full reg number so I ended up using a generic plate I had in the stash. The trans kit uses the BDA from the donor kit, obviously this wasn't a factory option (wow! If it had been?) so a resin Pinto was installed. I scratch built the rest including the brake booster and bracket, washer bottle, wiring loom, etc. Spares box provided a battery and alternator. Exhaust manifold was a modified spares box item and aluminium tube was used for the rest of the exhaust back to the centre box. Inlet manifold was created by turning the trans kit supplied exhaust manifold upside down and cutting the down pipe off. Spares box carb on top of that and an aftermarket free flow air filter topped it off. A scratch built air filter housing had been planned but it turned out to be unfeasible due to under bonnet clearance. I replaced the trans kit rear brake discs and callipers with drum brakes made from punched card discs. The kit goes together very well, the fit of parts such as those lovely twin light housings and the interior parts, all fit together beautifully. Only criticism is the door cards are not tall enough, this could be resolved by adding a strip to the top of the side panels? It was most enjoyable adding some extra details, even down to the ignition keys. They are difficult to see in the finished model but I know they are there. 😆 Atb, Steve.
  13. That makes two of us. I think it would sell well, which also makes me wonder how well this RS Escort kit sold? After some thought, I decided not to. It's not that apparent on an all black interior and, if you try and move the door cards up, it means having to move the dash down. Loads of work and a distinct risk of it going completely pear shaped. It does mean that the X pack car will also have a black interior.... #easy life !! If it really needs to be done, I think the best solution would be to add a couple of millimetres to the top of the side panels. Atb, Steve.
  14. Lovely build and the rally car collection looks very nice indeed. Atb, Steve.
  15. A lovely little scene Dick, well done. Is the tank and cargo all scratch built? Atb, Steve.
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