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  1. When a old dream comes true !!!! - UPD: release now expected late June or early July 2024 Sword Models is to release a 1/48th Fairey Gannet AEW.3 - ref. SW48014 Sources: https://swordmodel.cz/cs/home/176-sw48014-gannet-aew3.html https://www.facebook.com/swordmodels/posts/pfbid071gJyGBW67h6nkHpWhmQB4sBMQHgeKWAivc7ct8a7n2nUGKxV2XgvsqHTjSkGwGHl V.P.
  2. Entry #4(For now) Dynavector's 1/48 Fairy Gannet AS-1 Reputed to be one of the Ugliest aircraft ever envisioned by the mind of Man. Perhaps, we shall see. But I did add the Airwaves P/E set so I can make this little gem look like a throwback to the Karate Kid. This should keep me busy and out of trouble for a day of two. nahhhh who am I kidding...Now time for awax on...awax off
  3. I have had the Dynavector Gannet kit in my stash for some years intending to make it one day – the article in Cold War in January this year called "Gannet goings on" by Canberra Kid sparked my interest again with some nice drawings from manuals and news that Airfix are releasing a 1/48 AS1/4 Gannet. As a result I decided to start on my Dynavector Gannet now and try and try to get it made before the Airfix kit is released and distracts me. I had a look at some nice Dynavector Gannets by Rizzo & ianwau posted here in Britmodeller - https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234918551-fairey-gannet-cod4/ https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235101507-148-dynavector-fairey-gannet-as-1/page/3/ I had the old Airwaves etched wing fold set and was interested to see how it would look and Rizzo’s build was a good example of this - I decided I would trim the airfoil ribs down to fit inside the wing halves. I would also fabricate the hinge and pushrod mechanisms similar to what Rizzo did – the etched parts should help working out dimensions of the various bits. FUSELAGE I belatedly decided to do a WIP so unfortunately, I did not take many photos of the fuselage halves before I cemented them together other than sections where the cockpits & nose wheel bay go - The kit cockpit assemblies are quite nice and I added some extra detailing and some Airscale instrument dials and decals. I separated the rear operators seat back from the seat pan referring to photos. These photos show some of the extra details added with plastic card & copper wire. An internal bulkhead and the nose wheel bay were added prior to joining the fuselage. I cut the rudder away from the fin and added a rudder post for strength. Several test fits were done ensuring the cockpit assemblies, nosewheel bay & fuselage bulkhead all fitted snugly before gluing it all together. References I used included these - https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234910632-fairey-gannet-xa334-royal-australian-navy/ https://www.thunder-and-lightnings.co.uk/gannet/walkaround.php https://www.net-maquettes.com/pictures/gannet-as-4-walkaround/ INNER WINGS I decided to scratch build new main wheel bays & try & replicate the internal structure which was built mainly in 30thou Evergreen sheet - the main spar was made from 60thou sheet shaped to the wing dihedral. T I glued an inner aerofoil section of Evergreen plastic about 2mm inboard of where the etch part will sit to provide an anchor point for push rods & cable/pipes if needed and also to prevent see through into the inner wing space. I used multi strand copper wire stripped from some fine household electrical cable to represent the hydraulic pipes and other cabling - My method of keeping the copper strands from fraying & falling apart is to solder the ends of each branch of the pipes once they have been separated into the various pipe runs I am trying to replicate. The wire was then carefully fed around the internal ribs and was and positioned referring to the walkaround photos - a couple of bottles in the wheel bay were made from sprue turned in a drill & copper wire piping added. photos above show mounting hole for main gear strut and extension to the strut with aluminium tubing to allow for the deeper wheel bay. INNER WINGFOLD The plastic outer edges at the inner wing fold break were thinned to about 0.5mm using the edge of a scalpel blade and the edges of the Airwaves aerofoil section were carefully filed holding the etch piece against a wooden block to prevent it from bending. The etched wing panels above before being separated and showing the thin green outer edge that I filed away so it fits inside the upper & lower wing halves – you have to take care doing this as the etch will bend easily. The etched aerofoil has been glued into place with CA and the flap end made from plastic sheet A test fit of upper & lower wing halves around the aerofoil section all held together by a rubber band. I really am enjoying all of the scratch building I'm doing on this model. So that's the Gannet started and hopefully it will progress steadily without too many hold ups CJP
  4. Hello! No WIP thread for this build unfortunately. I started this build earlier in the year and then abandoned it. Yesterday I had a burst of inspiration and I decided to finish it. By that I mean fully paint it and all the other stuff, In one day! Anyway, here she is, XA322: And here she is with my Bucc S.2C XV336 I had a lot of fun building this kit and I'm very happy with the result, hope you all enjoy it too!
  5. This is a bit of an oldie but a goody. I've done a search on Britmod on this one - and whilst a couple of matches, didn't spot anyone doing a fully build. This is a rather nice multimedia kit from Dynavector from the last century. Picked this one up on fleabay - it's one of my favourite aircraft (not sure why - it just has some sort of purposeful stance and saw it in a museum at an early age). I'm assuming there'll be a bit of interest in it - reviews suggest this is the best 1/48 Gannet out there??? Below is the box top - showing it's age with a bit of foxing, crushing etc.... Instructions are pretty simple. A bit of assumed knowledge including the ability to read. Not phased... Oh - did anyone mention it's a vacform? But gosh - what beautiful detailing! Just have to crack it out of the skin... Here's the wings... And some rather fine white metal to go along with it... Oh, and TWO identical vacform canopies As a bit of a bonus - the fleabay purchase came with the rather nice Airwaves wingfold (the penalty being all the prep required to fit it!). Not 100% sure I'll use it to be honest - maybe just one wing??? The plan is for this to be an Aussie RAN scheme. Always a bit of a chore (not THAT unpleasant) in getting the main vacform bits prepped/sanded etc - will post some progress pics
  6. Been fancying a Gannet for a while, wasn't sure whether to go for a Revell AS machine or the Sword AEW, have read that both have their issues. Not that I'm likely to notice, mind, as long as the end result looks and smells like a Gannet I'll be happy 🙂 Due to a birthday list mishap I actually have two of these, which may well be fortuitous! This is my first attempt at a 'short run' kit, as well as my first use of PE and resin for the interior. Its going to be an education! From what I've read the decals can be very thin and awful - we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Have found a couple of YouTube videos covering building this with a few useful hints - if anyone has any others to offer please feel free to do so! The obligatory box and sprue shots: I think I'm going to go with the yellow and black markings for my first attempt.. Those PE seat belts are *tiny* - I can see the carpet monster working up an appetite here.. Also there's a 'film' sheet which goes under the PE - not entirely sure what to do with that? The resin for the operators interior (not the cockpit). Assuming I don't make a complete hash of assembling this, I'll be doing the side hatches open so its at least partially visible And that's about it. Not sure I'll get much done this side of Christmas with the impending chaos, and there's a chance I might be redecorating the modelling spare room in the new year which may cause some disruptions, so no holding of breath please! Apologies to my pair of Lightnings (and the rest!) that have been in the stash for months and were promptly overtaken by the Gannet almost as soon as it arrived 🙂 Al.
  7. Hi, Here’s my Revell Gannet, nice kit. Great subject! It’s quite a beast of an aircraft even in 1/72 scale. I have a soft spot for Royal Navy aircraft and a few more in the stash. I added an Eduard interior set but the only one I could find was for the trumpeter kit, but I just hacked at this one until it fitted 😀. Decals from Xtradecal. Thanks for looking, Guy ps I broke the pilot's sliding canopy right at the end so have requested a replacement from Revell. Not sure if I’ll get one as they’re discontinued.. I’ve also just realised I forgot to add the arrestor hook. Will add it this afternoon. I wouldn’t fancy having to land one on the deck without it!
  8. Grumman F6F Hellcat Kit Build #3 9788366148949 Kagero via Casemate UK The Hellcat was designed as a replacement to the earlier Wildcat, and although they bear a distinct familial resemblance, they are completely different aircraft with no commonality of parts to speak of. It was the preeminent US Naval fighter in the Pacific Theatre, having an R2800 Double-Wasp engine pulling her along by the propeller and a ruggedness that many a pilot was grateful of after getting in the sights of a Japanese Zero. She was also a good gun platform, agile in the air, and easier to land on the deck than the Corsair it fought alongside. It was widely deployed by the US, and in British service it was initially known as the Gannet (why?), but reverted to the Hellcat name soon after for simplicity, with over a thousand in service with the FAA until the end of the war. In American hands there were many pilots that became aces thanks to the skill of the pilots and the quality of their rides, achieving incredible kill ratios against the Zero that remained respectable against later Japanese designs, accounting for roughly half the US kills in the Pacific Theatre. The Hellcat was also a capable ground-attack aircraft, which was demonstrated in support of the US ground-troops during the hard-fought Island-Hopping campaign that eventually led them to Japanese homeland islands. After the war America withdrew the type from front-line service soon after peace broke-out, but retained it as Air National Guard (ANG) and used it as a disposable drone aircraft, carrying a 2,000lb bomb to targets in Korea while under external control. In the short-term it was replaced by the Bearcat that was faster due to an uprated version of the same R2800 engine, being more manoeuvrable and therefore more dangerous, but ultimately destined to have a relatively short life in US service thanks to the burgeoning jet-powered revolution. The Book This is the third edition of a new range from Kagero, the descriptive Kit Build series, which doesn’t need much more explanation unless you don’t readily understand English. It is printed in full colour in a card cover, which are sometimes referred to as a “bookazine” these days. The text is written in English on the left and Polish on the right, which translates to English on top, Polish on the bottom for most of the captions. It has 58 matt-finished pages within, and is bursting with colour on every one. There are two builds within the book, one of the 1:72 Eduard F6F-3 by Robert Wąsik, the other in 1:48 of the Hellcat Mk.1 by Robert Skałbania, the latter in British service. The 1:72 Hellcat is built as a care-worn airframe of VF-15, who took part in the Marianas Turkey Shoot, operating from USS Essex, in a well-scuffed tri-tonal Semi-Gloss Dark Blue and Intermediate Blue over Insignia White scheme. Over 25 pages of step-by-step instructions, the various techniques employed to give the surface of the aircraft the appearance of wear, explained in both words and pictures, showing just how to achieve very realistic effects. The 1:48 Eduard kit is depicted as a Royal Navy FAA airframe with moderate wear and a little bit of fading thanks to the sunny climes of the Pacific Theatre. This one has a stack of aftermarket thrown at it from a mix of providers, including Eduard, Aires and Master, adding a resin engine that has some of the cowling panels removed to show off the detail. Both models are built to a very high standard with variable amounts of aftermarket and scratch-building used to further improve the detail of the models. Each build finishes with a number of pages devoted to high quality photos of the completed models, some of which are extreme close-ups. The final 11 pages are devoted to side and wing profiles of various US airframes, and as a little bonus, a set of vinyl US stars are included for your use. Conclusion As long as you mix in some talent to go with your kit, this book should give any modeller with a little experience a raft of new techniques to try or adapt to their way of doing things. Highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  9. Flying S Models (FSM) is to release a 1/32nd Fairey Gannet AEW.3 resin kit. Source: https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3701280779904362&id=568092553223216 V.P.
  10. Hi All I found this model for sale at a model show last year. All the parts had been removed from the sprue and the tailplanes glued up but everything appeared to be in the box so I bought it. I wanted a Gannet to build because I remember seeing them at Lossiemouth in the early 1970s. I can't actually recall if it was the AS/COD version I saw, or the AEW3. Although not the most attractive aircraft ever built I personally prefer the AS styling to the AEW. I seem to recall the approach to landing where the Double Mamba engines seemed to be working very hard and fast but the fuselage was just plodding along. This was probably an illusion created from a combination of the sound of the contra-rotating propellers and the sheer bulk of the body. The model is built OOB with a slight modification to remove the AS radome to make the model as an AS4(COD). The only problem encountered was the pre-glued tailplane. Whoever had the model previously managed to glue one of the finlets onto the horizontal stabiliser the wrong way up. Maybe that's why the model was for sale. The kit is very basic and pretty devoid of detail and moulded crew heads in flat cockpits, but it brings back memories of building similar kits in the 60's and 70's. I have used Revell and Vallejo paints and Xtradecal sheet X72070 to represent XA466 as she appeared in the 1976/77 period. While the standard COD scheme was Dark Blue Grey overall, XA466 wore the standard naval scheme of Extra Dark Sea Grey and Sky, an unusual scheme for a COD aircraft ,for about a year. The following link to the ABPic site shows an image of the Gannet I am trying to represent. https://abpic.co.uk/pictures/view/1384837 The images, hope you enjoy:- Thanks for looking. Graeme
  11. When I returned to modelling after a loooong break a couple of years ago, it was figure modelling that attracted me back. Then I found this in a cheap box at the Darlington show and my head was turned to the dark side This was the first aircraft model I made in 40+ years and really started my obsession, sorry hobby..... Can't remember who the kit manufacturer was but painted in Tamiya and Revell acrylics.
  12. I have split open the bag for my build and it sired some memories from a childhood build. I will build OOB as I need something to get the mojo back. The parts in a lovely brown plastic Instructions and washed out decals And the decals I will use for the build Not sure if I will build as a 816SQN Mk1 or an shore based 724SQN T Mk2
  13. Lift Here! is to release a 1/72nd Tugan LJW7 Gannet (RAAF) resin kit - ref. LHM037. Release expected in July 2017. Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/tugan-ljw7-gannet-raaf-expected-july-2017-lhm037-lift-here-decals-lhm037-aircraft-scale-modelling/product/?action=prodinfo&art=146001 V.P.
  14. hi, as said in the title, i am looking for scale plans of a Gannet, for a project in a bit strange scale, 1/87. Hope some one can help me, regards theo
  15. I knew of this aircraft but hadn't realised it was back on the US circuit. Fabulous! In the same way the Vulcan was shot with 4K before it retired, I just wish there was better footage of this almost extinct aircraft. I wonder if it will ever make it 'home' to the UK, and if so could it even fly here?
  16. Fairey Gannet T.2. XA508 is not only the first T.2 produced but is now the only one left as well. On loan from the FAA museum to The Midland Air Museum. In service the aircraft was polished metal but it is now painted silver. Pics mine.
  17. Hello, Here's my just finished 1/72 Revell Gannet AS.4 in Marineflieger markings. I decided to do it as UA+110, which is preserved these days as UA+106 at the Luftwaffe museum at Gatow near Berlin. Bit of a mixed kit, some nice details, and some crappy fit, especially around the cockpit and clear parts. The tail hook snapped into 3 pieces, and one of the canopies has broken in two on the sprue. Painted with Humbrol enamels. I hope you like it. Thanks for looking, Pete
  18. Hi all, I am currently working on the Revell 1/72 Fairey Gannet, in Marineflieger markings, and I have some questions. First, the radome under the fuselage. Revell wants me to paint it black, but were they really this colour, or were they some unpainted dark fibreglass shade? Second, would Humbrol 90 be a good match for the Sky on the lower fuselage? If not, any suggestions? I have access to Humbrol, Revell, Italeri, Vallejo, Heller, Gunze acrylic, Tamiya, MR Paint, AK Interactive and Alclad's stuff. (Gotta love a well stocked hobbyshop) Thanks in advance!
  19. XP226 at Newark Air Museum, pics mine.
  20. This is the Trumpeter kit in 1/72, with Red Roo Decals. I cut out the radome from the lower fuselage and filled it with plastic card as the T2's didn't have this fitted. The instructions also have you put the flaps down, but I glued them in the up position. As usual, fit of the parts was hit and miss, with the major sections fitting nicely, but the smaller parts left a bit to be desired. Unfortunately I screwed up the paint job the first time around and it has sat in my cabinet half finished since January, but with Wings Model Show coming up I pulled it out, sanded down the rough as guts paint and repainted it. I was unable to cram enough weight in the nose to make it sit so I whipped up a base from an MDF board, sanded and painted with a little MiniNatur grass to add some interest and glued the model down.
  21. Fairey Gannet XG797, pics thanks to Mike.
  22. Hi, Been a while since I last built a model but due to inclement weather, shorter days and the start of yet another reality TV show airing, I decided to "get me out of here" and find a wee project to keep me amused. Decided to build a fixed wing aircraft this time but stayed with the Fleet Air Arm theme and purchased the Sword 1:72 Fairey Gannet AEW.3 from flea bay. Apart from a wee 1970's pilot, this will be built OOB. Hopefully, I will be able to do it justice and if possible, change the airframe number to represent the old gate guard that sat at HMS Gannet for many a year. I do believe that she is now safely on display at the Dumfries & Galloway Aviation Museum - http://www.dumfriesaviationmuseum.com/fairey-gannet/ The following is a photo of her, quite a few years ago, resplendent in the Ayrshire sunshine The kit seems okay with plenty of recessed panel lines and raised detail. The instructions are very good and it would appear at first glance to be a straightforward build. I did notice that there is no numbers on each sprue part but this isn't really a problem as the diagrams are clear and there are not really that very many parts. Included in the kit is some photo etch for seat belts and panel instrumentation, although this cannot really be seen when the fuselage halves are joined together. I built up the cockpit, converted a modern "PJ production" SAR pilot into a 1970's pilot and popped him into place. There was not point in doing anything else with the interior as it is not on show. Having build an ASW version of this model some years ago, it is definitely a tail sitter, so I used some self adhesive car wheel balancing weights and stuck 20 grammes into the nose/cockpit section before gluing it together. I also used some pink tac to create the right amount of clearance and extra support for the nose wheel bay and cockpit tub. Most of the two fuselage halves went together fine but there is no real depth to the locating spigots on each half and there was a bit of sanding/fettling required to get the front section to mate together especially around the cockpit. More work required on this when cured. The wee pilot seems happy enough for now though .. The biggest problem is that the AEW dome on the underside has a huge gap which has required a liberal amount of filler to close. This will mean even more sanding and re scribing one it has fully hardened. Not much else to add at the moment, except that should be a fairly fast build, ie weeks instead of months. I purchased a rivet wheel a few weeks back but will wait and see if I will use it on this. Glad to be back building again, all the best B
  23. At long last I have a 'new' desk which although smaller and lacking drawers/cupboards will at least allow a restart after a too-long break. And what dropped through my letterbox this morning but another early suprise...(although mine is rather more crumpled in appearance) The (not so) mighty Mechanical Horse aka Scammell Scarab which using the kit options would build up to this: I see there is a walkaround (yay!) but only one build thread (aww) so it will fit in nicely as being different to the normal 99.9% of kits seen. Now I just need to get bits and pieces sorted in to place before deciding on RAF, RN or civilian scheme (and another excuse to get to Antics searching the paint stands...whilst ignoring the 'wall of plastic' of course:)) One question/request... Google (and Bing) bring up a few pix of models or museum vehicles in military dress but nothing of real vehicles in action. Whilst I'm still umming and erring on my Dinah build I thought it might look good sat next a 50s or 60s Hunter or Gannet or...
  24. Hi Folks, This arrived in the post yesterday from Hannants... A quick 'phone pic of the box, I'll post up pics of the contents later, but for now there's a brief description of the box contents below. Two Grey sprues of parts A clear sprue for canopy, windows and landing lights Small photo etch for instrument panel, side consoles and seat harness Clear acetate sheet of instruments to go behind the etched panel Decal sheet which looks nicely in register and contains quite a bit of stencilling Instruction booklet. All packed in a zip-lock bag (Which was a pleasant surprise, no loose bits rolling around in the box.) Photo's to follow. Al
  25. Got this kit as I wanted to do the Empire Test Pilots School scheme it comes with. Trumpeter seem to have copied the profile in Warpaint 23 on the Gannet as it shows a very plain font for the ETPS lettering on the nose, so I printed my own decals in the correct font. Also the T2/T5 has a deeper fairing on the left side under the cockpit which Trumpeter have missed, so that was extended with some filler. Steve
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