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badger last won the day on March 17 2019

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About badger

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    Somewhere in the South East
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    1/72 Armour and the odd wingy thing.

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  1. Ooh - great post. I'd also be interested in any answers to this.
  2. @sardaukar - nice haul! Be interested to see what you make of the T-62 as not seen a build of it yet. Hopefully it's a lot better than the Trumpeter 1/72 one 🤞
  3. Ooooh - looking forward to this one. Will bookmark for reference as I have done your other IDF Sherman builds for when I eventually get around to doing some in 1/72.
  4. Thanks for the review Mike. This has jumped straight to the top of my wants list as I've been looking for the older Tamiya kit for a few years with no luck.
  5. Looking very nice indeed! I have a TMD M3 Stuart interior set and lower hull replacement and that has similar issues with warping. Going to be spending some time with the kettle when I come to build it methinks.
  6. Hi John Interesting project you have planned. If you don't fancy the rather basic rubber band tracks, UM offer a set of hard plastic link and length ones that are much nicer. Here's a set from a Ukrainian seller: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303654623913?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=toCEPxrGTeO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=gKCxPngSRVK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Kind regards Ben
  7. I've managed to grab an hour tonight and have started to brush paint the Masster scheme. Looks a bit rough at the moment as the paints are Hataka's airbrush ones so a bit thin for brush painting and will need two coats for a decent coverage. Having said that they went on quite well so reasonably happy so far. More soon Ben
  8. A 1/72 Fore Hobby Scimitar 2 as I spotted one on sale and it's been on my wants list for a while
  9. Just as I finally tracked a resin interior and correction set for my Academy kit at probably more than this will go for
  10. Cheers Stuart - that's very kind of you. Paint now on! This is the base colour for the Masster scheme I'm doing. I'll brush paint the other colours as they were hard edged in reality. More soon Ben
  11. It is indeed! I attended to the areas the primer had highlighted and gave it another coat last night. This morning I've noticed there are a few small marks still, so I've just filled these. Still hoping to get actual paint on this today.
  12. Cracking build as always John and I enjoyed following along with it. Really like the simplicity of the base - sets the tank off very nicely indeed. What's next? Kind regards Cracking build as always John and I enjoyed following along with it. Really like the simplicity of the base - sets the tank off very nicely indeed. What's next? Kind regards Ben
  13. And despite the horrible weather today I've managed to get some primer on this build. Spotted a couple of issues I'll need to take care of then it'll be ready for paint. More soon Ben
  14. Thanks John Yep - I'm intrigued as how they'll spray. Hopefully good as I bought a couple of sets 🤞. If I get chance tonight I'll finish it off ready for primer and may even get some paint on at the weekend!
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