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airfixpeter last won the day on September 22 2021

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About airfixpeter

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  1. On my day off not going anywhere so at the moment it's all quiet on the western front well from the cats point of view
  2. Most my pictures were just models and most of my other pics I have hard copies ie proper photos so no loss
  3. As flickr has rather nicely deleted my account without explanation I tried another and hopefully I complete my house move before the GB ends I will probably build the above ship
  4. Just had a rather short to the point email saying due to spam or something like that my account was deleted and I won't be able to sign up for another one or use any of their services I have been a member for best part of ten years so if that's how they Treat people good riddance plus they won't even give me an explanation.
  5. I do have the hms victory but due to having issues with flickr and other personnel issues I won't be able to join in for a while
  6. I've even tried to set up a new account but just gives me invalid email address so for the moment i give in
  7. Apologies I can't join in for the moment i am having trouble logging in to Flickr plus my mother has passed away on the 15th and to top it off I having to move to a small place so everything is packed away ready for the move
  8. Anybody having trouble logging in to Flickr doesn't even recognise my email address
  9. I have just dived into the box and all I can say is it's red lots of red. A bag of bits
  10. I was at a toy fair and I found this one I don't know if I will get to build it so I might save for the next one
  11. One I finished recently if only I saved it for this group build And my last Dennis witch I got the ladder fully rigged and working
  12. This is my first offering I haven't dived in to look at the contents I will do that in a few days time.
  13. I've just been looking at my stash and I found this little lot. I might be able to do them but I won't hold out on that promise First one up will be the Dennis
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