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  1. I've had in the collection for some years the Mach 2 Vickers Viscount 700 kit - a manufacturer who produces some rather interesting subjects (ie Mach 2). This is one of their better efforts in my view with nice detail, generally accurate lines (but see below) and the opportunity for some great colour schemes. The usual research has been done before starting - including build reviews etc from other modellers. A number of reviewers/builders have commented that there is something that is 'not quite right' with the finished model and I have formed a view as to what that might be. For a hint - check out the wing root shape on the fuselage halves. Notice anything weird? Particularly if you know what makes aeroplanes fly (apart from engines)... So let's turn to Exhibit A - the wings.... Bizarre as it might sounds - I believe the wings have been moulded 'up side down'. The wheel wheels and lower wing surface details have been moulded engraved on the TOP WING - and the engine nacelles/top wing details are moulded/engraved on the bottom. Even the top view of the top wing below sort of looks vaguely deflated? OR is it me? Check out the detail pics below, showing the kit, the Viscount 'official-ish' wing profile (NACA 63-???[modified]), and early stages of my replacement : So you've probably guessed correctly. Some cosmetic surgery means scratchbuilding some new wings for the Viscount - including a cut and shut of the Mach 2 wheel wells and engine nacelles/fairings. ie what is on the Mach 2 top wing will end up on the bottom wing and vice versa. Simples eh? Oh - and a bit of scribing. Thought it'd be worth showing the progress and end result and see if it looks round about right when I'm finished?? Here's where I am up to. Basic replacement wing shape has been formed up - currently overlength and rough markings showing where the Mach 2 wheel wells and fairings are going to go....
  2. I'll be diving in to this GB with this cool-looking beast: Opening the rather flimsy box reveals a single grey sprue plus an injected canopy loose in the bag. There are very few parts, but even then the instructions don't show them all individually! Gonna be easy, then, right?? Well, even though this is my first Mach 2 build, their reputation has not passed me by and there will be quite a lot of cleaning up of parts required just to get to the point of putting glue between them. The clear part actually doesn't look as bad as some I've seen, being relatively clear where it should be: Finally from the kit, the decal sheet. I've heard that sunlight will help reduce yellowing, so it's now in a sealed bag taped to the window in the hope of the sun returning before the end of the GB. It's not a disaster if it turns out to be unusable, I'll probably just use the type designation and serial anyway to save the effort of creating them digit by digit. I have the Naval Fighters book on the subject, which has lots of useful detail even though I plan to build it pretty much from the box. I'll post a bit of a history once I've re-read the book, and hopefully psyched myself up to tackle the kit! Cheers, Mike
  3. Hello from the shed. I'm still Chinook building so here is something a bit different I made in a fit of madness some time ago. I don't need to tell you what Mach 2 kits are like but they do make subjects that you don't usually see so that's one plus anyway. The canopy needed hours of polishing to get it remotely transparent and the rest of the kit needed carving to get it together. Nuff said! The aerials were scratch built as the kit items were unusable. It was painted with Xtra Colour enamels , the blue being sprayed, its not a decal. The windows were made using micro crystal clear solution. To be fair I've made a few Mach 2 kits (Super Frelon, King Air, Alize) and with a lot of work a reasonable facsimile can be hewn from the box. Anyway, here it is, hope it gives you hope if you have one in your stash😄 Pete Hope you like it. Thanks for looking Pete
  4. Does anyone have a spare set of landing gear for the Mach 2 Dc-8? I seem to have misplaced mine. I've been working on the DC8 Swissair for 2 years, almost done with it.
  5. Hello In the end I have finished this MACH 2 Dassault Mystère 20 from Escadre de Transport 65. I chose aircraft #EG as she could be seen in 1991 for the mission of calibrating radars or radio navigation systems. To say it is a difficult kit is an understatement as this is one of the first kits produced by MACH 2. I replaced the side windows with plexiglass which I covered with tape cut to shape (thanks to my Silhouette Portrait cutting machine). I sanded the front windows but after breaking the first one, and sadly a little too much as I opened the bottom part. Obviously that put much dust inside and to fix it I did a big hole on the roof to clean the windscreen from inside. The bottom of the fuselage was deeper than the wings and I sanded... with the same result as on the windscreen. I had to glue some plastic and sand again. I can add that I had to create nearly everything behind the pilots and finally there were big sinks on the wings, fuselage and tail. The APU intake and exhaust are home made as were many antennae. So here is the result and I am happy it is done. Patrick
  6. Listed on Hannants Future Releases page https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/GP111AF?result-token=AtLtm https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/GP111ALI?result-token=AtLtm https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/GP111BA?result-token=AtLtm https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/GP111LH?result-token=AtLtm https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/GP111PAA?result-token=AtLtm https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/GP111TWA?result-token=AtLtm https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/GP111UNT?result-token=AtLtm https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/GP111USAF?result-token=AtLtm I have to say the 727 looks brilliant in Lufthansa livery.
  7. Afternoon all, I've been working on the recently released conversion of the Mach 2 Bristol Britannia to a Canadair Argus in 1/72nd scale. This is by Transport Wings and comprises of some hefty resin parts along with some 3D-printed detail parts. I've got the main construction completed now and am almost ready for the painting process to begin - the pictures below will give a good indication into the amount of work done and how little of the Mach 2 Britannia kit is actually used! The white sections are the Mach 2 parts, the grey sections are the resin conversion parts. You get new engines and nacelles with the option of open or closed cowl flaps. There are also new rear sections of the nacelles to replace the Britannia's exhaust system. Clear parts are resin - not completely blemish free but not too bad. The Britannia's windows all needed filling and new windows opened up for the Argus. The enormous MAD boom is well replicated. The Britannia's fin is also modified with a new fillet and leading edge, but the Britannia stabilisers are a drop-fit. I opted for the extra bomb-bay mod on mine. The doors are obviously yet to be fitted. The bays were a bit of a struggle to get integrated into the Britannia's lower fuselage but a dose of good old fashioned modelling and plastic card and filler soon had the problem solved. The Mach 2 main landing gear is used but new Argus nose-gear is supplied in the conversion. The conversion enables you to make a MkI or MkII with the various radar and aerial fits - I've gone for a MkI. Propellers will be added after painting. The conversion captures the look of this graceful aircraft really well and although it's been a lot of work to get to this stage I've really enjoyed it. I'll post some more pictures when it's had some paint applied. All the best, Rob
  8. hello, mates! This is my Skyrocket 1:72 Special Hobby Cheers
  9. Just heard of some Mach 2 kits re-releasing. I've learnt poor quality of this brand, but there are some impressive topics, at least to me. From online pics we can see crude details and "fogged" transparent parts, except these, any big issues at Mach 2 kits? If I build one, what "warning" should I concern with? Thanks in advance. I'd like to get Ar 232 and Bv 142 kits, although Airmodel is much cheaper, I have no idea how to deal with such large vacu parts....
  10. And now for something completly different. Looking back at @Col.'s original post, this Group build was to be about ICBM's and artillery. I'm not sure if this was planned to get away from 'the usual subjects' but it seems like a great idea. So just as I was reaching for another Airfix Buccaneer I remembered this kit which I bought from Hobby Bounties in Singapore about 4 years ago. It fits better to the original theme so shall be my first build in 2022. I might get round to the Buccaneer as well since this looks quite straighforward. Although Mach 2 are not known for the great fit of their kits. Lets see.... Decals and everything Luxury!
  11. Dear fellow modellers, I would like to show you my latest finished model. The Caravelle III is made from the very challenging Mach 2 kit with the use of Werner Lehmann's excellent Authentic Decals Window set and the Airway Graphics set for the SAS livery. The most visible flaw of the kit is the wrong position of the cockpit windows. This could be mitigated by the use of decals but required a lot of sanding. Other difficulties where the fit of the wings to the fuselage. I opened one engine nacelle and put in an engine. The experts will recognize where it comes from originally. I cut out the flaps and installed them in a lowered position, a state you can often observe on fotos of parked aircraft. The original OY-KRD is preserved in a Danish museum and I used some fotos to work out some details. Enjoy watching the fotos! greetings from Germany, Norbert
  12. Hi all, Considering building a Soyuz after looking at the Machine 2 offering at Telford. The display model on the stand looked rather grand. Simple questions really, is the Mac 2 kit any good? What does one have to do to make it into Tim Peaks' machine. Any good photo resources? Thanks in advance! :-) Phil
  13. Afternoon all, Here is the Mach 2 1/72nd DC-8-50 that rolled off the production line this very afternoon. Released at the end of last year, I was really keen to get my hands on one of these kits as I love the DC-8 and this is the first injection-moulded kit in 1/72nd scale of an important piece of civil aviation history. Unfortunately Mach 2 kits don't come with the best reputation, but I'd never built one before so threw caution to the wind. I'm used to dealing with 'difficult' kits and I'm pleased to say this one didn't pose too many problems at all - it is just like you'd expect from a short-run injection moulded kit. I thought it might be useful for fellow builders to have a quick summary of my findings below: Cons: Typical short-run kit with no locating tabs and plenty of flash on the smaller parts; I found that the right stabiliser was 3mm too high on the starboard side and needed lowering - a quick an easy fix; The engine pylons were too deep on my example and the inboard engines almost touched the ground - 3mm was removed from each pylon and now the nacelles sit at the correct height; Transparencies needed a lot of work to get them clear; Fit was a bit dodgy in places, and don't expect to build this kit without the use of fillers. Pros: Panel detail appears accurate and well moulded; Shapes seem pretty good to my eye; Nicely detailed landing gear; Overall the build was fairly painless and it went together well; Nicely detailed flightdeck area; Engines are nicely done and look the part once assembled; Plastic is nice and thick and there's no need to additional interior bracing or the like; It's a 1/72nd scale injection-moulded DC-8! I used Halfords' automotive paints and has a custom set of decals printed by 8A decals to complete the build. All in all I really enjoyed this model and am pleased to finally have a decent DC-8 in my civvie collection. All the best, Tom
  14. Evening all, A rather large package arrived from Hannants today - Mach 2's 1/72nd DC-8 has finally arrived! Having got my civvy-aviation mojo thoroughly going, I've dived right in this very evening... I've gone for the Iberia scheme as I love its retro look: Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr The box is literally crammed with parts: Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr Instructions are - how can we put it? - basic, but should do the job on a relatively simple kit such as this: Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr Paint guide and decals, which seem to be nicely printed: Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr A bit of flash to clean up here and here, but surface detail is nicely done: Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr Transparencies are done as individual cabin windows, and the cockpit has the roof section moulded integrally: Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr So... tonight I've made a start and I've begun by joining the rearmost section of fuselage containing the tail cone to the main fuselage parts. I like to work on fuselages in one piece and from experience it's easier to get a good, clean join this way. First of all I have cleaned the mating surfaces with a file to ensure they are perfectly true: Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr Not really trusting butt-joints I have added a ring of plastic card around each section: by Thomas Probert, on Flickr Here the upper fuselage is glued and clamped, whilst the lower is just a dry-fit, which as you can see is a pretty good fit: Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr And even better news is I've just offered up the fuselage halves and they are identical in length/depth - so far, so good! Updates are likely to be sporadic due to work and other projects on the go, so bear with me! Tom
  15. Hi, Marcel Bloch's bombers are well know due to their ugly shapes, although the smallest and most modern of them - the MB 131 is not that much ugly for me. Despite it relatively short time in service during 1940 campaign in France mostly they served already in trainer role. This particular machine c/n serial: N12 ( code: E-232) served in Toulouse, France, in CIB (Centre d'Instruction au Bombardement = Bomber Training Center). The painting scheme was presented by by T.L. Morosanu (TLM) here http://img.wp.scn.ru/camms/ar/860/pics/21_3_b1.jpg I was following this scheme using Mach 2 kit. Small changes in kit were applied: 1. small corrcion in shapes of rear of fuselage (the very end of fuselage is now wider then fin, the same bulge is now on rudder) 2. propellers are taken from Heller Leo 451 (Heller kit has too small diameter for Leo, but it is OK for Bloch, whereas the Mach 2 props has same pitch, and should have opposite one to another, looking from pilot position the left goes clockwise, right anticlockwise) . Props are rotating 3. the Pitot probes has some distance from front canopy. 4. the bombardier window should have reinforcements so it is cut out and substituted by a piece cut out of side of CD box 5. small inlets are added on top ends of cowlings. The bottom ones are left short (in practice behind the cowlings). The longer bottom inlets (as long as whole cowling) seen for example in many drawing (inc. the mentioned above scheme given by TLM) appears only on photos from Vichy period, I have not seen it on any photo from 1940 or earlier, so I left the short inlets. It looks for me a kind of in filed later modification. 6. added control rods on ailerons (bottom side) Here she is: Comments welcome Regards Jerzy-Wojtek PS. It is # 20 this year!
  16. Dixit a post in French forum Master194, after last year Argosy (http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234990603-172-aw-argosy-mach-2/) Mach 2 is to release at Telford SMW 2016 a 1/72nd Avro 685 York kit - ref. GP079, GP080, GP081 & GP082 No more details known for the moment. See also Mikromir same project: http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235011331-avro-york-172/ Sources: http://www.master194.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=95530 https://www.facebook.com/1098581226825624/photos/pcb.1524328597584216/1524325614251181/?type=3&theater V.P.
  17. Hello everybody, I would like to built the Mach 2 VC10 in old RAF decoration. It's not a easy model to build, there are some problems with injection but the plastic used by Mach 2 is easy to carve, to transform. So, let's go.
  18. Mach II from France will have a new surprise at Telford for RAF post war transport aircraft lovers. Air Graphics is reported having partnered with Mach 2 and will be releasing resin update sets to compliment this new kit. To be followed. And the winner is a: de Havilland DH.106 Comet 4C V.P.
  19. Mach 2 (http://www.mach2.fr/avionsg.htm) is to release a 1/72nd family of Aérospatiale Ecureuil helicopters. ref. GP.059 - Aérospatiale AS.350 Ecureuil (French Gendarmerie) Source: http://www.aviationmegastore.com/as350-ecureuil-french-gendarmerie-gp059-mach-2-gp059-scale-modelling/product/?shopid=LM545799cb78d2964af7209c241a&action=prodinfo&parent_id=212&art=129296 ref. GP.060 - Aérospatiale AS.350 Squirrel (Royal Australian Navy, Army) Source: http://www.aviationmegastore.com/as350-squirrel-royal-australian-navy-army-gp060-mach-2-gp060-scale-modelling/product/?shopid=LM545799cb78d2964af7209c241a&action=prodinfo&parent_id=212&art=129297 ref. GP061 - Aérospatiale AS.550 Fennec (Royal Danish Army) Source: http://www.aviationmegastore.com/as550-fennec-royal-danish-army-gp061-mach-2-gp061-scale-modelling/product/?shopid=LM545799cb78d2964af7209c241a&action=prodinfo&parent_id=212&art=129298 V.P.
  20. Mach 2 is to release new boxing from its 1/72nd Vickers Viscount 700 kit (link) - ref. GP101 - Vickers Viscount 700 "United" Sources: https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/MACHGP101 https://www.scalemates.com/kits/mach-2-gp101-vickers-viscount-700--1200036 - ref. GP102 - Vickers Viscount 700 "British Airways" Sources: https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/MACHGP102 https://www.scalemates.com/kits/mach-2-gp102-vickers-viscount-700--1200037 - ref. GP103 - Vickers Viscount 700 "Air Inter" Sources: https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/MACHGP103 https://www.scalemates.com/kits/mach-2-gp103-vickers-viscount-700--1200038 - ref. GP104 - Vickers Viscount 700 "BEA" Sources: https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/MACHGP104 https://www.scalemates.com/kits/mach-2-gp104-vickers-viscount-700--1200035 V.P.
  21. I started this for the Helicopter GB but it was a real challenge. I'd seen stuff mentioned about Mach 2 kits needing a bit of real modelling and boy oh boy do they need it. On the good side is the shape looks right and it gluedtogether really well and strong, even the small bits. Which is just as well with sanding needed. On the debit side they have loads of flash, the transparencies are about 2mm thick and for this build none fitted. There is also a need to do some detailing, but with limited run kits I can cope with lack of cockpit detail, aerials and antennae. The end of the WIP can be found at http://www.britmodel...land-dragonfly/ and there is a link there to the first part in the GB. The biggest challenge was the transparencies and there are both a fair few cockpit windows, and the nose which is all plexiglass (I assume). The windows were trimmed sanded and polished with polishing cloths, multiple times and given a coat of Kleer eventually. They are smooth and generally fit but there are marks on them I could not remove, but I'll live with them. The nose was too narrow for the fuselage leading to filling and sanding ad nauseam. Not perfect but from a distance, I'll live with. Finished as WG670 (932) of the RNAS Lossiemouth Station Flight in 1955. Painted with Xtracrylix EDSG and Sky and transfers from a mix of Xtradecal and Microscale from the stash. Enjoy this version of the FAA's first widely used chopper. I'd like to do a silver or even blue grey one but I don't think I have the patience to do another. Hope folks like it
  22. This has been keeping me busy for the last month. Its a Mach 2 kit, so a lot of work was needed, a bit of an adventure but nothing too onerous if you are willing to put some effort in, except perhaps the transparent parts which were typical of this brand. That is to say, not transparent and not the same shape as the gap they were supposed to fit in! As sold, the kit makes an early Hu-25A version (serial 2111), but I applied a few minor scratch mods to kit and decals turn this one into an Hu-25D (late modifed Hu-25A). Whilst I can verify that 2114 was definitely converted to an Hu-25D, I'm less sure that it was based out of Miami, but hey ho. An interesting project that was a very long way from shake and make, but fun nevertheless and leaving a genuine sense of achievement. FredT
  23. I have had this sitting around for ages and it is time to build these interesting planes. I think it will take some time as the bits are horrible. Some scratch building I think. Box art. Instructions. Very in depth instructions. Decals. Very scary bits. Thanks for stopping by and if you can help please do. Stephen
  24. With my Shorts SC.1 on final approach, thought I would start the thread for my next build. Mach 2s 1/72 SNECMA Coléoptère. Developed by the French company SNECMA in the 1950s. It was a single-person aircraft with an annular wing designed to take-off and land vertically, Amazingly this flew nine times before being destroyed on its ninth flight. The pilot Auguste Morel survived. The obligatory box top shot. The detailed instructions. Just from initial looks, i know its not going to be a quick build. Looks like it will require lots of sanding & filling. Also the cleat parts are anying but.
  25. This is my Mach 2 X-24A kit. This is part of a double kit that includes all the parts and decals for the X-24A and X-24B. I am really not interested in building the "B" so I will probably bring it to my next club meeting as a freeby give-away. I am not going to knock Mach 2. The one time I needed to contact them for a missing part they were very helpful and sent me a new one right away. You just have to look on them as a good quality resin kit that is made in plastic so you can use your favorite plastic cement. The fit was good in some places, not so good in others. The canopy is more translucent then clear, so I did not spend a lot of time on the interior. Their decals were excellent; thin went down easy and the film just disappears, but I do think they are a tad larger then the should be. Paint was Alclad II Aluminum with a darker mix for the engines. All the pictures I have seen of the prototype show it a uniform finish, so I did not use multiple shades. Just 7 days from start to finish so a nice quick build. Next up is the Unicraft YO-3A, arg.
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