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  1. The HobbyBoss Tiger II with decals from the old Italeri kit. A new vac canopy from Rob Taurus was installed, together with several other improvements. Thanks for watching! Luka
  2. Just a placeholder for now, will add more details once the GB commences (and I've got some space on the workbench). I'm going to attempt the US Navy 3-tone camo (grey) scheme, I have some camo masks for it, so hopefully not too hard! According to Scalemates info here, the kit was originally a Trumpeter moulding from 1999 so shouldn't be too old, also I've become a bit of a fan of HobbyBoss 1/72 stuff, not overly complex and tend to build up quite nicely so fingers crossed.
  3. Here's my 1/72 representation inspired by a fellow Britmodeller "Old Viper Tester" who posted probably some of the finest 527th photos on these forums a few years ago. Built for the Northrop F-5 group build. Always loved the look of the F-5 & it's many variants, just wish I had enough time to build a few more, but just the one for now. Northrop F-5E 527th Aggressor Sqn RAF Alconbury 1987 74-1532 Hobbyboss 1/72 F-5E - after realising the differences between an A & an E! With some cutting & reversing I used the red & yellow two & three bort numbers from the Hobbyboss kit. I also scavenged serial numbers from an old Italeri F-5E decal sheet & the Heller 527th decal sheet with some stencils also from each. The main stars & bars were from the Superscale 72-479 black stencil sheet. I had to use artistic licence to turn the other letters into the low viz stencil font. Paints were from Vallejo & Ammo Mig, & Vallejo Metal Color for the exhausts. A Mig enamel panel wash was used but realised it was a tad too dark so proceeded to go over that with a lighter wash. Almost forgot...Minor adjustments were; Used the windscreen from the Rob Taurus vacform canopy. Cut & put the nose gear into it's fully extended position, also had to face the scizzor link facing forward using scrap plastic for the links. Used a Molotow chrome pen for the stansion. Drilled out the gun ports & used brass tubing. Pilot managed to escape from box of spare discarded pilots. That's enough waffle. Here's the pics.... Thanks for looking! Martin
  4. Royal Thai Air Force F-5s participating in the Green Flag 81-3 large force exercise at Nellis AFB, April 1981. F-5E 79-1694 F-5E 79-1696 F-5E 79-1697 F-5F 79-1692 F-5F 79-1708 Thanks for looking, Sven Old Viper Tester
  5. F-5E adversaries with the 527th Aggressor Squadron, RAF Alconbury, 1986-87. 74-1532 74-1534 74-1544 74-1545 74-1549 74-1553 A bit fuzzy, but a decent study of the camo scheme... 74-1554 74-1560 74-1566 Thanks for looking, Sven
  6. Hi all, Seeing as I'm co-hosting its about time I started up a thread for my entry into the GB. Like quite a few others here I shall be using the AFV Club 1/48 F-5E as the basis for my build and other than aftermarket decals and a resin seat I shall be building it OOTB. My choice of subject is one that I have been wanting to do for a while, an aggressor from the 527th TFTAS based at RAF Alconbury. I am of an age that I have very clear memories of these at various air shows in the UK, including Alconbury itself, and was fascinated by the various exotic schemes the aircraft wore. I was even lucky enough to see a couple of them plying their trade in a mock dogfight with a couple of RAF Phantoms, no guesses as to who had the tighter circles! Enough of my prattle here are the usual box and contents pictures; Quite nice box art, though sadly not from the 527th. The contents still mostly sealed in their bags except for the cockpit which has been given some paint. The decals by Two Bobs that I shall be using, there are 5 options on the sheet, two in slightly different multi coloured camo and the other 3 in an all over grey scheme. And the one I shall be building is the one in the middle in the picture above, bort number red 53 in the snake scheme, a classic scheme for the ALconbury aggressors. The only problem I have with these is that I want to build all the different schemes used and with the cost of these kits thats not financially viable! Really looking forward to getting started on this one. Craig.
  7. At the turn of the 2000's the Drakens operated by the Austrian Air Force were nearing the end of their operational life, and to replace them the Austrian Air Force chose the Eurofighter typhoon. However, these would not be delivered until after the Drakens were withdrawn from service and by happy Coincidence, Switzerland, which had operated a fleet of F-5e tiger II were in the process of downsizing their military operations, and some 12 F-5e's were sold to the Austrians for use in the interim period. The planes bought by the Austrians were kept in the Swiss camouflage schemes, with no alterations save some electronic gear - even the stencils and ID numbers were kept, the only change being replacing 6 Swiss roundels with 4 Austrrian Air force roundels. I'm grateful to IPMS Vienna, who on thier vist to SMW in 2019 brought some IPMS Austria decal packs for the F-5e fleet wich included a large number of incredibly fiddly and small stencils. The Kits used were the Italeri 1/72 kits of Swiss F-5e, which displayed the changes the Swiss made to the basic airframe; extended LERX's, and a new flat nose. I chose to make two examples, to follow the aerial photo of two Austrian F-5e's in the IPMS Austria deca pack booklet. Paints were a mix of Tamiya and Mr Colour, the two grey used in the scheme needed a lot of matching. I still don't think I got the greys quite right. I did however use a technique I've read about on BM, cutting out paper templates from one of the camuflage colours, and raising it just off the model surface with blu tak so the paint spray gets under the edge for a soft demarkation. I was very pleased with the way this went, even if I used slightly too large templates and didn't get enough of the second colour on the model. I also used a Rob Taurus VAC form canopy on J-3065, having lost the entire clear sprue from the kit. I also used the master models gun barrels and pitot head. I also used tamiya tape for seatbelts - learnt a good lesson, try and get the right width tpe! The belts I made for one kit look absolutely enormous. Music listened to during the build included Stormwatch by Jethro Tull, Operatic Colouratas and arias by Maria Callas, Best of Boney M, my own CD's burnt with 50 Beatles songs, Bright Magic by Public Service Broadcasting, a best of George Michael, Bat out of Hell by Meatloaf in the final lights and photography stage. The models were essentially painted and finished before Christmas, but I waited untila fter Christmas to re stock my Little lenses lenses, which is why the RFI is up now. Here's the two models together; This is J-3065; If you can see them, there are an awful lot of tiny stencils supplied for the kit and by IPMS Austria! The odd yellow/bown colour for the sidewinders is taken from the photo in the IPMS Austria booklet with the decal pack. I chose to use the black/white band decal for the arrestor hook on both kits; I'm not sure what happened here, but I think I got an excess of canopy glue on the fuselage and didn't notice the mes it made until after I'd painted the kit; I truly didn't have the will to sand it all back and start again. As usual, I used Xtracolour gloss varnish for the decal stage, and then Windsor & newton Galleria flat varnish for the final coat. You might not want to know how I know the master models pitots are very, very pointed. and sharp. and painful . Although I've made a couple of elementary mistaks on these, I am especially pleased with how the camouflage turned out, I will use the raised paper template idea again. Onward now to cxomplete the CAC 0 Boomerang I started just before New year.
  8. Hi fellow modellers Today I present my Hobby Boss F-5E Tiger II Not a bad kit but it did almost kill me 😲 For background I started the kit about 4 years ago....... Did a bit (some bad cockpit paint, a few bibs and bobs, pre-painting plenty of parts, assembled pretty much the whole kit but not fiddly ordinance etc) and in the process managed to crack the forward canopy (yes I don't know how either) So I tried to make a mold and "hot make" another canopy with some clear plastic (disaster) Then while trying that I didn't just crack the canopy I completely smashed it Off she went to languish on the shelf of doom Then I decided well I've got a bit done I'll see if I can fashion another forward canopy with spare parts as best I could Cut down something I had in the stash looked "okay" and thought if I model it with the main canopy in open position you won't notice the forward and main parts don't match.......well it's not "entirely" ludicrous So onward...redid the paint in the front office, worked on the canopy to do the best job I could, painted the 3 part camo (ouch that was hard), weathered her got it all done bar attaching the pylons, ordinance and landing gear flaps Landing gear flaps.... Where did my 6 pieces of painted, prepped, glossed, weathered and matt coated rear landing gear flaps go? Where are they...they must be here....bagged....in the box with the rest of the stuff....... Aaaahhhh!!!!!!! So after battling everything and feeling like I had in a small way triumphed over the shelf of doom she came back and bit me hard on the rear!!! Anyway I live on hope of finding the pieces somewhere in my modelling mess but until then I present the almost complete Hobby Boss F-5E Tiger! On a serious note if anyone has the 6 pieces in their spare parts box and don't need them I'd be happy to pay a bit for them and for postage to Adelaide in Australia! This one is for my Brazilian friend Paulo (aka Armoured Sprue) a very generous and amazing modeller Here's the pics (one inside on the workbenck and the others in the Australian sun) Oh forgot to add.... I managed to completely break and repair the fuel refiller three times and the pitot tube twice on my modelling adventure Hopefully the next one is easier....and quicker! 🤣 Cheers Nut
  9. DreamModel is to release (or has just released?) a new tool 1/72nd Northrop F-5E Tiger II - ref. DM720013 Source: https://www.facebook.com/DreamModelOfficial/posts/2008030002660916 Well... V.P.
  10. Since going to the movie theatre is not possible at the moment, I am bringing the movies to my modelling . After month working on my other movie build longterm project (Millenium Falcon) , it is time to start 2021 Movie Build 1, and 1st model of the year - the AFV Club F-5E all dressed up as the Mig-28 from Top Gun Lights , Camera , Scalpel & Glue at the ready , it will be building her OOB so nothing fancy to see here. I am hoping a WIP thread will make be build her is a sensible time ie (not finishing in 2024)
  11. Hello friends! Since 1976 the Chilean Air Force (FACH, Fuerza Aérea de Chile) have been equiped with 18 original F-5 E Tiger II. The Freedom Fighters came to join the FACH during a very difficult time of diplomatic relationships with our eastern neighbour: Argentina. On 1978 tensions arose to a point that almost lead our two countries into a war, after Argentina declared null an international referendum in favor of Chile about three islands on the Beagle Channel, south of Tierra del Fuego. Luckily, peace prevailed. At that tough times the FACH was equipped just with some 30-ish Hawker Hunters, A-37 Dragonfly and the new F-5 E Tiger II in opposition to more than 70 argentinian aircrafts between Skyhawks, Mirage III, Daggers and Canberras. During the 90's FACH decided to upgrade the Tigers with the help of Israel's Aeronautic Industry. That's how the Tiger III version was developed, with a lot of new gadgets, including new radar (ELTA EL/M-2032), RWR, Pod Lite, chaff dispenser, in-flight refueling capability (by Tiger Century) and a complete new HUD and instrument panel. AFV Club is most usual a tank's model brand, but they did a very nice work engineering this little jewel. About the ordnance, a pair of Phyton IV missiles (by Reskit) on the tip of the wings and 2 GBU-12 bombs (from the spare parts box) on the inner wing pylon along a 1040 lt. fuel tank on the central pylon. Nowadays, the F-5 are still in service, with 13 units based at Chabunco Base, near Punta Arenas. So, enough talking, let the photos show you my tribute to this cherish american fighter. Best wishes from Chile and happy modelling to all! Cris
  12. Hello to all of you.This will be my last finished model for the year 2020.I made new seatbelts,gunsight and pittotube for this one.The paints I used are ak real colors and the decals are from Hi Decal Line.If you wish to see the full build process follow the youtube link bellow. Happy holidays to all of you and stay safe.
  13. Doyusha is to repop in October 2020 the HobbyBoss 1/72nd Northrop F--5E Tiger II - ref. 401439 Release in October 2020 Source: https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10725401 V.P.
  14. A bit of a mini theme this month with two US Dissimilar Air Combat Training aircraft, the Italeri F-21 Lion (Kfir C1) and Airfix F-5E Tiger II. Two very different styles of kits, with the Airfix kit rather chunky compared with the relatively nice Italeri one. My 3-tone greys were a bit of a nightmare and took some time to try and blend in, whilst the F-5's brown and sand didn't quite come out the way I intended - with everything shut down and me isolated at home, I ended up using the paint I had rather than the paint I wanted! Keep on modelling.... FredT
  15. More from the 65th FWS (pre-1983) and 65th Aggressor Squadron (1983 and after) S/n 74-1529, April 1982. Looks like I missed this one looking for blue bort numbers, so this is a second one appearing at this time. 74-1530, April 1981. Old Lizard scheme. 74-1530, June 1983. I think this is supposed to be the Sand pattern. The fuselage matches well, but the vertical tail not so much. 74-1536, April 1981. Old Ghost scheme. 74-1538, April 1981. Old Ghost scheme. 74-1538, May 1981. Grey 2 scheme. 74-1546, April 1981. Silver scheme. 74-1565, May 1981. Old Blue scheme. 74-1569 February 1981. Old Blue scheme. 74-1569, November 1981. Still in the Old Blue scheme, but the bort number changed to a very dark blue (for contrast with the background color?). Believe it or not, this is 74-1569 again, April 1981. At this time the 57FWW was providing aircraft for the production of a TV movie, "RED FLAG: The Ultimate Game". A terrible movie, pitting an F-4 pilot agains an F-5 pilot with the Red Flag exercise as the backdrop. As I remember, the F-4 guy was trying to come up with the maneuver to defeat the F-5. All very hokey - sort of like putting out the boards and having the guy at your six squirt out in front of you. Yeah, nothing like losing all your energy in the middle of a knife-fight. Anyway, they were using two F-4Es and two F-5Es with duplicated markings so they could film aerial and ground sequences simultaneously. So '1569 got to be the stand-in for 74-1557. 74-1571, February 1981. Grape scheme, with some touch-ups. Thanks for looking Sven
  16. This project has been running in the background of a number of other builds over the last couple of years. I'm afraid there are no pictures of the early stages of assembly, but we can pick things up now as I start to prepare and apply the paint. I've not done much modelling over the last few months due to work and other things, but I have some spare cycles now to finish the Sabre 4 (repair) and progress this and the Vosper. The IRIAF or the Islamic Republic Iranian Air Force, and prior to that the IIAF, or Imperial Iranian Airforce, has always fascinated me in terms of both aircraft that have served, and the style of camouflage. I seem to recall way back around the time the USAF began to apply the SEA two greens and tan camouflage, there was another "approved" American scheme referred to as Asia minor, which was brown, sand and green. I did once have the ability to reel off the FS numbers for these schemes, but right at this moment I confess I have a sheet of reference numbers giving Dark Green FS34079, Dark Brown FS 30140, Sand FS 30400 and Light Grey FS 36622. Anyway, the IRIAF scheme of that time derived form the Asia minor variety, and for some inexplicable reason, I love it! My desired "to do" list of aircraft in such a scheme includes F-5A's, B's, E's and F's, F-4D's and E's, and the good old F-14A. So this is my first example................ It's quite an old kit now, although not as old as the original F-5A "Freedom Fighter". I plan to use decals from the excellent Hi-Decal Line set no 72-052 for several Iranian F-5E/F's. I've also included an ejector seat from True details for the type. I've not quite decided on a load out, but certainly there will be a couple of "live" sidewinders on the wing tip rails, and a centre-line tank, with the wing pylons mounting either 4 x MK82SE bombs with Snakeye retarding fins, or possibly 4 BLU-27's. The story so far is best summed up in pictures I think: Those go back quite a few months when I was getting the surface undercoat to a good state. Then the real fun began with the application of the intricate 3 tone upper surface colours. I'm using Lifecolor acrylics UA 021, UA 001, UA 085 and UA 084 which reference the above mentioned FS numbers. As you can see, things start to get very interesting at this point: And then there is that moment of the great reveal! The keen eyed will notice that the blue tac has left some slight darker residue, but I have found this usually disappears under some Klear at a later stage. There is a fair bit of tidying up to do at the moment, but that's where we are at for now. More will come as things progress. Terry
  17. This is the ejection seat called out in the 1/48 AFV Club Iranian Saeqeh-80 version of their F-5E kit painted according to the kit instructions. It was on a kit specific sprue with the twin tails unique to this version. The standard F-5E seats are in the kit, but this is the one called out in the instructions. I'd like to replace it with a resin one, but have no idea what it's supposed to represent and I haven't found any clear photos of one of Iran's Saeqeh's to identify what it should be.
  18. The final touches were completed today, and I present my Airfix 1/72 F-5E finished in IRIAF markings. This started as a background project some time ago, but lately took on a life of it's own. The basic kit is Airfix, with Hi-Decal markings for a fairly up to date Iranian Airforce Example. Resin seat came from the True Detail set TD 72404 for the F-5E, Sidewinders from Eduard and Mk.82 Snakeyes from Kora, although I had to get a replacement set from Hannant's as the first batch were really rough. The second batch were better, but they still needed a lot of work to get them resembling the real thing. Main colours used are Lifecolour Acrylics as follows: UA001 FS 34079 Upper Surface Dark Green UA085 FS 30140 Upper Surface US Brown UA084 FS 30400 Upper Surface Sand UA021 FS 36622 Under Surface Light Grey I really like these acrylics as they airbrush very well. Thanks go to @Selwyn for some invaluable input on the weapon load outs, which enabled me to get her looking as accurate as I could. You may be interested to learn that the wire on the RBF tags actually passes through the Noddy Cap and the red tag itself. That activity last night convinced my wife that I was indeed mad........... oh and the Noddy caps do come off. Fuses on the Snakeyes were scratch built as the Kora one were to put it mildly, somewhat naff.......... The original WIP can be seen here: And finally a quite shot of the Noddy Caps on their own The Airfix kit is pretty old but still builds into a decent F-5E. Thanks for looking Terry PS Some underside shots missing from original post and actual shots to compare colour and weathering (or lack of!) And the real thing: Colour matched to an F-4!
  19. Some Navy F-5s of the Navy Fighter Weapons School (Top Gun). 159879, Nellis AFB, January 1981 159880 Nellis AFB, January 1981 159881, Nellis AFB, January 1981. Heart and diamond in the camouflage scheme beneath the canopy? 159882, Nellis AFB transient ramp, November 1980. Probably there to coordinate support for the NFWS detachment in January 1981. 159882, NAS Miramar, March 1983 160794, Nellis AFB transient ramp, January 1981. 160964, Nellis AFB, January 1981 160965, Nellis AFB, January 1981 190966, Nellis AFB, January 1981 160966, NAS Miramar, March 1983 162307, Andrews AFB transient ramp, June 1986 Thanks for looking, Sven
  20. F-5E Update sets, Seatbelts & Masks 1:32 Eduard for Kitty Hawk Kit The new tool F-5E from Kitty Hawk was welcomed in this scale. Eduard are now along with some sets for it. Get what you want for the areas you want to be more of a focal point. As usual with Eduard's Photo-Etch (PE) and Mask sets, they arrive in a flat resealable package, with a white backing card protecting the contents and the instructions that are sandwiched between. Interior Set (32930) This set has two pre-painted frets, and one brass one. You get cockpit details, instrument panels, and side panels. Parts for the seat, bulkheads, side panels, seat rails, rudder pedals, and many other smaller cockpit parts. For the nose equipment/gun bay you get some electrical boxes, interior parts and new flexible ammo feed chute, as well as a new PE panel if displaying this open. Zoom! Set (33200) This set contains a reduced subset of the interior set (the colour fret) set, namely the pre-painted parts that are used to improve on the main aspects of the cockpit, as seen above, with the seat belts. Whatever your motivations for wanting this set, it provides a welcome boost to detail, without being concerned with the structural elements. Exterior Set (32426) This set contains as the name would suggest parts for the aircraft exterior. This set is two sheets of PE. There are new parts for the landing gear bays, links and brake lines on the gear legs, and a new louvered cooling panel. For the exhaust there are fan parts and a complete new exhaust tube which will need to be rolled to shape. There are new gear doors and pylon faces, as well as parts for the tanks or other external stores. Seatbelts (33201) This set contains one pre-painted fret. There are seatbelts, in the now familiar steel material. Masks (JX220) Supplied on yellow kabuki tape, these pre-cut masks supply you with a full set of masks for the exterior glazing and wheels. Tface Masks (JX218) Supplied on yellow kabuki tape, these pre-cut masks supply you with a full set of masks for the interior & exterior glazing; plus the wheels. Review samples courtesy of
  21. My next Hobby Boss kit. I like USN aircraft and I especially like all things Northrop so I gonna give this one a go. Box art. Paint schemes. I am going to do the USN scheme Decals. Bits. Thanks for stopping by and having a look. Stephen
  22. F-5E tiger II (KH32018) 1:32 Kitty Hawk The original F-5 design was lead at Northrop by Edgar Schmued who previously at North American had been the Chief designer of the P-51 and F-86. The F-5 was designed to reverse the trend of bigger and heavier fighters to produce a small, agile, high performance aircraft. It was also recognised that life cycle costs, and the ability to upgrade the design needed to be thought out at the beginning. Thus after winning the International Fighter Aircraft Competition in 1970 to provide a low cost effective fighter to America's allies Northrop introduced the F-5E or Tiger II. More than 3800 aircraft were built and served with the US Forces as well as their allies. Indeed the F-5F & N still serve in the adversary role today. The design of the F-5 would later go on to influence the YF-17 and F/A-18, as well as the late unsuccessful (is sales) F-20. The Kit This is a complete new tool from Kitty Hawk, The kit arrives on 6 spures of plastic with a small clear sprue, sheet of PE and two decal sheets. There are in addition resin exhaust nozzles add two resin crew figures; one seated and one standing. Construction starts as one would expect in the cockpit. The seat is first put together from an impressive 20 parts. Next up the cockpit tub is built up from another 20 or so parts not including the instrument panel and coaming. Once together the canopy raising parts are also added behind the seat. Following this the complicated nose gear bay / gun bay is built up which goes on front of the cockpit. All the detail is there for the nose mounted 20mm cannons including their ammo boxes and feed chutes. Once built up this section and the cockpit can be added into the front fuselage halves after some PE detail is added to the sides first. The nose section can then be built up and added but the modeller will need to select the right nose for the airframe being modelled. The instructions are of no help here so you will have to check your references. If wanted the seated pilot figure can be added. The canopy is then added at this stage in the instructions though I suspect most will leave it until the end. The canopy retraction mechanism is only in the raised position so if you want the canopy down some surgery will be needed. There is then the option to display the gun bay panels open if you wish to show off all that detail. Moving on to the centre fuselage two complete engines are built and installed. This seems a bit strange as no intake trunking is supplied and they will just sit there inside the fuselage. The main gear wells are made up and installed before the top of the fuselage is added. There are some optional vent panels to be installed but again its a case of checking your references as the instructions are of no help. For the rear the modeller can choose to build up plastic exhausts or use the resin ones. The two fuselage sections can now be joined and at the front the intakes added. Next up the wings are constructed. The main gear bay walls are added to the inner parts and the outers then added over the top. The main gears are made up and added along with the leading edge and separate flaps. The wings, tail planes and vertical tail are then added to the fuselage. The tail has a separate rudder. To finish off the aircraft the underwing pylons are added, and a whole range of missiles and bombs are provided. These include AIM-9 & AIM-7 missiles, Cluster bombs, dumb bobs and fuel tanks. Decals The impressive large decal sheet (and smaller additional sheet) look to be well printed. There is minimal carrier film and the colours are sharp, everything looks colour dense. From the box you can build one of nine aircraft F-5E Brazilian Air Force. F-5N VFC-111 "Sundowners" US Navy (3 Greys scheme). F-5E VFC-111 "Sundowners" US Navy (3 Browns scheme). F-5E Republic of South Korea Air Force. F-5E Islamic Republic Of Iran Air Force. F-5E Mexican Air Force. F-5E Republic Of Singapore Air Force. F-5E USAF (Silver with Yellow fuselage Band) F-5E USAF (SEA Camo) Conclusion The plastic looks great, and there is an impressive array of marking options available. The addition of PE and resin parts including good figures makes this an all round exciting package from Kitty Hawk. Very highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of Available soon from major hobby shops
  23. A few F-5Es from the 64th Fighter Weapons Squadron. s/n 71-1635, June 1981. I think this was supposed to be the "Frog" scheme, but that brown just doesn't look right. 72-1388, April 1981. 73-0882, February 1981. Snake scheme. Note the 2 in the bort number looks like an inverted 5. 73-0847, May 1981. Pumpkin scheme. 73-0847 again, June 1981. Pumpkin scheme, but looks like someone found a different shade of tan/brown. 73-0865, June 1981. Don't know what scheme this was supposed to be. Many of us in the operational test squadron thought it was a mistake and referred to it as The Lemon. 73-1635 February 1981. Southeast Asia scheme. 73-1636 April 1981. Southeast Asia scheme. 74-1508, April 1981. Old Ghost scheme. 74-1510, October 1980. New Ghost 2 scheme? Thanks for looking, Sven
  24. All from the 65th Fighter Weapons Squadron at Nellis. S/n 72-1386, February 1981. Vietnamese Air Force scheme. 71-0846, May 1981. Pumpkin scheme. 73-0846, June 1983. Pumpkin scheme. 73-0866, October 1981. Pumpkin scheme and a replacement rudder. 73-0897, April 1981. Frog scheme. 74-1509, April 1981. Old Ghost scheme. 74-1512, February 1981. Old Ghost scheme. 74-1516, April 1981. Old Ghost scheme. 74-1529, November 1980. Old Lizard scheme Thanks for looking, Sven
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