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  1. Hi! Here is my 1:72 McDonnell Douglas F-15C Eagle, 84-0027, 493 Fighter Squadron USAF, RAF Lakenheath, 2016. Hasegawa kit (F-15J converted to F-15C MSIP II), Eduard PE set for cockpit and Caracal Models decals. Missiles and launchers from spares. Painted with MRP paints and Alclad metallics. Thanks for watching!
  2. McDonnell Douglas F-15C Eagle USAF 86-0172 493rd 48th FW Lakenheath Suffolk Feb/March 2022. I've had this on the go, on & off since the start of the year. The Milton Keynes show was impetus to getting it completed & having a week holiday while it rained! Fantastic kit, a dream to put together & loads of nice fine detail for 1/72. Extra items added to the build, was the Eduard 1/72 Sniper pod & the 3D printed ladder from LP models. The 493rd made its last deployment with their F-15C's to Poland, 32nd Tactical Air Base in Łask in Feb 2022 for the NATO Enhanced Air Policing (EAP) mission along with 86-0172 & three other airframes. On this occasion the black tail special carried a Sniper Pod as seen in some images from the excercise. Paints used were the Hataka red line acrylics from their F-15 set, panel line wash from Mig as well as ultra flat matt from Mig. Thanks for looking. Martin
  3. Greetings everyone! I present to your attention a “Hasegawa” kit F-15C in 1/72 scale. For my building I chose an aircraft with the board number 79-036 as of 1984, when this aircraft was based at Bitsburg Air Base in Germany. The kit was built in 2016. During the build process, I used the following aftermarket: 1. Photo-etched “Eduard” № 72398 2. Photo-etched “Airwawes” № 7209 3. Exhaust nozzles “Aires” № 7170 4. Ejection seat “Quickboost” ACES II № QB72022 5. Cockpit light “BobTaurus” № RT72041 6. “TwoBobs” decal № 72-099 7. AIM-9M/L Sidewinder “Brassin” № 672 037 8. Angle attack sensors “Master Model” № AM-72-008 9. The “Academy” F-15C kit was used as a donor for some details. Below I want to show some of the building steps in more detail. Air intake channels “Hasegawa” does not provide air intake channels, so I integrated it from the “Akademy” kit. Wing Fins Cockpit Front wheel bay Pylons and armament Main landing gear and wheel bays The main landing gear were almost self-made from metal needles, different kinds of plastic, some PE parts, tin and wire. Nose landing gear As the main landing gear, the nose landing gear were almost self-made. Other elements As you can see, all elements of the model have been subjected to great improvements. Building took about two years. I hope the viewing was interesting. Best wishes Dmytro aka DimaADA
  4. Hello, recently I came along a photo showing the cockpit of USAF F-15C with a new display on the upper right side of the front panel. It's called the PAD upgrade. The most actual book about the F-15 I have is the Reid Air publication, but there's no mention of it. So my questions are: When took this upgrade happen? Was it / is it fitted to all USAF F-15C or is there a list which serials got them? Thank you for putting light to this. Sincerely, Martin
  5. 22nd Tac Fighter Squadron F-15Cs out of Bitburg AB. Participating in Red Flag 90-5 at Nellis AFB, July 1990. 79-0060 79-0077 79-0079 80-0005 Thanks of looking, Sven Old Viper Tester
  6. 22nd Tac Fighter Squadron F-15Cs out of Bitburg AB. Participating in Red Flag 81-4 at Nellis AFB. 79-0052 79-0059 79-0064 Thanks for looking, Sven Old Viper Tester
  7. No need to introduce the subject: I will try my very best to live up to the kit‘s standard. Never built an Eagle before. Never built such an expensive kit before. So yes, I am VERY excited about this one. Hope I won‘t bore you guys, as it will be the box art build. Massachusetts ANG. (Hey, this is about air dominance, not a fashion parade 😜 ). Sam
  8. F-15Cs of the 59th Tactical Fighter Squadron (The Golden Pride), 33rd Tactical Fighter Wing out of Eglin AFB participating in the Red Flag 90-1 large force exercise at Nellis AFB, October 1989. 86-0150 86-0151 86-0153 86-0154 86-0171 86-0172 86-0174 86-0181 Thanks for looking, Sven Old ViperTester
  9. Hello guys I would like to show you my model F-15C National day 91 special livery the kit is Tamiya F-15C 1/48 the decal is custom made I hope you like it ˆ_ˆ real photo for the aircraft
  10. Hello everyone Im planning on doing a late F-15C/J for the F-15 Eagle single type build. If F-15C Im planning on doing one of the Montana Air National Guard C’s from 2010. It would look like this photo. https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:F-15C_Montana_ANG_taking_off_Great_Falls_2009.jpg Question I have is it the mod eagle scheme or the earlier scheme ? If I do an F-15J it will be an aggressor scheme from roughly the early 2000’s or maybe 2012. Would the base grey scheme be the same ? Any help is of course greatly appreciated. Dennis
  11. Hi I have the Hasegawa F-15C kit and wish to combine it with the Two Bobs sheet with the Grim Reapers End of an Era scheme. I am not too up-to-date with F-15 evolution so my question is: is the kit accurate for this scheme or does it need work to bring it into line with how they are/were when retired from Lakenheath? Thanks in advance Rick
  12. Hello all, At last I have succeeded to complete one of my WIP out of ongoing dozens of them and I would like to present this build here in the "Ready For Inspection" section. I have used my own decal artwork on an old restored Monogram kit. I enjoyed much during this project. hope you will like this build too. Thank you for viewing and any comment welcomed: You can find the "Work In Progress" here: Serkan
  13. Hi all with few bits glued today, finished one more model from "history line". Old Italeri mold in new livery, can not beat Hasegawa one but i like it a lot, maybe just memories.... Not to bother more, AK Real colors, minimal weathering (those birds were god maintained), added details in cockpit...and that is all. Till next project, best regards
  14. This kit, very similar to this Israeli Eagle, which I built in 2017 This kit from Kit Rescue at IPMS Avon2018 show. Half of a double-deal with this Italeri EF-111A Raven, negotiated down to £15 for the pair. For which I have ideas to contrast the grey camo. But approach with caution, as the decals on that linked Academy were VERY fragile. And a view of the parts. This kit has raised surface detail.
  15. I'm itching to build something and I don't want to wait until Saturday for the Interceptors GB to start, so here's a side project. I've really been enjoying Academy's 1/72 F-14A kit with the newer tooling, and I figured I'd give one of their other kits a try. Decals from Twobobs, as I wanted a non-gray color scheme, and I think for this one I'll go for the desert tan scheme. I'll be working this one off and on as time allows. The Flanker I'm building for the Interceptors GB will take priority, so I've got a few days to make some good progress on this, and I'll keep it on the side for the times that I'm waiting for things like primer, paint, and clear coat to cure. So... let's get started.
  16. As a relative new comer to Britmodeller I have been seriously impressed by the standard, especially skills with an airbrush. I decided it was time to try out some of the methods and techniques I have seen from looking through the amazing examples on this site. My guinea pig is a Tamiya F-15 Eagle that was part built some time ago and has been doing nothing apart from gathering dust. A quick wash and a coat of primer and we'll see what happens from here. Any tips and guidance gratefully received.
  17. I wonder if any of you kind modellers can help me. Is there a replacement set of exhaust nozzles available for the Tamiya 1/48 F-15C. I have looked around t’internet and can find replacements for Hasegawa, Revell GWH but nothing listed for the Tamiya kit. Is there a set without Turkey Feathers that fits this kit? Kind Regards Stef (unfinished project)
  18. A pair of F-15C Eagles of the 131st Fighter Squadron, 104th Fighter Wing, Massachusetts Air National Guard out of Barnes ANGB. Stopping at Wright-Patterson AFB to show personnel of the F-15 program office what they are supporting, July 2014. 78-0501 84-0023 Thanks for looking, Sven
  19. Hello! I’ve always liked Aggressor’s scheme for the Eagles, so as soon I got a F-15C kit, I went after the right decal set for this scale. They’re from Two Bobs and everything else is OOB. I scratch built the ACMI pod from a AIM-9, so this bird is in the normal configuration for ACM training, with the pod and a captive AIM-9. Kit was ok, except for the rear compartment lid that had to be well sanded so the canopy could fit closed, even tough is not perfect. Hope you enjoy! Cheers
  20. F-15Cs and Ds of the 59th Tac Fighter Squadron, 33rd Tac Fighter Wing out of Eglin AFB, at Nellis AFB for Red Flag 81-1 large force exercise, November 1980. F-15C 78-0533, the 33rd Tac Fighter Wing flag ship, "Gulf Spirit" Wonder why the squadron name, "Gorillas", doesn't appear on the 58TFS emblem? F-15C 78-0535 F-15C 78-0544 F-15D 78-0568 F-15D 78-0569 F-15D 78-0571 F-15D 78-0572 Thanks for looking, Sven
  21. McDonnell Douglas F-15C Oregon ANG Special 2016 (ED-32122) 1:32 Euro Decals by Fantasy Printshop Ltd. The Oregon Air National Guard have had some special schemes on their aircraft over the years. In 2015 to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Oregon ANG an F-15C Eagle from the 173rd Fighter Wing based at Klamath Falls was given this special Eagle Scheme. The decals arrive on 3 large A4 size sheets, and a small supplemental sheet in white, quality is first rate with sharpness and colour density both good. Grab yourself a big Eagle and you've got the basis for a rather interesting scheme to put on it. Highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  22. Hello there. Here is my rendition of the Academy old mold kit. Build wasn't always fun, I've mainly learned how frustrating photoetch can get. Still, I'm eager to start building more recent kits of the Eagle. F-15c MSIP II boxing, Two Bobs decals, Hataka and AK Xtreme Metal colors, Eduard PE, KA Models exhausts, Revell pilot. Thank you for looking!
  23. F-15C MSIP II Academy 1/72 My first f-15 build. First time using etched parts (Eduard zoom set for interior). Small corrections. Vallejo acrylics. \
  24. The 32nd Tac Fighter Squadron at Nellis AFB for Red Flag Exercise, July 1990. 79-0017 79-0018 79-0019 79-0023 79-0024 79-0033 81-0065 Thanks for looking, Sven
  25. Well seeing as my wee F-15E made it to the finish line, I felt adventurous: A nice 1/72 Hasegawa eagle dressed in Aggressor Camo to complement my F-5E from last year. I got the HB as a freebie from a friend whose AMS it had offended and the Hase was a HLJ bargain at under £10 delivered so no big bucks here. A quick peruse of the decal sheet and instructions had me howling with laughter, I was not going through micro modelling again. So plan B, a quick build of the Hokeyboss. So on to the sprues, simple and crude as ever... A little light aftermarket as per my F-5E build should liven things up in the front room: Great camo but not sure about the garish colours, I'll be mixing up my patented Mr El Cheapo paints for this: It should be a nice therapeutic second build, need to make some FOD covers as Hokeybozz simply blank off the intakes and thoughtfully don't provide a the blanking plate for the avionics bay behind the pilot. That said , I'm looking forward to my Blue Eagle! A
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