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Black Knight

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    Donaghadee, N'orn I'rn = Recently declared the Bestest place to live in N.I. !

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  1. They should be fine to use. Water based acrylics tend to loose some water and thicken up over time
  2. If you are using water based acrylics you can gently scrape the paint off with the point of a cocktail stick I find acrylics have a greater tendency to get under masking tape no matter how well you rub it down. Greater care is needed in painting up to masking tape
  3. The Lancaster is supposed to be displaying at Portrush Air Show tomorrow so it may have been en route to Aldergrove
  4. Live And Let Diet Diet Another Day You Only Love Twice Ski-fall Holiday Bin Schindlers Lift (thats actually on the lifts in my local Ikea)
  5. Hobbyboss do a range that includes several Marks Worth a look
  6. Above Us The Wives Sons of the Dessert The Damn Busters
  7. Lindberg are still going but I'd keep them in, but keep the Japanese kits out
  8. On what? an aeroplane, a car, a bus, a train? Leather comes in all colours. Some real leather items can look very plasticky We have to exaggerate the 'leather' look First is surface prep. Easing the corners and edges; a bit unevenly, a few short scored lines from the corners toward the centre, The centre slightly lower than the edges Paint; mainly a semi-matt finish overall, with sides a bit more glossy, patchy. The part of the seat & head rest, different. Seat, a lighter version of the colour for wear, in the centre towards an edge, the headrest, a slightly darker colour in the centre fading out towards the edges and a matt finish Just some ideas
  9. You've not had the enjoyment of a hot fresh cooked sausage roll straight out of a bakery in your hand and eating it as you wait on your bus arriving on a cold wet (summer) morning
  10. I'd be up for any of those, or all of them as an 'Odd-job kits'
  11. Micro Sol and Set will work on dried decals. Apply liberally and when they start their work press the decal down gently with a dampened tissue/paper kitchen roll
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