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  1. Onwards 2022, Great Wall Hobby (GWH) is to release a new tool 1/72nd Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 "Fulcrum" family. Source: http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/319406-great-wall-hobby-gwh-l4830-148-su-30sm-“flanker-h”-multi-role-fighter/&do=findComment&comment=3063658 V.P.
  2. I got this Hobby Boss kit as soon as it came out and it nearly ended up 'out of box' as I had planned. It's a good kit, but there are a lot of head scratching decisions made by the manufacturer. There are a few differences between the Indian Navy Mig-29Ks and the Russian Navy ones and also differences with the MiG-35. The Yefim Gordon & D Komissarov MiG-29 & MiG-35 book was really helpful as I could not find a lot of close up images on the net of details, particularly the ladder. The decals are my biggest complaint so others were sourced from Begemot and even hand painted. I used the kit decals in the cockpit and they looked fine, I painted the MFD screens gloss black and added a few bits to the rest of the all black cockpit, a new color for me and Russian builds. By the time I was nearly done Quinta came out with their cockpit set and I ended up adding their instrument panel over the original and using the fuse box and seat details. The ladder was sourced from an early A-10 (it's pretty close) and scratched a compartment and door for it. Paint was Akan with the darker blue grey my own mix. The Russian Navy Mig-29Ks have done a Kuznetsov carrier tour to Syria and rumored to being used in Ukraine for anti-ship roles. With active use in mind I took the liberty to weather and fade the Eggplant dark grey even though I was not able to find any images of washed out faded ones like the Su-35s and Su-34s of that color. Nose profile comparison with MiG-29SMT Not quite as faded as in service Su-35s
  3. HobbyBoss is to release a 1/48th Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-35 " Fulcrum-F" kit - ref. 81787 Source: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8407857663 V.P.
  4. Expected in late October in China, Hobby Boss is to release a 1/48th Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29K Izdeliye 9.41 " Fulcrum-D" kit - ref. 81786 Source: http://www.hobbyboss.com/index.php?g=home&m=article&a=show&id=238 Box art At the All Japan Hobby Show 2023 Source: https://hobby.dengeki.com/event/2089974/ Source: https://www.facebook.com/gustav.jung.7/posts/pfbid02EXMhH4KzXBy114doAH9LkGqLL3vAE4BVcGT6FkWacTsFcK57HExvQxmZYpGYihnal V.P.
  5. Soviet Military Airfield 1980s (DS7203) 1:72 ICM via H G Hannants Ltd Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Cold War might of the 1980s was exemplified by the Mig-29, of which there were many examples of this new technology on airbases across their territory, serviced by crews and vehicles so that they were ready to fend off the supposed attacks from the NATO ‘horde’, who were just as terrified of the Soviet horde and nuclear Armageddon, coincidentally. The Mikoyan MiG-29, NATO reporting name 'Fulcrum', is an air superiority fighter designed and built in the Soviet Union in the 1980s. As with many other frontline aircraft of that period such as the Su-27, F-16, F-15 and Panavia Tornado, it was produced in significant numbers and is still in fairly widespread service with air arms around the world today. The MiG-29 was developed as a lighter, cheaper aircraft when compared to the visually similar Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker. As with the Su-27, the engines are spaced widely apart, with the area between the engines being used to generate lift and improve manoeuvrability. The MiG-29 is powered by two Klimov RD-33 Turbofans, each of which can generate over 18,000lb of thrust in reheat. The aircraft is designed to make use of rough airstrips, with engine air intakes that can be closed completely when on the ground, allowing air to be drawn through louvers on the upper surfaces of the blended wing roots. Armament includes a combination of Vympel R-27 medium-range air-to-air missiles and R-73 or R-60 short-range air-to-air missiles, as well as a GSh-30-1 30mm cannon. The MiG-29S, also known as the Fulcrum C, features a number of improvements over the Fulcrum A, including the addition of the L-203BE Gardenyia-1 Electronic Countermeasures System in a prominent dorsal hump, improved avionics and control systems. The Kit This set includes four kits, one of the Mig-29 9-13, a ZiL-131 Command Vehicle, and another Zil-based vehicle the APA-50M, an airfield mobile electrical unit, plus a bag of PAG-14 pre-cast concrete plates that are used to quickly create a flat, textured surface on an airfield that can accommodate fast jets as well as heavy transport types. The set arrives in a medium top-opening box, with a captive lid on the lower tray, and inside each kit is individually bagged, with a printed orange label showing the original product code. Detail is good, and the quantity of modelling fun packed into the box is great value. The instructions have been gathered within a card folder, each with the decals hidden within, protected by a sheet of absorbent paper. The decals are by ICM’s usual partner, and have good register, sharpness and colour density. Mig-29 9-13 Fulcrum (72141) This is a reboxing of ICM’s 2008 tooling of this classic Cold War Soviet-era jet, but with new decals appropriate for the subject matter. The kit arrives in a stylishly appointed top-opening box with captive inner lid, and inside are three sprues of medium grey styrene, a small clear sprue, two sheets of decals and the instruction booklet, which shares the same design as the box lid, and has spot-colour throughout, including full colour profiles on the back page. Detail is on par for the era of its original release, with engraved panel lines, raised and recessed detail where appropriate, cockpit and gear bay detail, and a complement of weapons and fuel tanks, the latter remain unused. Construction begins with the cockpit, which has an ejector pin mark in the middle of the floor that will be covered by the ejection seat, but should be cut flush to ensure everything fits properly. A control column and instrument panel with raised and recessed detail moulded-in completes the cockpit, although the Zvezda K-36 seat could do with a little additional work, including adding the tubular housings for the ejection stabilisation beams that sit at each side of the headbox. The cockpit inserts into the upper fuselage from below, after which it can be closed up ready for the other components. There aren’t many stages to the instruction booklet, and we see the wings, elevators and stabilisers added at the same time as the two-part canopy. Two inset diagrams show the twin engine nacelles being made up with integral FOD guards before they too are joined to the underside of the fuselage, with the exhausts also made up from inner and outer parts in more inset diagrams. The included weapons also have inset diagrams, and you can make up two each of R-27 Alamo, R-60 Aphid and R-72 Archer air-to-air missiles, but bear in mind that the weapons sprue has a little flash, so some clean-up might be needed. Each missile has its own pylon, and the larger R-27s have separate fins perpendicular to the seamline. They are all shown inserted into the holes in the wing undersides at the same times as the main and nose gear, which have separate wheels and retraction jacks, plus gear bay doors and a clear landing light in each main gear well. The nose gear bay has three doors, and at the tip of the nose a pitot probe will poke out your eye if you look too closely. Markings There are two decal options included on the sheet, but with greyscale profiles, it’s difficult to imagine the look of the options without referring to the colour charts. From the sheet you can build one of the following: MiG-29 “9-13” type, 733 IAP (Fighter Regiment) of Russian Air Force, Damgarten (Germany), 1994 MiG-29 “9-13” type, 40th Fighter Wing of Ukrainian Air Defence, 2000 APA-50M (ZiL-131) Airfield Mobile Electric Unit (72815) This range of kits was originally started by little-known company Omega-K as a truck with canvas tilt in the 90s, before the tooling was taken over at the turn of the millennium by ICM, since when it has been re-released many times and with various alterations to the basic kit and its chassis. This boxing arrives in a relatively small top-opening box that has a captive lid to the lower tray, and inside are five sprues and two loose cab parts in grey styrene, a clear sprue, a small decal sheet and the instruction manual, with colour profiles on the rear pages showing the decal options. Even though its base kit is of a certain age, the detail is excellent throughout, and small amounts of flash are easily removed to expose that detail. Construction begins with the one-piece ladder chassis, which first has two supports removed from each side that are marked in red for your ease. The underside of the engine, transfer box, drive-shafts and various tanks are installed around the ladder, then the twin axles at the rear and single front axle are both inserted below the rails on leaf-spring suspension with the axles interlinked by numerous drive-shaft elements, and a steering link for the front. Underneath, the twin exhaust pipes merge into a muffler then make their way out to the rear as a single pipe, near to a large towing hitch. The six road wheels are all moulded in two halves with chevron tread, and have a separate hub cap for extra detail, with just the seam to clean up in the middle, conveniently located at the centre of the tread pattern. If you want to add some weighting to them, a quick swipe with a coarse sanding stick should do the trick, after which you can glue the wheels with the flat-spot at the bottom. The cab is a really nice crisp moulding that has a little flash here and there, but it’s well worth the effort to remove it, after which the cab floor with various controls and the wheels are inserted from below, then the crystal-clear windows, windscreen and headlamps are inserted to the front, with cages finely moulded, although suffering a little flash that will take care to remove, but again it’s worth the effort. Door mirrors, a small spotlight and a fire extinguisher on the rear corner finish off the detailing of the cab, after which the load box is begun. The floor panel is bracketed by a front and end bulkhead before the sides are added, then two narrow sections of roof, and an upstand with separate roof and curved sides are attached to the centre section, giving the roof a stepped surface. A pair of rails are glued to the edges of the lower roof section, quickly finishing it off, then the three subassemblies can be mated by fixing the cab and body to the chassis, whilst adding the chunky front bumper iron, a section of treadplate between the outer sections behind the bumper, and adding a couple of towing/tie-down hooks to either side of the radiator. Markings There are three decal options on the sheet, with two green examples, and one in bright yellow for a little variation. From the box you can build one of the following: 738th Fighter Aviation Regiment, Zaporozhye, 1982 Unknown Military Unit, Soviet Armed Forces, 1980s Civil Aviation of the USSR, 1980s ZiL-131 Command Vehicle (72812) This is another Omega-K based kit that started life as a ZiL-131 truck with canvas tilt in the 90s, taken over at the turn of the millennium by ICM and developed from there. It is a variant of the truck reviewed above, so most of the sprues are the same in both bags, adding new parts in grey styrene for the box body, and a small additional clear sprue for the windows. Construction begins with the one-piece ladder chassis and cab, which are built in the exact same manner as above, so we’ll skip over those. The command cab is a slide-moulded part with five sides, just needing the floor adding, then detailing with vents in the roof, hand-rails at the edges, a spare tyres, ladder and other small parts, then it can be mounted on the chassis, finishing it off with mud guards, number plate holders, fuel tank and front bumper iron. Markings There are two decal options on this sheet, generic vehicles with and without camouflage. From the sheet you can build one of the following: Standard painting scheme of ZiL-131 vehicles Camouflage painting scheme of ZiL-131 vehicles PAG-14 Airfield Plates (72214) There are thirty-two of these plates in the bag, each one measuring 82mm x 28mm, and no instructions are needed, as they simply lay in serried rows next to each other. The diamond pattern engraved into the surface stops short of the edge all around, and there are small cut-outs equally spaced around the corners where the real thing has a hole with a bare rod spanning the gap that permits lifting cranes access to put them into position next to each other without having to move around them later. The purist may want to cut away the holes and add some rod, but most of us would just pop a little grass into the area, as they filled up with greenery quickly in the summer, or ice in the winter. They should be painted a grubby concrete colour, with plenty of scope for adding dirt or ice in the engraved diamond pattern, and you can create an area of approximately 14cm x 17cm with just ten of them, so 32 should supply enough to situate all the other components of the set with ease. Conclusion A great value set that brings together four linked elements to create the ingredients for a diorama, with little else needed other than your usual modelling tools and a piece of base-board to mount the PAG-14 on. Highly recommended. Available in the UK from importers H G Hannants Ltd. Review sample courtesy of
  6. ICM has announced a new diorama set with a re-release from its old (2008) 1/72nd MiG-29 "9-13" Fulcrum-C". - ref. DS7203 - Soviet military airfield 1980s - Mikoyan MiG-29 "9-13", APA-50M (ZiL-131), ATZ-5 and Soviet PAG-14 Airfield Plates - Diorama Set - NEW - release Q4 2022 Source: https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/ICMDS7203 V.P.
  7. From chinese sources, Trumpeter is preparing a 1/72 MiG-29UB "Fulcrum-B" kit - ref. 01677 Sources: http://tw.weibo.com/supertomcat21/3769166404707559 http://www.weibo.com/u/2975465393 http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?showtopic=279455 http://tw.weibo.com/2975465393/3763098760831080 V.P.
  8. Back again with another recently wrapped project, the ICM 1/72 'Ghost of Kyiv' MiG-29. Finished this months ago, but forgot to add the wingtip nav lights. Finish was also a little too glossy, so I slapped some liquid masking on the canopy and nose sensor and sprayed it down with some satin varnish. Had this idea in mind almost as soon as I saw the kit, and while the kit itself was a little basic and required a fair amount of filling and sanding to get right, and the decals were incredibly frustrating (being far too thin and flimsy, and near instantly sticking themselves) requiring that I try to duplicate the failed ones with Tamiya masking, I'm happy with the end result. Also a bit of a disaster with the one decal that didn't decide to stick down instantly in the right side intake number, which my thumb apparently touched at some point and bunched up. Decal was beyond use, so I had to hand paint the number back in 😬 Only major modification I made to the build itself was closing the upper louvres by moulding some Miliput. Model didn't have that as an option, but the aircraft close those in flight and open up the main intakes. Added a pilot figure, pulled from my Bandai X-Wing kit where I didn't use the rebel pilot in the seated position. Thankful I had him, because I could not find any aftermarket 1/72 pilots that were suitable (certainly not reasonably priced from what I can recall). Modded him up as best I could and in he went. Second attempt at mounting a model aircraft in flight, and the first attempting to replicate a fired missile. Smoke effect wasn't brilliant at first, but then I saturated the cotton wool (superglued around a wire) with diluted modpodge and was able to shape it into something tighter. Overall happy with how it turned out, even if I couldn't get that field to go brighter no matter how many times I tried Whole thing has a display cover as well. Anyway, enjoy As always, thanks for looking Gaz
  9. Hi all, I'm just mulling over the idea of a Fulcrum build at some point in the far off future. My eyes are focussed on a Peruvian machine - inspired by Pete's UB build - and wondered about the upcoming new release kits. It would be a shift for me in technologies as I tend to stick with what I grew up with - 50s and 50s jets - but I've always liked the MiG-29 and so having one in my collection would be appropriate. Why Peruvian? Because I like to be different! So, my question, is about the variants used. They are quoted as MiG-29S 9.12, upgraded to SE and then to SMP. What are the obvious differences from a modelling perspective, please? I'm certain there is someone out there who knows! Thanks a lot. Martin
  10. Alongside the future 1/72nd MiG-29UB (9.51) "Fulcrum-B" (http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234969496-172-mig-29ub-951-fulcrum-b-by-trumpeter-test-build) and MiG-29SMT (9.19) "Fulcrum-F" http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234969502-172-mig-29smt-919-fulcrum-f-by-trumpeter-test-shot Trumpeter is also to release a classic Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 (9.12) "Fulcrum-A" kit - ref. 01674 Source: http://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=68170&start=5475 V.P.
  11. So with the Tucano done I need another project. This one landed on my lap from a mate, he bought it purely for the donation to Ukrainian causes and asked me to build it. I couldn't refuse. So I won't go into the contents of the box as these are all we documented on this site, its a nice kit with decent detail, a bit of flash but nothing to serious. Going to model this one in flight with one of the Coastal Kits Blur bases but some mods need to be done on the kit as its depicted as on the ground only. A bit of a parts cleaning session so far. Some fettling of parts is required but considering ICM have produced and distributed this kit is quite amazing in its own right. Was thinking of adding a couple of AGM-88 HARMs as at the moment there is a lot of controversy on the integration of the system to ex Soviet airframes, I think it might add a bit of interest ? Just a bit of AM Decals will be from the kit but I do reserve the right to add a tad more AM to the build Enjoy
  12. After the MiG-29 (9.12) "Fulcrum-A" late version - http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=234925828&hl=fulcrum - , Yufei (Haneto) and Great Wall Hobby 5GWH) are working on a new variant of this fighter aircraft, the MiG-29 (9.13) "Fulcrum-C". In the meantime Yufei has also announced the MiG-29 (9.12) early version... Here are the first pictures Source: http://s362974870.onlinehome.us/forums/air/index.php?showtopic=255187&st=500 V.P.
  13. Alongside the future 1/72nd MiG-29UB (9.51) "Fulcrum-B" (http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234969496-172-mig-29ub-951-fulcrum-b-by-trumpeter-test-build), MiG-29SMT (9.19) "Fulcrum-F" http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234969502-172-mig-29smt-919-fulcrum-f-by-trumpeter-test-shot and classic MiG-29 (9.12) "Fulcrum-A" ( http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234971313-172-mig-29-912-fulcrum-a-by-trumpeter-release-in-2015/?hl=fulcrum), Trumpeter is also to release a MiG-29 (9.13) "Fulcrum-C" kit - ref. 01675 Source: https://www.facebook.com/TrumpeterModel/photos/a.220979711393963.1073741904.103526326472636/455446497947282/?type=1&theater Box art V.P.
  14. Hi All, Well after a lengthy battle, I've finally managed to drag this MIG-29 kicking and screaming into a somewhat finished state. The initial build was.....testing. Everything seamed to go wrong with this one so I decided I might as well make this model look like it has been though the wars too. I tackled this model as a "if it doesn't work, who cares" model so I could experiment. This is the first time I have used oil paints to weather a model. I found it to be a really rewarding process that I can't wait to try again. Obviously it is a little rough round the edges for a first try but it just looks so much more alive than the other clean models next to it on the shelf. I also tried stone chipping via dry brushing silver and enamel washing for the first time. I think for a weathering mule, it's come up pretty nice. Who would have though a model that almost went in the bin would help me learn so much! Thanks BR60066
  15. Greetings to all. This is a Mig that i finished two years ago. Although i feel little sad about it because i've lost all my project files due to a major damage in my pc, finally i tried and saved four pictures but unfortunately i can't have photos any more because the model has been sold.. As ordered this model should include all the possible aftermarket details as you see below. 1. Metallic pitot tube. 2. Nose correction. 3. Aires cocpit. 4. Aires photorealistic instruments. 5. Resin seat. 6. New chaff-flares dispencers. 7. Aires nozzles. 8. Aires airbrakes. 9. Aires set of wheels and landing gear with all the hydrolic cables etc. 10. Complete set of weapons from Big-Sin and Brassin with complete set of photorealistic decals from Eduard store. I wish i had the model. The complete detais were remarkable i hope you like it.
  16. Hi all, Here I would like to start a new topic for Mig-29SMT "917" which will most probably take her place in my "Never ending projects" list (aka "Hall of Shame"). Several years ago I bought dozens of Condor kits with various versions of Mig-21, Mig-25, Mig-29 and Mig-31 aircrafts. Last week when I was updating my kit inventory I have seen this Mig-29SMT 9.17 kit. Actually the kit is neither the production 9.17 nor the prototype "917". Therefore I decided to modify the kit slightly and use my own decals to finish the model (if you followed any of my other builds in this forum, you will quickly understand why I selected this finish. Simply it is in shades of blue...) Here is the Condor kit I will use in this build: In overall the kit provides sufficient payload. The fuselage panels are raised whereas wing and tail panels are engraved. The clear parts are very foggy and there are significant mark pins in the middle of canopy. I hope with a bit sanding and polishing I can improve this. Serkan
  17. Hello, Introducing my Mig-29 9-12s in 1/72nd scale. Story started a few years ago when I built my first Mig-29 in 1/72nd scale. At the time best choice was between the Italeri and Airfix models. I thought the Italeri kit was a better starting point and proceeded with my project. I actually was not very satisfied with that first try for 2 main reasons : I missed to correct the angled position of the main landing gears (Italeri gives them vertical…) I left the upper auxilliary intake doors open – they normally are closed when aircraft are parked and idle. I decided to correct these flaws and later started a second Fulcrum, also from an Italeri kit. I also corrected some other aspects of the aircraft addind resin accessories in the process (nose cone, cockpit and seat, wheels and exhaust nozzles). Aircraft was built as a Malaysian Mig-29N. Resin IFR probe and fairing were difficult to cement in position so I decided to build my Mig-29N without the IFR equipment (I found information proving that Mig-29N have occasionnaly flown without them). Then better Fulcrums were released both by Trumpeter then Zvezda. I had decided for either an East German, Czeck or Polish 5 colour camo which left me with the Trumpeter Mig-29 9-12 (Until now Zvezda reselased only the 9-13 and 9-19 version from their new moulds). Here are both models Italeri Mig-29N Trumpeter Mig-29A Cheers Eric B.
  18. Hey guys, for my current project of three MiG-29 in 1/72 I wanna do the SMT in blue-grey two-tone camouflage of Algerian AF. I have Begemot's decal sheet, but there are no codes or numbers for colours, just named. Anyone knows more about ? Is that blue same as Su-24 and MiG-21UM, for that I found Humbrol 65 in the Internet ? MiG-29SMT and Su-30MKA should be same colours. Any ideas ? 🤔
  19. This'll be my first build report so be gentle with me🙄🙃 Firstly a bit of background:I got back into modelling like many others I suspect, last year during lockdown here in Germany. Luckily we didn't have it as bad as some and a few shops were still open. I built a couple of WW2 trucks converted to civvy use based on what I see every day on the roads in Myanmar every winter. I also did the very good Revell 1:24 Land Rover which was loosely based on our old Landy. Anyway I got back into aircraft with the Trumpeter 1:48 Wyvern, mainly due to the fact it was based on one serving on HMS Eagle at the same time as my father was serving on it in the mid fifties. I may get round to posting some pics in the 'Ready For Inspection' section: I made a lot of mistakes but it didn't turn out too badly in the end... I quite like building something a bit out of the ordinary(see above!) and thought about trying a MiG in Myanmar Air Force colours as I've seen them flying regularly and have snapped them on occasions too. I discovered that Caracal did a set of decals surprisingly, so that decided things. The choice was between the Trumpeter or the GWH version. Finding the Academy one for 20€ on Ebay whilst the GWH one was around 60€ plus postage twisted my arm towards the cheap option🥴 Big mistake as I was to discover... Just tried uploading pics to Flickr and linking them using the 'Insert image from URL' button but it doesn't work🤬
  20. MiG-29s are backbone multirole fighter aircraft of Myanmar Air Force. Great Wall Hobby is making very nicely detailed MiG-29s so I gave a try. It is built and painted in Myanmar Air Force Camo. The Air Force markings and numbers are from Caracal Decals printed by Cartograf. I left one engine cover removed and one engine displayed on a stand. This model will be at Malaysia Miniatures and Hobby Show 2018 very soon.
  21. zebra


    Two of my favourite aircraft are the MiG-29 and Su-27. I've been smitten with the MiG-29 ever since I saw it for the first time at Farnborough in 1988, and have fond memories (and not enough photos) of Fulcrums and Flankers at Farnborough and Fairford in the 90s. So I can't explain why I've never built a model of either of them. Fast forward 30-odd years and a Zvezda Su-33 came into my possession (thanks again @vppelt68). That prompted me to think about all the Flankers and Fulcrums I want to build and, having gone a bit mad in lockdown, I built up a stash of them in 1/72 pretty quickly. So time to get building. I'm starting with two MiG-29s, and will get onto a couple of Flankers next. These are the Zvezda and Revell 1/72 MiG-29S (9.13) Flanker C - actually the same kit although I've found Revell has made at least one change to it. Box shots: These are going to be fairly quick builds with no aftermarket apart from decals. I have a couple of Linden Hill sheets and a Begemot sheet so lots of options to choose from. One of them will be in Uzbekistan colours, not made a decision on the other but I'm leaning towards a Soviet aircraft from the late 80s. I've made a start. The Zvezda instructions have you assemble the main airframe components first, then move onto the cockpit. The unconventional build order works in this case as the cockpit tub is moulded into the upper fuselage. So I've got the fuselage and wings assembled pretty quickly, I've also got started on painting some cockpit bits but not photographed them yet. Here's how they're looking tonight: thanks for looking Julian
  22. I have Just completed My last Aircraft Honoring the Kosciuszko Squadron Flyers. This was the 1/48 Eduard/Academy Mig-29 UB in Polish Markings I need to thank Polish AF US Liaison Budniak Karol for all his support in correct colors of Mig-29. The decals are from ModelMaker ,a Polish decal company and they were fantastic. Below are two Aircraft with 100 years of separation tied in by the pilot, American Major Cedric Fauntleroy. The Albatross is the markings of Major Fauntleroy in 1920 and the 2020 Mig-29 has the pilots image on the inside of the the tails. Both aircraft sport the Kosciuszko Squadron Emblem designed by an American flier Elliot Chess during the Polish/Bolshevik conflict in 1920. Major Fauntleroy was the Kosciuszko Squadron commander during the conflict. I was trying complete the Mig-29 in 2020 but I did not receive the decals until December. I added the Eduard F.O.D covers just to add a Little color.The kit was loaded with Photo-etched parts,Resin seats and I added Resin Exhaust set. Notice the two different photos in the tail area, one in flying gear and one formal uniform. Thanks for Looking Comments are always welcome Regards Bill
  23. The ICM kit of a Mig-29 from the Swifts aerobatic team straight from the box. The kit decals only provide straight lines but the scheme needs many curves and the decals tend to break easily if coaxed to bend, so I masked all of the swift and only used the silver stripes. Steve
  24. Hello Everyone. . . A Mig-29SMT from trumpeter in 1/72 scale. I had built this model a while back. Now I decided to put this on a base, thus the Snow Diorama. This was my first time doing a diorama, its a small one where I just had to build a Base and merely modifying the MIG I built. The modifications are : 1. Missile covers done by Paper. For the R27s and the RVVs, the paper was rolled into a cone and superglued to the missile. Thereafter it was sanded to the desired shape. For the R73s a small square was cut and just pushed on the Nose of the missile giving the shape of a cover. This looked descent enough to pass by in this scale. These were painted red finally. 2. The Engine intake cover, Upper intake cover and the engine exhaust covers are all done by this plastic sheet. I used a ball pen to get the required embossed effect on these covers. For the upper intakes the walk area was marked by using tamiya masking tape. 3. The pitot cover was done using paper again and the string was a sewing thread. 4. Wheel chocks were taken from the Zvezda Kit. All the weapons, chocks, covers are detachable and are just press fit to the aircraft. For the snow I used Cotton and Baking Soda. I hope You guys Like it. Do lemme know for all your suggestions and opinions so I improve in the Future. For the video, the initial bit is the making of the base. You can JUMP to 05:30 for the Aircraft assembly. Enjoy and Cheers . . . . 😉
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