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  1. Old Hasegawa 1:72 Fw190 from the 90's. It's one of the kits I keep coming back to do every once in a while despite newer, better kits becoming available. This time is an F variant which I add a scratch-built bomb rack and 3D-printed bombs. Cheers, Nanond
  2. Hi, Anyone have a pic of the heated windshield in a Dora (or any 190 really)? I have found a pic of the side pane showing the wires, but can't find one of the front glass, not even on a 152!
  3. It had been over a month since I completed a model, but last week my kids urged me to start back into them. This is what I built over the course of a few evenings: Focke-Wulf Fw.190A-3, II./JG1, Holland 1942, 1/72 Scale After participating in the invasion of Russia in 1941, the first Group of Jagdgeschwader 3 was withdrawn from the eastern front and reflagged as the 2nd Group of JG1, assigned to coastal patrol and day interceptor duties in Holland. In mid-1942 they traded their Bf.109s in for Fw.190s which were emblazoned with the "Tatzelwurm", a miniature dragon that in German mythology was something of a cheeky bane of farmers and livestock. II./JG1s Fw.190s primarily did battle with regular low level RAF fighter raids and escorted friendly shipping between the northern European mainland and Scandinavia before transitioning into high altitude interception of USAAF bombers, a task that would occupy the group until the end of the war. My model is Tamiya's Fw.190A-3 in 1/72 scale, built out of the box except the addition of Eduard seatbelts. Paints are from the AK Real Color range and decals were scrounged from the bin were used to represent a II./JG1 aircraft in late 1942 or early 1943. The following two images are from www.asisbiz.com and show a few of the II./JG1 Fw.190As from which I patterned my finish off of...
  4. My second entry, probably out of the box because I love the torpedo option and also owing to the fact that only about 500 Dora’s were built there probably aren’t that many alternatives.
  5. Hi folks, I have been lurking around these forums for quite some time now and very much enjoyed it, especially the work in progress and ready for inspection sections. I finally summoned my courage to present some of my own models to the community hoping to receive some honest feedback which will ideally permit me to improve my skills or to question my techniques. This is the recently released Fw190F-8 by Revell, built OOB. Just some minor adaptations like drilled out guns, braking wires and antenna cable (stretched sprue). I use a mixture of Mr Hobby and AK acrylic colours. Although the FW190 is a very popular model, I hope that this will be of some interest to you. The built was hassle free and quite some fun. As mentioned - any constructive criticism most appreciated. Thanks for watching!
  6. Hello everyone... Ive been wanting to do this for a number of years. I have a few favorite pilots from WW2 and other era's as I'm sure we all do. My favorite Luftwaffe pilot was Josef "Pip's" Priller, not because he was German or serving the Nazi's. However he was a good pilot that seemed to care more about his men, than politics and the General's in Luftwaffe high-command. Much the same reason i admire Gregory Boyington. Recently i was helping a couple of members including @Valkyrie, who were building Prillers D-Day Focke-Wulf. I was inspired to start a thread and ask questions about Priller's Bf-109F's and his Fw Dora. This in turn inspired me to start a long term project. I will be attempting to build every major variant of aircraft that Priller flew from 1939 until 1945. This will include three Bf-109's an E1, E3, E7, two Bf-109F's an F2 & F4, and at least five versions of the Fw-190 starting with an A2 and ending with a D9. I started the build a couple of weeks ago with an 1/72 Airfix Bf-109E4 that i am converting to an E7. The project will cover both 1/72 & 1/48 scales as i have decals in both scales. These builds will not be in order but as i acquire the kits. My second build will be a Tamiya Fw-190A3. A quick look at Josef Priller's biography before moving onto the build. This is taken from his Wiki page. "Josef "Pips" Priller (German: [ˈpʁɪlɐ]; 27 July 1915 – 20 May 1961) was a German military aviator and wing commander in the Luftwaffe during World War II. As a fighter ace, all of his victories were claimed over the Western Front. "Aerial victory claims" "Priller flew 307 combat missions to claim 101 victories. All his victories were recorded over the Western Front, and consisted of 11 USAAF heavy bombers, 68 Spitfires (the highest Luftwaffe ace's tally for this type), 11 Hurricanes, five medium bombers and five USAAF fighters. Matthews and Foreman, authors of Luftwaffe Aces — Biographies and Victory Claims, researched the German Federal Archives and found records for 100 aerial victory claims, plus three further unconfirmed claims. All of his victories were claimed on the Western Front and includes ten four-engined bombers." So in conclusion you can watch me trip and fall and look like a fool. Or if I'm lucky you can watch me build Ten aircraft over the next year or so, and enjoy the builds ? Now lets bring you up to speed on the 109E7. This ⬇️ Is before painting started last Friday, next to my Mexican Air force P-47D. I have modified the propeller to give it the pointed cap and added the drop tank and its mount. Over the weekend i sprayed the RLM65 Sunday i sprayed the RLM02. And today i sprayed the RLM71. Again this could be the ultimate trip and fall, or a decent success. Please feel free to join and follow along, or check in from time to time ? In conclusion let me say please feel free to ask questions, comment, or give me any info on Priller that you may have. Dennis
  7. Another one I recently wrapped up. The antenna were made from scratch because the only aftermarket options were 2D photoetch, unacceptable. Fw190A-6/R11 Neptun 6.JG 300 "Red 21" Le Bourget, France February 1944 BarracudaCast cockpit snapshot Rebuilt kit plastic instrument panel BarracudaCast exhaust Ultracast spinner/prop TMD wheels Scratch-built antennae Master gun barrels/pitot Tamiya canopy/headrest Montex masks for insignia EagleCals decals Enjoy!
  8. Hello all! Here is my recently completed build of Eduard's FW190 D-9 in 1/48 scale, the kit went together a treat and was a real mojo booster, only slight filler needed on the ammo covers on the top of the wing but apart from that no issues at all. I used Mr Color paints for this build, I will definitely be building this kit again and have already snapped the D-13 from Eduard. Please let me know your thoughts and critique always welcome. https://i.postimg.cc/wB9jQWcL/IMG-2198.jpg
  9. Here I have for everyone my build of the Eduard Profipack FW190 F-8. I decided to go with the Hungary winter camouflage scheme used in 1944 and early 1945. The kit like most Eduard kits was of excellent quality and detail and really couldn't fault it at all. Recently I have heard some of the Eduard decals have been a bit of a challenge but in my case they where excellent, just a bit of micro set and micro sol did the trick, nothing stronger was required. As for the paint scheme, I started by priming the aircraft in Mr Finishing Surfacer 1500 grey then I went for a original RLM 74 and 75 camouflage for the period, using Mr Hobby Aqueous paints. The bottom of the aircraft I painted with RLM 76. Once I was happy with the first layer of camouflage I then went over this in Flat white to achieve the desired effect. This took me a fair while but I think my patience has paid off. Then I weathered the aircraft with oils and washes. Please give me your critique and feedback as I'm still very new to the hobby and have much to learn.
  10. It's finished! 1/18 scale FW-190 A-8 has left the bench. The model produced by HobbyBoss lacking a lot of details, it has them less than models in 1/72 but I wanted to make it because the larger the model, the easier it is to stuff the electrics. I remade the interior of cockpit, added aluminum foil seatbelts, added gunsight and detailed a bit landing gear wells. The armament is made of brass tubes. Apart from that, I added diodes, optical fibers and a motor. As German equipment other than prototypes and what-ifs will never appear on my shelves, I painted my FW in the colors it wore when the Yankees tested it at the Toul-Rosières airport in France in 1945. To paint this one I've used AK Real Color, Tamiya and Mr Hobby paints, and weathered it with Ammo Mig pigments and liquids also from this manufacturer. It is driven by a 12V motor and the optical fibers are powered by 12V LED diodes. The resin lady on the wing (to distract from the lack of details of the model ) is also on a 1/18 scale, from Coree. My wife helped me plant the grass on the base, many thanks Short movie with working engine and lights:
  11. In July of 1943 JG 2's second staffel was reassigned from day fighter duties to a crash course in night fighting to hopefully stem the tide of RAF night bombing. None of the unit's Fw 190s were equipped with radar, as a set small enough wouldn't debut for several more months. Pilots were given a quick course in flying with only instruments and direction from ground controllers. Initially, the new Nachtjaeger were refinished in overall black, however it was quickly found out that it was nearly impossible and dangerous to fly in formation at night in such a dress. After a few unsuccessful missions, the Fw. 190s were refinished in an overall RLM 76 gray. In this scheme the aircraft flew for the next few months before actual radar equipped Focke Wulfs were assigned to nachtjaeger groups later that fall. IMG_5247 by Evan Bailly, on Flickr A quick little few-night build of the venerable old Academy kit that has been floating around in the attic for almost two decades. It was built with the help of an Eduard PE cockpit and a few other bobbles; brake lines from fine wire, antenna wire from EZ Line, et al. Finishes are mostly Vallejo Air Acrylics and the decals were provided by Owl, representing Lt. Detlef Grossfuss' charge. IMG_5253 by Evan Bailly, on Flickr IMG_5249 by Evan Bailly, on Flickr IMG_5240 by Evan Bailly, on Flickr IMG_5251 by Evan Bailly, on Flickr IMG_5243 by Evan Bailly, on Flickr IMG_5244 by Evan Bailly, on Flickr IMG_5237 by Evan Bailly, on Flickr
  12. Hi guys, I just finished this longer than usual project. Is the fantastic Fw190 A-4 Eduard 1/48th kit with some aftermarket details. Eduard's Advanced Brassin set which includes: resin engine & fuselage guns, resin wingroot gunbays, resin propeller and PE upgrade set. Master Models gun barrels, HGW Models fabric German fighter seatbelts and decals, Quinta Studio 3D decals cockpit set, and Aires resin inspection panel on the vertical stabilizer. For the colour scheme I wanted to do something different to the usual ones that we see in the Fw190 so I've opted for this very attractive North African camouflage. It was flown by Erich Rudorffer in Tunisia in 1943 Considered by many to be the Luftwaffe’s greatest all-round fighter ace of World War Two, Erich Rudorffer served on every major front, flew all of the classic German fighters and was renowned for his ability to shoot down multiple aircraft in succession. Beginning his campaign with JG2 during the Battle of France, Rudorffer then served in the Battle of Britain alongside top aces such as Helmut Wick and Gunther Seeger. Flying the Bf109E, his aerial victories soon mounted, and he continued to joust with the RAF during the ’Non-stop’ offences of 1941. By the time of the ill-fated Dieppe Raid in 1942, Rudorffer scored his 44th and 45th victories, both Spitfires. His Gruppe was then relocated to northern Africa where the war was going badly for the Axis forces. Now flying the heavily-armed Fw190, he began to demonstrate his skill at downing a number of aircraft on a single sortie. On the 9th February 1943 he claimed eight British aircraft and a short time later scored multiple victories over US-flown fighters. By June of the same year, Erich had moved to the brutal Eastern Front, assuming command of II/JG54, the famous ‘Green Hearts’, and continued to display his remarkable ability. On the 6th November 1943, he tangled with a large force of Soviet aircraft and shot down no fewer than thirteen of them, a record for a single mission. By this time Rudorffer had already been awarded the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves and in January 1945 ‘Swords’ were awarded to this decoration after achieving his 212th victory. Shortly after, he was given the command of I/JG7, flying the potent Me262 jet fighter in the defence of Germany. Despite the dreadful war situation, lack of fuel, marauding Allied fighters over the jet airfields and heavily outnumbered in the air, he managed to shoot down a further twelve aircraft with the Me262. By the war’s end, Erich Rudorffer had flown more than 1000 sorties, scored 224 victories and was the seventh-highest Ace in the history of aerial combat. He died at the age of 98, on the 8 of April 2016. Fw 190A4 6.JG2 Yellow 1 Erich Rudorffer, Tunisia 1943 cheers and thanks for looking. Jorge
  13. Hasegawa 1:72 Fw190F-8. I used HAD decals for this Hungarian markings. I designed and 3D printed the small SC50 bombs under the wings. The extended nose fuse are made from metal wire and small circular PE pieces. Nanond
  14. Yet another Hasegawa 1:72 Fw190F-8. It's my favourite variant because the ordnances it carried gives it that badass look. Out of the box, not modification on this one. Nanond
  15. Another old work of mine. Hasegawa 1:72 Fw190 used to be easy to find at affordable price where I had been living. So I had built more than a few of them and still have some more left. It is simplified in many ways, compared to the newer offerings, but I still like its shape and ease of assembly. Nanond
  16. Good morning everyone, hope you are all doing well! Rather than waffling on too much about what went well and what didn't with this model I will just post a few photos and a rundown of the build. So, this is another one of those kits that i've had for a few years now. Im pretty sure alongside Eduard's 1/48th Spitfire Mk.IX this was one of the first kits I build and used an airbrush on when I was around 16; I actually had this model built somewhat broken in a box so dug it out to compare as im 21 now so its been 5 years. I have to say, even though this kit can be a bit tricky to fit together in some places its an amazing kit and so even the one I build when I was 16 holds up okay thanks to Eduard opposed to my lack of modelling skills starting out. Lets just say if it was an Italeri kit I decided to go for first, it probably wouldn't have still been kept. I honestly loved every stage of this build, im not a huge fan of photo etch sometimes and have to be in the right mood to build a kit with PE parts but this didn't put me off this time as I knew I wanted to build the kit in my chosen scheme and also wanted to test a couple of new airbrushes even though there wasn't all that much mottling on this model its the first time i've used an airbrush freehand for the camouflage which is really fun. Now this kit is done, im hoping to move onto Tamiya's F15C before making a start on some trickier jets. I hope you all have a great christmas and a happy new year! Thanks, Ryan
  17. Here is a 1;72 scale Eduard Fw190A8/R2 Yellow 12 Werknummer 682958 Unteroffizier Paul Lixfeld, from 6.(Sturm)/ JG 300 at Löbnitz airfield , in December 1944. Beautiful kit let down by a weak undercarriage so I decided to stick it on a pole because why not? The heay weathering is authentic for this particular a/c . It features prominetly in 'Jagdgeschwader 300 Wilde Sau - A Chronicle of a Fighter Geschwader in the Battle for Germany. Volume Two September 1944-May 1945. reagrds Brian
  18. Another of the £4 Aldi starter kits I did a couple of years ago.. I rather liked this kit very tricky to get the spiral white line on the spinner. Anyway hope you all like this one too!
  19. Build #6 since February rolls off the bench. After finishing 0 models last year thanks to a pinched nerve, and several years of barely finishing 2 models a year, 2020 has been a very productive year for me thus far. I've had a closet full of new-tool Eduard Fw190's for a while and finally got around to building one - and there are plenty more to come! Fw190A-8 "White 6" Lt. Gustl Stalffner, Staffelkapitan 7./JG 300 Lobnitz, Germany, March 1945 - BarracudaCast snapshot cockpit upgrade - BarracudaCast exhaust - BarracudaCast wheels - Ultracast spinner/prop - Master brass barrels - Quickboost pitot - Tamiya canopy - Miracle Paint Masks - BarracudaCals stencils - AK Real Colors paints - Various scratch details Anyway, on to the pics! Thanks for looking! Brewer
  20. Giddey to all! Here some pic`s of my FW 190 A 8, all comments welcome as usual, especially if you can suggest something I can do better! Hope you like it! Cheers Andreas
  21. Here's my recent completion(s): half of an Eduard 1/72 Fw 190A-8 Royal Class. I thought building all four in parallel would be a bit of a strain, but doing 1/72 warbirds in pairs is just perfect! You'll forgive me for picking somehwat hackneyed schemes when the Royal Class box offers so much more, but these are only the second and third Antons in my collection so I wanted the iconic and garish ones first 😉 the other two will be more interesting. There's still plenty of room to improve my overall finish, but I'm chuffed with these builds as they are the first time I have managed a coat of paint thin enough, and a wash fine enough, to capture Eduard's maddeningly fine engraved rivets in 1/72. Everything is hand brush painted except the primer layer. Main camouflage colours RLM 74/75/76 (and RLM 70 on the props) are Xtracrylix. Other colours are various Revell Aqua or Humbrol Acrylic.
  22. Hi all, When I've built my Fw 190A-5 1/72 from Eduard, there was on the spare parts the second wings and fuselage for the remaining version for the A5. This parts came on the box, so you can also buy the "small parts Overtrees" on the Eduard e-shop to complete a second model, also with the remaining decals. So, I decided to sacrifice an old and dusted Academy Fw A8 to use the missing parts of the plane. Also I added some spare parts of an A8 from Eduard. I've made it "in flight", to break the monotony of my static or stationary builds. So I added a pilot, I think from an Airfix mustang. I split the pilot in parts to make him in a more real position, looking to the right. So, it was a fun and different build, a bit more of sanding, putty or cutting, but it turns out quite good... Ricardo
  23. Hi this is my first post here as I start my return to Modeling. I have been accumulating a number of kits of the early Fw190A Jabo's and was wondering if anyone knows of any aftermarket availability of the ER4 adaptor that was used to carry 4 SC50 bombs. I think it was most often used by the A-3 but have seen it on other marks. My searches have come up with nothing but as is often the case I am probably looking for the wrong thing.
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