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  1. After a long absence, mainly due to professional obligations but also the endless Greek summer, return to the bench. I had long been planning to build another Ju-87B, (R this time) and was looking for a relatively quick build, so I pulled the Fujimi kit from the stash. In short, it is a relatively simple kit, with few pieces, crisply recessed panels, and detail in the main pieces, which is not the case in the smaller ones. The hood is in two pieces and will need surgery to pose it open. The application is exemplary, and the decals are well printed. I think it's the best "B" on the market, slightly beating the Italeri offering. As far as the after markets are concerned, there is at my disposal the set for the exhausts from Quickboost, wheels from True Details (which is for the D) but probably will not be used because the wheels of the kit are very good, an set for the cockpit (for the D also but there are not many options), instrument panel from Yahoo models (for the Zvezda kit but we will see if it fits), seat belts from Kamizukuri, and an MG-15 machine gun from GasPatch (Greek Company). There are leftovers of decals from Almark and from the Italeri kit, as well as crosses from Tech Mod and swastikas from XtraDecal. I also have masks for the D model which they will not be used except for the windshield (maybe)… I haven't decided yet whether it will be a plane with the classic splinter or one with the desert variant, so maybe from here you can contribute with your prompts. May you all be well.
  2. Eduard has 1/48th Junkers Ju-87 Stuka kits in design. Source: https://info.eduard.com/cz/10-2023-special V.P.
  3. I thought I would share with everyone my latest build, Italieri's 1/48 scale Ju 87D-5. This kit is not without its problems, and to fix all of them is probably beyond my skill level, so I chose fix some and as long as it looked like a Stuka I would not worry about the rest. It was also an excuse to add a few extras that I had been wanting to do such as exposing the engine, gun bays and undercarriage using some of the aftermarket bits I had been hording for a while. The engine turned out to be a bit more effort than I expected, this was a modified Aries unit with the kit oil cooler shortened to suit. Firewall and engine bearers were from another set and were modified and detailed to get the engine to sit level and closer to the firewall. With every build there is always one cock-up and this was no exception. After taking care to paint the internal and external frames on the canopy properly I managed to miss this on the front sliding section and paint them all as external. Oh well, it's an excuse to build another and try to get it right next time! The model was finished with Vallejo paints and weathered with a clay wash and oils. This is something I need mode practice with as I don't think the oils came out too well but, every model is a learning experience! The cluster bomb on the centre line came with the kit but the wing mounted gun pods were from the Italieri weapons set. I'm not sure how accurate this load-out would be but I have been wanting to use the gun pods on a Stuka for ages and this was the time. Enough waffle, here are the pictures. I hope you enjoy and feel free to comment/criticise.
  4. I am presently building the Border 1/35 JU87G Kanonvogel and purchased the HGW JU87 135307 sealbelt kit. It has webbing for the rear navigator/gunners seat, and also has a backstrap for the navigator/gunners seat. I can’t find any references to the seat being webbed or the back strap. https://hgwmodels.cz/en/textilni-pasy/1201-junkers-ju87-stuka-seatbelts-135-135307-.html I emailed HGW asking for references or details but have had no reply. Does anyone know if the details are correct please?
  5. Just started the Border Models JU87 G Stuka 1/35 So far it’s an amazing kit. All the parts fit like a glove and need next to zero sanding and finishing. The odd tiny bit of filler but as near to perfect as you can get, in my limited experience! The engine mounts had holes drilled but one was still filled, yet any pictures online showed them all open. Seems strange that they left one on each mount undrilled, so that was about the only addition I have made so far. The engine is a little fiddly due to the size and the number of pieces but a pleasure to build. It would be nice if Border Models had a paint breakdown so you don’t have to search the web and basically use the Hasegawa plans…… Just need to age it up a little and onwards and upwards. It is difficult to find good open cowl pictures of the Jumo 211 J engine, and particularly the starboard side. The plans show a single oil tank fitted on the outer side on the engine mount on the port side, and yet on one drawing I found it showed another oil tank on the starboard side as well. I couldn’t find any open cowl pictures of the port side though to confirm it, so if anyone knows I would appreciate the information.
  6. I have been wanting to build a Stuka in the early/pre-war markings for some time, the problem was always finding crosses of the correct size and style. I think I have managed to do that, or at least as close as I am going to get, so I can finally tick this one off the list. This is also the first time I have built the current tooling of the Airfix Stuka, my last B-1 was converted from the 1977 tooling, so I was looking forward to an easier build. The kit goes together very nicely, the only issues I found were with the number of ejection pin marks and sink marks to be filled but the fit was good. There were a few surprising omissions such as the instrument panel cover and gunsight which were easy to replace and the main bomb rack is exposed when it should be faired over but these are easy to fix. The access steps also look poor but I left alone this time. I decided to model a machine from III/StG1 as I thought it would appear on 31 August 1939, fully armed but only lightly weathered. Decals were a mix from various sources with the Hans Huckbein from Peddinghaus Decals. These were nicely printed but very thick carrier film made them difficult to apply. Anyway, enough waffle. Here are the photo's and I hope you like it.
  7. So I'm going to be building this -> Seems it's a pretty popular kit in the GB so it will be interesting to compare results and build notes! Here's some obligatory sprue and instruction shots... This is the first Airfix kit I've built in over 25 years and as a newer tooling it will be interesting to compare to all the older kits I've been building. The part count seems quite high (probably as the average age of kit builders has gone up over the years), but it seems nicely engineered - the wheels for example have a weighted/sagged side or an unloaded side and can be set in the pods either way depending on if the plane is being modeled in flight or not. I'll be building straight out of the box, with the only additions being some aftermarket paint masks for the clear parts (which actually seem very nice and clear) and the camo - I've never tried pre-cut camo masks before so it should be interesting. I'm planning on doing the Spanish markings as I think it makes an interesting change.
  8. Special Hobby is to release in 2022 a 1/72nd Junkers Ju-87D-5 Stuka kit based on the Academy Ju87G-2 kit. Source: https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=77712&start=7020#p2450454 V.P.
  9. Lots of issues to improve upon on: brush strokes, canopy painting, raised paint lines between schemes, filling and sanding etc. And I got images to work!
  10. Junkers Ju-87D-5 "Axis Satellites" (SH72448) 1:72 Special Hobby The Ju-87 Stuka was conceived as a dive bomber in the early 1930s and proved itself in the Spanish Civil war, then later in the Blitzkrieg in Western Europe. However the Battle of Britain would show that the aircraft was vulnerable to the more modern fighters of that time. As such it was moved to areas when the Luftwaffe had less or no aerial opposition. This also involved supplying axis countries in these areas with surplus German Aircraft. D-series featured two coolant radiators underneath the inboard sections of the wings, while the oil cooler was relocated to the position formerly occupied by the single, undernose "chin" coolant radiator. The D-series also introduced an aerodynamically refined cockpit with better visibility and space. Armour protection was increased and a new dual-barrel 7.92 mm (.312 in) MG 81Z machine gun with an extremely high rate of fire was installed in the rear position. Engine power was increased again, the Jumo 211J now delivering 1,400 hp, this enable bomb carrying capacity to be nearly quadrupled from 500 kg to 1,800 kg though a typical bomb load was 500 - 1200 Kgs. The D-5 was designed more for ground attack the the MGs being replaced by 20mm cannons, the window in the floor was reinforced and additional hinges on the control surfaces allowed for higher diving speeds. The Kit Here Special Hobby have re-boxed the Academy kit with a new sprue & PE fret for the D-5 parts in a similar fashion to the recent T-6 kit. As you get all the Academy parts there will be left overs, unused parts on the SH sprues suggest other variants are in the pipeline as well. Construction starts with the cockpit (no surprise there). The two seat frames for the cockpit are assembled and then PE belts are added to the seats. The seats, side consoles and other parts are fitted to the cockpit floor. The cockpit can then be placed in the fuselage and this closed up. The coaming and instrument panel are fitted in the front of the cockpit, and decking at the rear. The aircraft nose including exhausts is then made up and fitted to the front of the fuselage. Now we move to the wings. The lower wing complete with the slats is one part with left/right uppers. A hole will need to be cut n the lower wing for the centreline bomb racks. Once done the wing can be fitted to the fuselage. The tail surfaces and the rugger go on next. Under the main wing the gear and spats are made up and added, along with the radiators and wing bomb racks. Bombs are made from plastic parts with PE fins. One large bomb for the centre line, and 2 smaller bombs per wing are included. The dive brakes are then fitted, these are PE. To finish off the prop is added along with the rear gun. Open or closed canopy parts are provided. Markings The glossy decal sheet is printed in house and looks sharp and in register. There are four decal options available from the decal sheet; Grupal 6 Picaj, Royal Romanian Air Force 1943/44. OK-XAB Slovak Air Force, Piestany Sprinh 1944. These were licensed production aircraft built at STL. B.706 Siraso II (Grave Digger II) Royal Hungarian Air Force, Summer 1944 White 46, 1 Air Group, Royal Bulgarian Air Force late 1944. Yellow ID areas changed to white after Bulgaria Switched Sides. Masks Special Hobby also do masks for the kit. The masks are for the canopies and wheels. Conclusion Special Hobby seem to be well versed in taking an existing tool and making the extra parts for other versions. Highly recommended. Review samples courtesy of
  11. Border Model (http://www.bordermodel.com/ & https://www.facebook.com/Border-Model-339312286698433/) is to release a 1/35th (and not 1/32nd !) Junkers Ju-87G-1/-2 Stuka kit - ref. BF002 Source: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7176665847 V.P.
  12. Hopefully my first of many entries into this group build, it's the good old Stuka kit. First of all the artwork featuring a diving Panzerknacker. And now the parts. Briefly. The Stuka is one of the Matchbox kits that until now I have never built, I remember the artwork well and always fancied it so looking forward to this. The parts look pretty good so at the moment I'm thinking that I will just follow my usual Matchbox kit building procedure. I will be building the revell kit alongside it to help as a guide to improvements, depending on which version I build the Revell kit may provide a few spare parts to the Matchbox build. The Matchbox build will have to be the canon armed JU87 G, the Revell build probably a winter camouflaged JU 87D, in which case the Revell guns and decals will most probably find themselves on the Matchbox build.
  13. Woah, two for one, the hobby store must have had a deal on. They did, that's why we get two models for review today! This one is the glorious Stuka, which the most annoying decals. I mean, the teeth are cool but what a pain to apply. I may take the rigging attempts over teeth decals. I did learn not to use a certain frog-based paint tape for painting however so we can take some positives away. Perhaps it's the Tamiya paint demons being mean but ho boy, was I ever mad when I peeled that green tape away and saw the edges. That was with the thinnest paint application ever too. Even thinner that a wafer-thin mint after dinner. Oh well, lessons learned. I even learnt how to correctly read a paint conversion table after being perplexed at the camo scheme coloring. It's all about learning! I will say the decal application was actually half-fun, where I managed to successfully apply half of the tiny, small ones upon my face and the rest on the plane. Not too shabby.
  14. I have to admit when I started this build in September I didn’t think I would have it finished by the end of the year. Not because the kit is a hard build but because I am normally a slow builder, this is my first 32nd scale kit and I was intending trying some new techniques. The kit is the Hasegawa Ju 87-G built as a G2 W.Nr. 494221 of 10/SG2 Using EagleCal decals. The cockpit was enhanced using Eduard PE, scratch built details, HG seatbelts and brass gun barrels. The 37mm canons also got some details and alu barrels. For painting I used a combination of Tamiya and Vallejo acrylics with the odd Humbrol enamel thrown in. The full build is detailed in the WIP section “Building a Kanonen Vogel” if anyone is interested with more pictures of the cockpit and other bits. Anyway here are the pictures, I hope you like it and thanks for looking. Thanks for looking and best wishes for 2022.
  15. Welcome to anyone interested in following this. After completing the first in the line, the 1/48 Special Hobby Ju 87-A, I have been itching to build the last of the line. Just for completeness, of course. But this time I thought I would do something a bit different and go for 1/32 scale instead of my normal 1/48. It will give me a chance to try out some detailing and challenge my painting skills to produce something that does not look like a toy! The base for this build will be the Hasegawa kit. This has been sitting in the stash for some time as it is the one with the figure of Rudel and his dog but I don't think I will be tackling them this time round. At the moment I can't decide if this will be a G1 or a G2 so I will start on the generic parts of the build while the gears turn and I make my mind up. The difference, for any not aware, was the G1 was based on converted D3 airframes and the G2 were factory remanufactured airframes based on the extended wing D5, about 174 airframes in total. The G1 may be a little more interesting as they retained many of the attributes of the dive bombers they were converted from but... Anyway here is the progress so far. Test fit looks good but the spinner looks a little odd. Will have to look into that. Control surfaces separated. 37mm cannon built and detailed. I used wire for the compressed air, and electrical connections. Replacement barrels are from Master in Poland and are absolutely beautiful! Cockpit will be next and I have a PE set from Eduard to help a bit with this. Oh, I also opened up the underwing radiators to add a bit more life. Replacement exit flaps were made from the foil from the top of a wine bottle and looks a lot more to scale. That's it for now before I bore anyone still reading this. Hopefully I can get a bit more work done this week and will post an update. Thanks for having a look.
  16. Hi Folks! This time I read all the comments about this particular aircraft in 1/48 scale before starting the build. Dang! Just in time to put aside the Italeri kit and went for the Airfix new tool! Definitely, it worth it, because the building of the kit was a delight (after the Italeri's Hurricane experience). I used only some decals from the Italeri kit, because I like the yellow RLM 04 spinner tip on this particular Stuka. The pilot and rear gunner figures came from Zvezda kits. Here are the photos of the Airfix kit for the Junkers Ju-87 B-2 'F1+DP' of 9./StG 77, Caen/France, August 1940, during the Battle of Britain. Cheers and happy modelling, Cris.
  17. Welp, here are my photos of my most recent model, Airfix's Junkers Ju 87B-1 in 1:72. A really nice kit, without any fit issues. Edit: Also, I finished using my current RLM 70 paint pot with this kit. The newer one, though having the same formula, is far glossier than the previous one.
  18. Junkers Ju 87B-1 Stuka 1:72 Airfix A03087A The Ju 87 Stuka (Sturzkampfflugzeug or dive bomber) was one of the most famous German aircraft of World War II. First flown in 1935, it made its combat debut in the Spanish Civil War in 1936 before going on to serve throughout the European and North African theatres of the Second World War. Although it was initially a highly effective ground attack aircraft, the Stuka’s shortcomings quickly became apparent during the Battle of Britain when it came up against the fast, modern fighters of the RAF. The B was the first mass produced version, and the B-1 having a large engine, redesigned fuselage and landing gear, the twin radio masts of the "A" version with were replaced with a single mast mounted further forward on the canopy, the wheel "spats" were simpler and lighter, discarding the transverse strut bracing of the "A" version. The Ju 87D sought to remedy these shortcomings with a new, more powerful engine, improved armour and defensive armament and increased fuel capacity. With the later Ju 87G being a dedicated tank buster variant based on the D. It featured two 37mm cannon mounted in pods under the wing. Each gun was fitted with a magazine holding six rounds of armour piercing ammunition. While relegated from certain operations the aircraft did excel in the ground support role on the Eastern Front, and was feared by the partisans in areas such as the Balkans where it had less of an issue protecting itself from fighters. The Kit This is Airfix's new tool kit from 2016 which we have not seen so far on BM. It looks to be a great kit with nice moulding recessed panel lines, and some good engineering when it comes to the construction. The first indication of this comes with the centre section to hold the famous cranked wings of the stuka at the right angles. A study frame fits to the bottom centre section f the main wing. To the top of this fits the pilots seat, here there is one plain seat for use with the supplied crew figures; or a second empty seat with moulded in belts. The control column and rear seaters position also fit onto this centre section. Next up we move to the main fuselage. Into both halves go the internal structures down each side, then at the front the main instruments panel with the instruments being supplied as a decal. The fuselage can then go together and be fitted to the wing centre section. Now we move to the wings. The uppers are fitted direct to the completed fuselage as they have tabs which fit to the centre section. The lowers can then also be fitted, again these have tabs. If using the bomb racks dont forget to open up the holes for these first. Once the main wing is on it is time for the tailplanes and rudder. The tail planes have struts which attach to the fuselage. Work now switches to the front of the Stuka with the nose/engine being assembled and added. Next up is the wheels and spats. We see a little bit of thought again from Airfix here in that the wheels do come with a bulge, however if you dont like this (I do think its a little too excessive) then the wheel positions can be rotated on the spats. Either position has a tab which locks the wheels in place. Once completed these can be added to the aircraft. Now the main fuselage/wings/wheels are together its time to finish off. The large distinctive dive brakes are added along with the bombs and their racks if you are using them. The trapeze being provided for the centre line bomb to enable it to clear the prop disc. We finish off the cockpit with figures if needed , the radio sets and the bomb sight. Airfix have provided separate parts for either open or closed canopies. This is either both open, or both closed. There is also a separate clear disc to add the rear machine gun to. Lastly the propeller is made up and installed along with the leading edge landing lights and the pitot tube. Markings A small decal sheet from Cartograf provides markings for two aircraft. There should be no issues with these. Airfix have provided no swastikas its noted, so the modeller will have to source these. II./Sturzkampfgeschwader 77, Germany/Poland - Spring 1939 I./Sturzkampfgeschwade 2 "Immelmann" - Balkans 1940/41 Conclusion This is a great to see this kit released its well thought out and should build into to a great looking model Review sample courtesy of
  19. Airfix is to release in 2015 a new tool 1/72nd Junkers Ju-87B-1 Stuka - ref. A03087 Expected December 2015. Source: https://uk.airfix.com/products/junkers-ju87-b-1-stuka-a03087 V.P.
  20. Hobby 2000 is to rebox the 1/48th Hasegawa Stuka kit. Source: https://www.facebook.com/KFS.miniatures/posts/5033744876667820 - ref. 48003 - Junkers Ju-87D-3 Stuka "North Africa" - ref. 48004 - Junkers Ju-87D-3 Stuka "Eastern Front" V.P.
  21. This is my interpretation of Hubert Polz's JU-87R-2 Stuka while stationed at Tmimi, Libya in 1941. There are few (4, I believe) photo's of this aircraft, so a lot of the scheme is speculative (even the color of the snake!) This is the Hasegawa B-2/R-2 kit, with Three Guys decals (modified and corrected), wing tanks from the Airfix B-1 (why were they included?), and painted with Tamiya acrylics. Hope you like, Colin Build log here: https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235088834-desert-snake-ju-87r-2-stuka-finally-finished-march-17/ Thanks for looking, Colin
  22. One of the 3 Covid builds I have on the go is a 1/48 (Hasegawa) JU-87R-2 Stuka - yes, the famous (or infamous) Desert Snake flown by Hubert Poltz. Being a Hasegawa kit, just a little dressing up of the cockpit was needed. A little scratchbuilding, and a pair of Ultracast seats, and exhaust stacks. I also had to make out of scrap brass the 2 small armor plates for the rear gunner canopy ... The build continued using the spare long range tanks included in the Airfix JU-87B-1 (not used on the B-1) The fit was exceptional - as is usually the case with Hasegawa - note almost NO FILLER! Now the painting begins! I have to start with a full standard scheme, before adding the soft edged 'Desert yellow' (Please note the stippled spinner) I forgot to mention replacing the simplified hinge wedges with brass wire ... Now I'm waiting for the paint to harden before I start the 'Desert yellow' Hope you like so far, Colin
  23. On the night of 26/27 July, with the eighteen jeeps, each carrying 3 or 4 British or French commandos, navigating the desert without headlights and trying to keep formation. The weather was ideal with a full moon and no clouds. As the raiders approached the airfield, the lights lining the runway switched on, causing a degree of panic among the commandos who feared they had been detected but the lights had been turned on for a Luftwaffe bomber to land. Stirling fired a green flare and ordered the jeeps forward onto the airfield in 'V' formation. The SAS stormed the airfield, using their K guns, loaded with tracer ammunition, to fire on the parked German aircraft which included Ju 87 Stuka dive bombers, Ju 52 cargo aircraft and Bf 109's fighters. German troops replied with machine-guns and anti-aircraft weapons, disabling one jeep. Lance Bombardier John Robson, a 21-year-old SAS soldier, was manning a machine-gun when he was shot and killed, making him the only Allied casualty of the assault. The raiders used most of their ammunition and manoeuvred to escape after a last sweep for undamaged aircraft. Members of the group leapt from their jeeps to place bombs in the engines of a parked bomber before withdrawing. The raiders had destroyed or damaged around forty Luftwaffe aircraft, though the SAS claimed twenty-five as it was customary to under-report Axis losses. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZBJ97CEc1s With a mixture of 1/32 and 1/35, I'm going to recreate a snapshot of the raid using Tamiya's 1/35 SAS jeeps, Trumperters 1/32 Stuka and figures from Dragon and Masterbox. I'm going to pop it all in a lightbox with some Woodland scenic LEDs and hopefully some sound. The kits: Trumperter Ju 87 Tamiya jeeps Figures
  24. Hi all Here is my latest finished model. Academy Ju87G-2 Tank Buster in 1/72nd scale. Mostly out of the box except for: Eduard pre-painted PE seat belts, Master brass cannons, scratch-built piping and details on cannons gondolas, correction and re-scribing of a few panel lines and scratch-built pitot tube. Gunze acrylics used overall and weathered with Tamiya panel accent and water color pencil Critics and comments are welcomed!
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