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Headless Chicken. Sturmdohle

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Must be time to start another from the list of Sci fi scratchbuilds that are lined up in my head.

Back to the Ma.k universe again for a meld of various plastic bits and pieces.



In the foreground is this toy walker, 50p from the car boot sale. The idea was to combine it with a Helicopter fuselage.

That would create a thin skin troop carrier. In the end I went in another direction.

First I removed the 'shield' on the front and cut down it's supports.



Last month @theplasticsurgeon donated an old Revell 1/32nd Lightning for an upcoming Kreiger Falke Scratchbuild.

Very many thanks again, Tim.

I mostly just need the booms for the Falke, so I had the central pod going spare. Hmmm, what to do?

See those guns in the back there? they just might get fitted later.



Oh look, a headless chicken (ish) It took a little cutting and shutting to get to this point. Weird, innit?

Now the pod is upside down to do this. So, do I make a cockpit in what was the underside? Or go A.I. Robot killer?



I think it may well end up A.I. Here I've trimmed the 'wingtips'. They'll be finished off with droptank halves.

And I cut a slant in the nose. I do have the original clear nose but want to do something different.

That's where it stands (ahem) at the moment. Taped up and balanced on the desk.

Further progress depend on chores and the cold in the manshed. We shall see.

If anyone can think of a better name than 'headless chicken' I'd be interested. A German word would be best.

I want to greebly the legs a bit, make them less toylike. 

As always, Your comments are very welcome. Cheers for now, Pete





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Cool, another piece of spares box Ma.k magic!


As for interesting sounding german names how about "Gehoberteil" which translates as walking top? Just a thought


Full disclosure for transparency/clarity: I'm not German, though I have been mistaken for German on more than one holiday



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A quick update on progress. It's cold out in the manshed so I haven't gotten too much done, but hey, progress is progress.


I got the top of the bodywork boxed in with card. Not much of this will be seen, but I feel it's better to have done it.



And this is how the lower wing section fits. The card in the centre will be glued to the card seen in the previous picture.

See those metal bits? Staples. Pylon hanging for the use of.



The staples give a good secure mounting point for these spares box pylons. They're not glued yet though. 



And this is how it will look. BTW, you can just see the superglue container at right. Ever Build Superglue HV. It sticks just about anything.

Yesterday I sanded off all the paint and rivet detail from the P-38 bits. So it's down to clean green plastic ready for primer.

Thanks for looking. Stay warm and happy modelling. Cheers, Pete


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On 27/11/2023 at 20:37, Pete in Lincs said:

The idea was to combine it with a Helicopter fuselage.

I like the idea. The beginnings suggest that this is heading in a great direction. I wouldn't call it a headless chicken, though. The silhouette from the first photo reminds me of a kiwi bird. One of the species is called Apteryx, which is a nice name for a fighting mech. 😉


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Hmmm, I like Apteryx, but it doesn't fit in with all of the others German names for Krieger stuff. Options are still open on scale. And manned or not. Which would change the profile with a cockpit hump. More on that when I've had a play. At the moment it's too darn cold out there!

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What about "Strauss"? German for ostrich. 

("Gans" would be fitting for a Reichsgerman thing, with all the goose-stepping done, but I can't imagine that name to stick unless very much unofficially, with disgruntled crews.) 

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I like Strauss. I love the music. Never knew it translated to Ostrich though. 


On the subject of scale, as mentioned above. I set up these pictures this morning.



The 1/20th figure is Hellmut, from my Falke display. The walker is still an impressive size for him. I think.

The 1/35th figures though are a bit dwarfed by it. It's about the same size as an AT ST in this scale.



And a 1/35th figure in what could be a cockpit. It was the nosewheel bay. I'd be interested in your opinions, Guys.

Cheers, Pete

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56 minutes ago, Pete in Lincs said:

I like Strauss. I love the music. Never knew it translated to Ostrich though. 

am german (though the normandy french thought me to be scottish multiple times) 😂

As much as I usually can't look past the original parts that don't match in such builds, I really like this! 1/35 doesn't look to bad, there has to be lots of machinery, fuel/batteries and Zuse electronics inside... 

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1 hour ago, Farmer matt said:

my call would be unmanned 1/20, but 1/35 manned.

Matt, thanks. My thoughts exactly. As @Johnny Tip says above, it would need fuel, mechanical stuff etc to operate. 

So I think 1/20th would need external or conformal tanks. Possibly in 1/35th too. Hmmm..

The Kreiger armoured fighting suits seem to have something like a Vespa engine but no provision for fuel?

It's only pretend, I know. But I like to build these things as if they might work.

Cold weather has stopped play for the moment anyway. I do now have a Calor gas heater, so once I get some decent free time I'll be back.

Today however, was apparently clean the oven ready for the Turkey day. Not according to google. But who am I to argue?

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Lovely bashing of the kits here. I like the pilot idea and, yes, some fuel tanks for a dash of realism. I am concerned about your pilot who seems to have suffered a semi-decapitation incident...

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1 hour ago, Uncle Monty said:

 a semi-decapitation incident...

Hmm, he came out of a spares box like that. He didn't explain why. I made some progress yesterday and I'm afraid I have to disappoint some of you. I've gone for 1/20th. Mostly as it goes with my Falkes. Think RoboCop's ED209. I made some modifications. Pictures will follow presently. 

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1 hour ago, Pete in Lincs said:

Hmm, he came out of a spares box like that. He didn't explain why. I made some progress yesterday and I'm afraid I have to disappoint some of you. I've gone for 1/20th. Mostly as it goes with my Falkes. Think RoboCop's ED209. I made some modifications. Pictures will follow presently. 

I'm looking forward to seeing more - Ed209 is my favourite movie robot.

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3 hours ago, Uncle Monty said:

I'm looking forward to seeing more - Ed209 is my favourite movie robot.

Your wish is my command, Sir. How's this for a 209 type pose?


Fuel tank volume in the process of expansion. On top we have a repurposed bit of Aeroplane, with guns.

The back of it will curl down and it will be faired in with filler. Why does this stupid spellchecker highlight the word aeroplane? On BM? Really?



A bit of a close up view. Russian tank tanks and half drop tanks. Tanks for looking?



More tanks underneath. No, they don't quite line up with the upper ones. But hey.

That's about it for the next week modelling wise. Busy tomorrow and off to Leicester on Friday for the family Christmas present run and a long weekend.

I'll still be on the phone for likes etc though. Thanks for looking. Cheers, Pete

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Yes, Dohle is a good name. I had thought you could put the common term "Sturm" (for assault) before whatever bird species you came up with (like the old Tiger became Sturmtiger), but Dohle on its own is good.

Edited by Peter2
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  • Pete in Lincs changed the title to Headless Chicken. Sturmdohle
On 12/6/2023 at 3:34 PM, Pete in Lincs said:

Why does this stupid spellchecker highlight the word aeroplane?

You may have the American English version as I have Pete, it may like it if you put airplane however..😱.  I really must get it changed as I end up double checking everything and still getting wrong.


Names are very important, get it wrong and your new piece of kit just wont have that 'punch' that it so deserves. I like Sturmdohle.:clap: Spellchecker doesn't though..🤣

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Thanks, Gary. I didn't know that there was a choice of English on here. I also wouldn't have a clue how to change it. Ah well

As can be seen above, despite the choice of various name Sturmdohle won. It just works somehow. Thanks for stopping by. 

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Greetings from subtropical mid December Lincolnshire. Double figures in the centi whatsits. Good gracious. (Had a flashback to Charlie Drake there!)

Anywho. I got a good solid three hours modelling done today. Plus pictures! so on with the show...



The feet/claws were hollow. It won't make a difference on display, but I decided to give the beast a pedicure to smarten things up.

0.5mm card, cut and more or less sanded to shape. More needs to be done here. Once the patient has been sedated again. Oh, the pain!



The brown bit lower left here is a section of Airfix Cattle Wagon. About fifty years old, I imagine. Lovely crisp plastic still. It fills a hole.

Elsewhere here, small greeblies can be seen by their different colour. They just fill blank spots.



On the inner and outer sides of the legs, more greeblies. The leg hinge points were open on the inside. So 1/76th tank wheels fitted exactly.



So here it is as it stands (ahem). Looking a bit more technical at least and less toylike.

I've found a nice bit of Aircraft for a frontal shield, More on that next time.

Thanks muchly for dropping by,. Coffee and doughnuts (one each please!) are behind the bar, next to the comments box.

Cheers, Pete

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