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Found 23 results

  1. The Xtrakit SR.A/1, the kit was mostly good except for the wing attachment part which I didn't use. Paint used is vallejo duraluminium with gloss black primer underneath and decals sealed with vallejo metal varnish Both sides, I think the roundels may be too far in Photoetch grill which bent a bit when putting everything together Reg is TG263 based on the one currently on display at solent sky Air mueseum Canopy is the armoured version also based on TG263 In formation with the catalina This is my sixth completed model I have 2 other's in progress The instructions missed a step where you have to glue 2 intake circles into the air intake and I forgot to do it.
  2. Airframe & Miniature #1 - Messerschmitt Me.262 2nd Edition A Complete Guide to the Luftwaffe’s First Jet Fighter Valiant Wings Publishing The Me.262 Schwalbe, Swallow in English was the first operational jet in the world, and would have been a real problem for the Allies if it hadn't been for delays in production due to the interference from on high that seems to have plagued development of almost every military project since time began. It has captivated modellers and aviation enthusiasts ever since, possibly because of the shark-like profile, possibly because of the potential it showed that was exploited post-war by the victors in their own designs. Whatever it was, that has resulted in plenty of kits for us modellers, and quite a number of books to match. This title, the first of Valiant's Airframe & Miniature range has been thoroughly augmented, adapted and re-released in this new Second Edition to include a big chunk of new information. It is also a good excuse to re-print and offer the opportunity to acquire it to anyone that missed it first time around. It is aimed at the modeller, but has plenty of content to tempt the pure aviation enthusiast too. It has been penned by Richard A Franks, a name familiar to a great number of modellers, and is packed with text, information, profiles and pictures. Although broken down by Airframe and Miniature sections, the two parts are further split into chapters in their own right, as follows: Airframe Chapters Evolution: The V Series Testing: The S Series Productions: The A Series The B & C Series & Drawing Board Projects Camouflage & Markings and Colour Profiles Miniature Chapters Messerschmitt Me.262 Kits Building a Selection Building a Collection In detail: The Me 262A/B plus the Avia S.92/CS.92 Forward fuselage & cannon armament Cockpit & canopy Mid & aft fuselage Tail Wings Engines & nacelles Undercarriage Ordnance, drop tanks & sighting Radio, radar & camera Miscellaneous Appendices I Me.262 Kit List (inc. Avia S.92/CS.92) II Me.262 Accessory & Mask list (inc. Avia S.92/CS.92) III Me.262 Decals List (inc. Avia S.92/CS.92) IV Bibliography 1:48 Scale Plans Fold-out I’ve been hunting high and low for my original first edition, but can’t find it, which is weird given how besotted with the 262 I am. I suspect it’s probably lurking there laughing at me, and will turn up as soon as the need is passed – probably under my pillow. It does however prevent me from doing a comparison, so we’ll treat this as a fresh review, rather than a comparison. One thing I can attest to is that the volume has been expanded to a substantially larger 208 pages, and has been fitted at the rear with a set of fold-out plans that consist of four full-size sheets that are printed with 1:48 plans of many variants and aspects of the airframe, plus a few photos and contemporary diagrams on two of the pages. This effectively gives us an additional eight sides of content. The airframe section covers the 262 from inception to the end of production and testing of new variants (and beyond) as the factories were destroyed or over-run by the advancing allies. The drawing board section is of particular interest, as it shows the projected evolution of the aircraft that would have taken it beyond all recognition from the Schwalbe that we all know so well. Even some of the projects that were tested are somewhat odd looking, such as the 1a/U4 equipped with a 50mm cannon (a favourite of mine) for attacking the bomber streams, and the 2a/U2 fast bomber with prone bomb aimer's position in the nose. The HG III will also be of interest to anyone like myself that’s waiting for the Amusing Hobby kit in 1:48. The narrative shifts to the modeller's point of view in the second part of the book, with chapter 6 covering the major kits available in various scales. Immediately after are builds of some of the excellent kits out there, including a 1:72 262B-1a/U1 from Airfix, a 1:48 HobbyBoss A-2a/U2 with clear nose, 1:32 Revell B-1/U-1 Nightfighter for the larger scale modeller, and two pages of single photos of other available kits with brief comments and summaries. Chapter 8 details all the variants in isometric drawings that existed both in physical form or on drawing boards, and suggests suitable kits as either a starting point for conversion where necessary, or if available, the actual variant in each of the three major scales. Differences are pointed out as the airframe evolves, and a shaded drawing of each one is given to illustrate the look of them all. This is my favourite part of any Valiant Wings book, and this section is long due to the many projects and variants the 262 went through. The In Detail chapter begins with some overall shots of preserved airframes in museums across the world, and goes on to cover the intricacies of the airframe using colour and black & white photos accompanied by verbose captions that point out the relevant aspects that are an essential from a modeller's point of view, even down to the RATO pods and their mounting lugs under the fuselage. The closing pages are given over to appendices that cover a list of kits, detail sets, conversions, decals and books on the 262 at time of print, including those that have come and gone. Of course, these few pages will become outdated very quickly, but a few pages out of 208 isn't exactly much as a proportion of the whole. The eight sides of plans are captive to the rear cover, and fold out to show you the 1:48 plans and other drawings. Conclusion This book is even more crammed with information in the second edition, and will be as good a read as a reference book, so is recommended to anyone with an interest in the Schwalbe, and well-worth the asking price. Very highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  3. So we’re mete mojo restoring here as my PV Kitten pair ( over in the interceptor GB) is an antidote to the complexity of my PB31 (Also in the interceptor GB and coincidentally also dubbed the Nighthawk ) and other projects, as an even more straightforward mojo restorer I thought I’d dust off some if the little jets I bought last year. For the GB I’m going to do an F117a, a Tomcat and an Eagle, possibly a Hornet and an Apache too. So starting with the F117a Sprues. I’ve started painting the interior, more to follow. I think the challenge for this one will be making the black finish visually varied and interesting.
  4. Hi All! This is my latest finished build in 1/144 scale. Why ”NOTSnik”? Because of the Sputnik. In 1956 US Navy Naval Ordnance Test Station was developing various unmanned vehicles. One of them being air launched vehicle propelled by motors from SUBROC antisubmarine missile. Following Sputnik launch this idea was successfully sold to high authorities as simple and low-cost way of achieving satelite orbits. Originally known as ”Project Pilot” it quickly gained nickname NOTSnik. Douglas F4D-1 Skyray was assigned as a carrier, effectively acting as missile ”first stage”. Under a lot of political pressure, in summer of 1958 six launches were attempted. All of them failed due to technical difficulties. The program was classified until 1994. The model depicts early aerodynamic test vehicle, later missile would be much larger, consisting of four SUBROC motors wrapped together, somewhat similar to first stage of Nike-Hercules SAM. I used Miniwing kit upgraded with Shelf Oddity photoetched details and decals.
  5. Dear fellow modellers, I would like to show you two models I finished last year. They are interesting parts of British Aviation history. The SR.53 was a Project combining jet Propulsion with a rocket Motor to bring the Aircraft quickly to a high altitude. The model Shows the Aircraft as it was during the first flights in 1957, when there was no armament. Later the SR.53 was equipped with some colourful rocket mock ups. As a matter of fact I built the old Airfix kit in the early 70s and I was happy to see this type produced as a contemporary kit, but... The kit is from AZ model and it is kinda disappointing concerning Overall fit and Details. I really expected more from a modern kit. So a lot of filling, sanding and rescribing was involved. I replaced the pitot tube and added a sensor to it. The smaller Aircraft is just for comparison reasons. It is a part of a bigger Anigrand kit, if I remember correctly, of the Short Belfast kit. Being in 1/144 scale, it has only a few parts. The SR.177 only existed as a mock up. So this is a model of a model. hope You like it! cheers, Norbert
  6. Here is my next project, it is the Profipack boxing of one of Eduard's first kits I believe. Great box art I reckon. I was intending just building the kit as is just for quickness, but in the end I couldn't resist adding some ribs and wires etc to the fuselage sides to complement the p/e supplied in the kit. Port, Starbord, The kit ejector seat was a little basic, I believe there was a resin one in the original boxing. Luckily Quickboost produce one intended for the Tamiya He162 was is near enough for me. With a bit of tweaking here and there it fit into the tub ok. I purchase some lead putty from a fishing tackle shop to use for the nose weight. To be continued. Tim.
  7. The ban on flying civilian hunters placed on them after the Shoreham crash has now been lifted, so they will be allowed to fly again although with the new regulations regarding maintainance and also not being able to do aerboatics, as with other classic jets. Hopefully this will liven up the classic jet scene a bit! http://publicapps.caa.co.uk/modalapplication.aspx?appid=11&catid=1&id=6886&mode=detail&pagetype=65
  8. source: http://www.hlj.com/product/DYS50075/Air 1/72 Kawasaki T-4 Blue Impulse by Doyusha Their Blue Impulse Sabre and other 1/72 kits are reboxed from Hobby Boss but this render looks like new tool. http://www.doyusha-model.com/ http://www.doyusha-model.com/hs_new_3.html
  9. So to go with my Asas de Portugal Alpha Jet I'm doing a Patrouille de France one too! The kit is the standard Revell one - I've got a lot of these floating around and they make a decent Alpha. The decals come from Caracal which I believe gives enough for 2 complete aircraft. But I have 3 Alpha Jets and some other decals in a Heller anniversary box I got when I was a kid in France on holiday, so I may well do 3 in the end! Most of you are probably fully aware of the Patrouille de France. They're one of the best display teams (and my joint favourite) in the world. They've flown the Alpha Jet for since 1981 now and their paint scheme hasn't changed much bar their tails which have changed over time to reflect anniversaries of the Armee de l'Air or of France. As per my other builds, I didn't take any photos of the before and after...so it's mainly pictures during painting and decals that I'll have to offer. When I do my next Alpha Jet I'll actually take construction pictures (though it normally only takes me half an hour)! So far I've painted the wings and some of the fuselage...not much else! More to come soon! Wings and some centre complete. Alongside it's colleagues.
  10. Morning all, I picked this kit up as a break from the Revell A400M that i've got on the bench. For the first time I am relatively pleased with this attempt, having built two SHARs, one GR3 and one GR9 over the course of the last 2 years. It is also the first time where I am content with the level of post-shading (although I did have to clean up the upper wing surface when i forgot to dilute the wash that I use for the postshading and my airbrush started spraying out this fountain of black- reducing the effectiveness of the finish somewhat! ) Kit: Airfix 1:72 BAe Harrier GR7A/GR9A (from LMS -Mike's Models) Paints: Vallejo Black, Light grey, Medium sea grey, White, Medium olive Alclad II Aluminium -And a variety of mixed Vallejo paints for smaller details Other: Alclad II Aqua gloss Vallejo "Model Wash" Dark grey -for panel lines and post-shading Thanks for looking Kind regards, Sam
  11. Good evening everyone, I picked up a Trumpeter 1:72 Tu16k-10 (Badger C) recently and I was wondering if anyone had any pictures of the badger's bomb bay or cockpit. Preferably, I would like to know about colours- what colours should I use for the cockpit interior and the bomb bay interior? I'm planning on fitting it with the AS6 Kingfish missiles on the wing mounting points, with a variety of bombs inside the bomb bay- was this a typical loadout or was the aircraft purely fitted with anti-shipping missiles? Many thanks, Sam
  12. Hello glue-sniffers and ABS addicts. This thread is a split from http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234999580-airfix-vampire-t11-x-2/ Images are spoiler tagged for ease of page loading. If you have any issues with the photos, blame RobG. If you have any issues with the model, don't blame me. If you would like a custom-built version for your mantelpiece then dream on. I haven't built a model for probably 18 years, so I began with a pre-emptive strike on the box.
  13. Hello, i finished this model 2 weeks ago. I used the Salt technic (first time !) also i made a HUD. The model is painted with Gunze paints (H307,H306,SM04,MC214 and few others) I hope you'll enjoy !
  14. Modern Jet Cockpit Instruments and Upgrades 1:32 Airscale Airscale have recently been expanding their range of cockpit details and bezels with some superbly crafted products. Peter has recently sent us four sets to review, three in 1:32 and one in 1:48. The Jet Detail and Upgrade sets contain the same parts si I will only write about them as one, the other two sets a small departure to Airscale, in that they aren’t etched brass, but sets of decals. The Jet Detail and Upgrade sets, (PE32 MOD and PE48 MOD) contains a single sheet of relief etched brass filled with a myriad of different items found in the modern jet. These include:- Martin Baker Mk7 ejection seat handle ACES II ejection seat handle Martin Baker Mk5 ejection seat handle ACES II ejection seat handle VS1 ejection seat handle ACES II ejection seat handle Martin Baker manual override handle Martin Baker Mk5/7 ejection seat handle Assorted cover plates/placard bases Up Front Control Display Pilots fault display Assorted console switch panels Assorted AoA/Fuel/VSI bezels Canopy Mirrors Temperature and Pressure bezels Airspeed and altitude bezels Horizontal situation indicators Attitude Director Indicators Magnetic compasses Altimeters 6x5 Colour multifunction displays 6x5 Colour multifunction display indicator Combined radar projected map display Landscape, MFD/MFCD/MPCD 6x6 Multi-function display 5x5 Multi-function display 4x4 Multi-function display 5x5 Multi-purpose display indicator 5x5 Multi-purpose display repeater 4x4 multi-purpose colour display 1:32 1:48 The Modern Cockpit Instruments (AS32 HAC) contains a single decal sheet, printed by Fantasy Printshop, which is filled with the various instruments and screens found in modern jet aircraft. Unlike similar sets from other manufacturers, the decals are not on a single layer of carrier film, meaning that you won’t have to laboriously cut out the individual instruments to use. Whilst the majority of instruments are marked up, the MFD display screens are generic and you may choose whichever fits your cockpit best. To help with the look, there is a small clear styrene sheet included to represent the glass in front of the instrument. The list of instruments include:- US attitude director indicators EU attitude director indicators US horizontal situation indicators EU horizontal situation indicators US altimeters EU altimeters Exhaust nozzle position indicator EU airspeed indicators US airspeed indicators EU fuel turbine inlet temperature US fuel turbine inlet temperature RPM indicators AoA indicator round EPU fuel Oxygen Vertical velocity indicator round Fuel quantity AoA indicator Electrical vertical Vertical velocity indicator vertical Round radar screens MFD screens with bezels MFD screen displays The Modern Cockpit Dataplate and Warning Decals (AS32 DAN) also contains a single decal sheet, this time filled with the various placards and hazard labels. As with the instrument decal sheet the decals are on separate carrier film pads. Whilst most of the placards can be use direct from the sheet, the hazard markings are printed in squares and will need to be cut to size. These are used in areas such as weapon arming, seat belt handles etc. The other placards include:- Console labels Ejection seat warning signs Ejection seat hazard warnings Specific warnings Dataplates Whilst the labels are not legible to the naked eye, they do give a good impression and make the cockpit a suitably busy air. Conclusion I just love the bezels and fittings that these sets provide. The addition of the decals sets is a much needed bonus, particularly for modellers on this side of the Atlantic, making them easily accessible. Highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of Peter at
  15. Good evening all, Just been to Bruntingthorpe's cold war jets day-superb stuff! Anyway the point is, I picked up a 1:48 TSR-2 for £28 and I was wondering what sort of things I should probably look out for in terms of building the kit (fit issues, etc)? I was thinking of not painting the kit (seen as it is moulded in white plastic) mainly because whenever I have sprayed stuff white in the past, thousands of dust particles suddenly appear on my previously white model and are trapped by the paint when it dries. So, what do you think of that? Is that ok for getting a decent finish on the model? I have also heard rumours that the landing gear can break rather easily, is this true? Thanks, apologies for any grammatical mistakes -i'm rather tired! Sam
  16. Hello all, After a recent marathon build of a Williams Bros racer with loads of research and scratchbuilding I wanted to change tack and do something where all the detail comes ready-made in the kit box! I got the Trumpeter Mig-23 some time back with Xmas-present cash, and at a bargain price. I'd read good things about it, and seen some special builds (Arkady 72's on BM in particular) so pulled it from the (...one of the...) stash cupboards. There's a lot in the box, including many store options, surface detail is crisp and restrained, and there are some regular Polish AF decal options to go with the spectacular Czech special scheme on the lid. The instructions and paint guides look good at first. At first only though, as they are actually rather vague and a lot of test fitting is needed to help sub-assemblies fit as planned. In particular the paint guide is frustrating as while nice 'art', the placement arrows for the many stencils are very hard to see, lost against the dark cammo. The cammo demarcation is also hard to make out, so I'll be doing some research! Anyway, those are minor issues, as once started it's a pretty clean simple build, and I'll be aiming to get to the painting stage quickly as I want to play around with a weathered finish - not 'left to pasture' but far from pristine. (I should say now that I'm not doing much research on this one, so there will be some artistic licence used...) Argh - Photobucket is playing up, so fewer pics than I wanted to share in this first post! Here is the start of the cockpit tub, with an old spare seat (can't recall the brand). I've since taken the seat out again to remove some base and rear rails so it sits lower and further back - canopy won't close otherwise! Engine sub-assembly, intake trunking and wheelwells in place: Quite happy with the IP and sidewalls, I used some spare Airscale dials (not accurately I should add) as the kit's ones were laughable. Everything else is paint, the blue-green is a mix of my own matched to pics and spare Eduard colour etch. Main wheelbay, I may add a little extra wiring and tubes, to busy things up a bit. You can also see that the wing sub-assembly doesn't mate well with the fuselage, so some of the lower fuselage will need surgery. and, before I shoot Photobucket and turn in, here's the swing-wing assembly (it works too!): More soon, welcome all your comments as ever, Take care, Matt
  17. Hello. As a warm up before my target projects I wanted to finish started some time ago small Hawk. During the build I came up with an idea to do it as "What if?" Polish Jet Trainer. So I build it, painted and started to put on decals. And.. Well. I've lost polish markings from other model. Decided not to buy any additional decals, which is a shame actually. Anyways. As it suppose to be a training jet I wanted to give it a real shine like on the racing jets. Everything was ok until I decided to put final coat of Enamel Clear Laquer on. That ruined completely canopies I ended up having milky canopies and tears in my eyes (even is not the most ambitious build, still there was some work in). At this moment model was literally close to the bin, but I thought to myself that I'm not gonna give up! I took it off and started to sand the laquer down (not an easy task). Using higher grades every time and then I dipped it in Pledge and dried. I repeated this few times. It was working! So I took off front part of canopy and started the same. Unfortunately it cracked while sanding After couple not very nice words (polish of course) I came up with an idea of a flag on the nose and front canopy. I guess it looks quite all right Enjoy! Thanks for visiting! Bart
  18. Hey, I'd like to show you my F-14D Super Tomcat in 1/72 scale. The kit is by Revell and overall pretty good. When I built this model in 2012 I wasn't that concerned about cleaning flash, filling or sanding - and thats very visible in some areas. I still hope you like it! Cheers, Tom
  19. Hi everyone, I'd like to present my ES-3A Shadow by Italeri. I just finished the model yesterday after a 10-month build. The S-3 Viking kit itself is ok, whereas the Shadow specific parts are absolutely horrible and don't fit at all. Im quite pleased with the result, of course some minor bits bug me, but in general I'm happy. I hope you like the model! That's it! Cheers
  20. Hi everyone! Today I started my next kit! It's the Revell 1/48 Rafale M! I will try to make posts with the step by step build, I am a rookie so bare with me! Also, kind of a slow builder due to my professional life, so sorry in advance! Let's carry on then! The kit and mandatory bath! My state of the art painting booth (maybe one day my wife will allow me a dedicated space!). Cockpit and ejection seat assembled! That´s all! Thanks for stoping by!
  21. This was a quickie done in an hour or two, built around two weeks ago. Not the best I've done but can't say I enjoyed building this kit either. Here we go: Regards
  22. Hi Folks, This is my first attempt at finishing a military model kit in several years. Yep, it's a grey, grey and grey modern jet but it's not one often seen in this scale. I usually prefer to build cars, bikes and surreal kit-bashed WHIF's but like most of us big kids, a loud fast jet gets your attention from time to time. A growing 'stash' of aircraft kits isn't helping either... The kit is OOTB, decals and all. The age of the moulds as well as modelling the kit in flight did test my patience somewhat but I'm happy with the end result. I only have two (totally wrong) 'military' shades of grey and the terrible MDF stand base is temporary. A link to the build thread: http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234935097-172-f-16dj-getting-back-into-the-groove/#entry1245210 It's a bit long winded with nothing but the obvious stated but it forms a part of my 'extra curricular' portfolio while I'm at College. Thanks for looking, Lee. (Edited for line spacing, I needed to print this out...)
  23. Hi Folks, This is my first full model aircraft build in a couple of years, I say full as I trashed the kit I was supposed to be building for this thread... I thought it would be better to learn to walk than to try to run, so I've chosen this seemingly straight forward simple kit to begin with. Hasegawa 1/72 F-16DJ Block 50 Well, not much else to be said apart from it's one of the less often seen twin seater's. A typically refined and well presented kit, this release has new sprue's that update it from its' mid '80's base kit. Box top: Nice photo, I'll be using this as a reference. Despite this kit being advertised as a 'Block 50' the aircraft in the photo is actually a block 52... I'll be building this one as it doesn't need to have any mods done to it such as the rear pilots HUD repeater. Decals: For once, Hasegawa have done a good job with their in-house decals. They are sharply printed, the colours are good and best of all, the whites are not ivory. On a more sombre note, I've also just found out that the jet I'll be building ended its' days in a fireball a few years ago... New parts: These are the new sprue's that are included with the F-16D base kit. 1 - This sprue covers the now standard missiles, launchers, heavy weight wheels, etc. 2 - This sprue covers most 'big mouth' Falcons and includes the heavy weight main gear doors, etc. 3 - This sprue covers most block 40/42/50/52 Falcons with regards to the SEAD mission. Rockin' and Rollin': I'm going to build this kit in flight, for the sake of speed and not dealing with tiny fiddly bits. It's these tiny fiddly bits that caused my last kit to crash land in the bin... Anyway, here's the assembled and painted cockpit and fuselage. It's all OOTB, decals for consoles and all. TBH they actually look quite good under a flat coat. The seats have had a bit of khaki dry brushed over the olive green for a bit of dimension, looking good so far... ... Spoke too soon, now the madness begins. Block 52 jets use the original smaller intake, so I thought I'd get a bit of practice putting the newer 'big mouth' intake together. The fit of those new tool parts was not good and the same can be said of the original parts. 1 - Massive step between the upper intake halves. I used heat to bend them and CA glue to bond them. Much sanding is still needed. 2 - This light fixture needs to be removed for the twin seater's, easy enough. 3 - Steps, gaps and mismatched contours needed to be filled, blended and sanded 4 - I had to re-scribe some of the lower panel lines as they were obliterated while trying to smooth out the steps. The intake wasn't going to rest easy, I guess I've been spoilt by Tamiya's cars and motorbikes as this kit has to be built and some. 1 - Big, uneven gap between the intake and fuselage join, an easy enough fix with milliput. 2 - The heavy weight main doors have big gaps at the rear. I used CA glue and Mr Surfacer to close the gap smoothly. Gaps, gaps and more gaps. 1 - The base of the fin has an uneven step that was filled with CA glue and putty. 2 - The rear fuselage was warped on this kit, probably why I've had most of these fit issues. 3 - CA glue was used to fill in some comical gaps on the ventral fin tabs. 4 - Yet another large gap to fill and I broke off and lost this antenna too! Where art thou antenna... The biggest issue with this build is keeping up the enthusiasm. With the problem areas taken care of and checked with a coat of paint, I can actually stop moaning. I masked and sprayed the canopy interior colour earlier on with a lightened black acrylic. TBH, it's looking quite O.K. Thanks for looking, more to come shortly.
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