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  1. F-84F Thunderstreak, Royal Netherlands Air Force, P-171, No.311 Squadron, Volker AB, 1963. Kit: Special Hobby 1/72 F-84F Thunderstreak (SH72395) Aftermarket: Dutch Decal Republic F-84F Thunderstreak / RF-84F Thunderflash / Hunter (Royal Dutch AF) (DD72105) Paints: Vallejo Weathering: Ammo & Abteilung Superb new kit by Special Hobby, painted with Vallejo Model Air acrylics and weathered with Ammo panel liners and Abteilung oil paints. Fuel tanks are from Valom F-101 kit - otherwise built straight from the box. WIP:
  2. This is my third entry for this Group Build. This time it's a hot pancake right from the Special Hobby molding machine - I literally received it last Sunday and it's immediately going to the workdesk completely bypassing my stash storage shelves!!! I think the kit is superfamiliar to all the F-84 amateurs. Some photoes of box contents are below: 4+1 sprues, projectiles, different tanks, two versions of tail, alternative parabrake fairing, three versions of ejection seats (early, intermediate AMI seat and MB seat - BTW I found out that there was an even earlier seat that was used on very first Thunderjets). Also the decal sheet here is huge with full decals to be used for those colourful stripes. I'm a little bit in doubt on its use - painting is probably safer (but longer) process especially on those curved surfaces like intake rim or fuselage stripes. Maybe I still should take a challenge. Another concern - it's definitely a new style Eduard decals with 'peeling lacquer off' effect. Again first time I'll be using such stuff. A little bit more scary! I'm still not fully decided which version to build. I collect IDF aircraft - but this not really an IDF aircraft... I definitely want Suez Crisis Streak - so the third option from the decal is definitely out of competition. Also Scheme A seems easier than B. Anyway it's going to be French Streak and I'll probably decide a bit later. Last point: spAcial hobby. That's on all the five sprues. I do not know what to do to be honest. Shall I write to Special Hobby to get replacement sprues? Anybody has plastic 'e' for replacement? The whole project is at risk!!! Two more evening before sprues cutting starts! Cheers, Dennis
  3. Since I have one Thunderbird in the mix what say we go for 2! Heres Monograms 1/48 F-84F in Thunderbird livery. The second airframe the USAF Air Demonstration Team first introduced in 1955. The kit decals were in sorry shape so I've replaced them with a set from Warbird Decals Nothing like colourful fun if you ask me. To the build line! More like a drunken Conga line with all the builds going on at preset, but no matter, Boom -Chicka Boom we go!
  4. One of the next Jetmads projects is a 1/32nd Republic F-84F Thunderstreak resin kit. Source: https://m.facebook.com/story.php/?id=100057836780108&story_fbid=928779255726625 V P.
  5. Sword Models is to release 1/72nd Republic F-84F Thunderstreak kits. First boxings expected in February 2023. Source: https://www.facebook.com/swordmodels/posts/pfbid02Lnf2uw1V1Cu71NkrjvmQPrfBGNEuvS6nkKjPtAvfn8edpCmnWCVCZ3He2CLaDFojl - ref. SW72146 - Republic F-84F Thunderstreak https://swordmodel.cz/cs/home/171-sw72146-f-84f-thunderstreak.html - ref. SW72147 - Republic F-84F Thunderstreak https://swordmodel.cz/cs/home/172-sw72147-f-84f-thunderstreak.html V.P.
  6. Hi All, With the RF-84F creeping towards completion my thoughts will remain on the Thunderstreak/Flash for a bit longer while I tackle this challenge. As many know, there is no good F-84F in 1/72. The best for shape and dimension, although it has a few issues, is the Airfix offering. It has raised panel lines and generally moulded in that awful "silver"-looking plastic of the 1960s. Nevertheless it is going to form the basis for a mild conversion/update using the better parts from the Sword RF. These will include the windscreen and main canopy (including mechanisms) plus the cockpit. I may use other parts like the main wheels. To be different, as is my way, I am going to attempt a Block 30 machine which was one with the shorter fin. It will be Italian and I will use a combination of decals based around the various Tauro Models offerings. It will also need scribing (not Re-scribing as it is often termed) to replace the heavy raised lines. The two kits are these: My non-internet references are these: and my subject aircraft is in this image (F-84F-30-RE 51-1795/6-62 of the 156 Gruppo/6 Aerobrigata), the only one I can find. I have been helped by Paolo Maglio who has managed to pin down some details for me. I could have aimed at 52-6619, and other -30-RE with a blue fin flash but I opted for yellow :). Italy operated a few of these early 'Streaks, as did other nations like Greece and Turkey. Sorry about the quality. It is a snap from a YouTube video: The decal sets: I hope to build her "tooled up" with 500lb bombs and 5" HVARs. She will additionally have 450 Gallon belly tanks. Well, thats it. I'll be back soon Martin
  7. It was in late 2007 when a new chinese brand called Kinetic released its first kit a new tool 1/48th Republic F-84F Thunderstreak (link) with the appropriate reference number 4801. This kit was later reboxed twice by Italeri in 2009 and 2011 (link). Kinetic is soon to re-release this kit under new ref. K48068. Source: https://www.facebook.com/Kineticmodel/posts/1621979917969113 Box art V.P.
  8. Hello guys, Here is my last completed build and the first of 2022. This is the Italeri reboxing of the Kinetic kit. It's a plane from the french AF Escadron 3/3 Ardennes during Operation Musketeer (Suez crisis, 1956), based in Akrotiri, Cyprus. The ID stripes are not the usual Yellow/black but rather midstone and white/black. The number of allied aircraft on base (over 200) led to a lack of yellow paint and use of replacement hues. As usual your comments and inputs are most welcome. You can visit the complete build article on my blog, following this link : build article Best, Stef (#6)
  9. Hello everyone... I present to you my Republic Thunderstreak. 92nd F.I.S., 81st T.F.W.. Stationed at R.A.F. Manston, Shepherds grove, & Bentwaters in 1955. Outside of a few decals which include the Star & Bars & USAF markings, everything is painted. I opted to load the Mk.7 “Device” on the inboard port station. This was a one way Nuclear strike unit or Tactical support/air-to-air. This was built in the 1950’s NATO Group build. Without further talk i present the model.  A link to the build. https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235049416-a-streaker-from-republic/ Questions, comments, or jokes ? Dennis
  10. Like many on this forum I remember the excitement of queueing up at age of six for the Cinema (Gants Hill Odeon I think) to see Battle of Britain with my Dad. And again a few weeks later to see it again. At the time the main thing my friends and I remembered was the endless parade of German bombers at the start proving “we” didn’t have a cat in hell’s chance; and the bomber crew’s goggles filling up with blood when attacked! Gruesome, but that’s a six-year old for you. That must have been the time the Airfixing started, initially with Dad but quickly progressing to my own work and painting. Around a year or two later Dad gave me a big pile of aeroplane books. They were a present from an older couple, friends of his who’s son had died in tragic circumstances. He was only around twenty and they wanted me to have the books he’d loved when he was growing up. Wow, I’m getting weepy typing this; the perspective of being a father of a now 20-year old myself. I’ve always been grateful for the gift of those books, which nurtured an interest in aviation and history that has stayed with me. As well as the tiny William Green “Warplanes of the Second World War” 1-6 there was the World Airpower Guide with scale elevations of all the current types in service around the world, from the “Mig-23” to archaic Buchons and Moths. My favourites were two big pictorial books by Martin Caidin, “Air Force” and “Golden Wings”. I still have the books though I’ve managed to get replacements for them all as they had become extremely “tired” after nearly 50 years of use and moving. I even managed to get volumes 7-10 of the Warplanes to complete the series, but don’t bother. They were issued 6 or so years after 1-6 and the four volumes only cover France and Germany – Green “went off on one” and just went into far too much detail; precursors of his later massive German tome, whereas the earlier books give a nice brief precis of lots of types. As a result of those Caidin books, I ended up being as interested in the planes of the USAF, USN and USMC as in Britain’s. Not that I’m averse to a Spitfire as my stash would confirm, but a nice Fifi, Panther or Corsair is equally if not more attractive to me. I hunted through my stash to find something that matched the kits I built back in the day (I have a list of what I built then which I try and update each time I remember one - 132 remembered to date, I’m sure there should be a lot more. Here’s an extract; needless to say the full list shows 90 of the entries were Airfix, most must have been from the local newsagent in the parade up from Grange Hill station). The P-38 with its twin sharkmouths and Roy Cross boxing was shouting “build me”, but last year I picked up a Thunderstreak, which I remember building around the same time as the Sabre Dog and Shooting Star in some keenness on 50s jets (I recall a bunch of Hasegawa kits bought at the Model Engineer Exhibition too) but Meteors and Hunters, no thank you. I can’t recall much of the F-84 I built back then, other than that the red paint reacted with the overall silver paint job, and I’m sure I did an open canopy as it was a separate part for once! Anyway here’s the box with its lovely hard silver plastic just as I remember. I’m not sure I’ll get going on it just yet as there’s the Mark.VIII to decal in the Spitfire STGB and an L139 I should complete from Christmas 2018. Oh for the days when there was nothing else to do at a weekend than build models…wait a moment… Cheers Will
  11. Well, as promised on on the F-84F Build Thread HERE I am posting up the pictures of the finished model, with a little embellishment to the kit: Thanks for looking in! Ed
  12. Hello again. Well, I am excited today to tell you that the postman just brought something I have wanted for a long time -- a PJ Productions 1/72 resin F-84F Thunderstreak. While like most, I would have preferred a new injection kit, complete with Jato/Rato and Mk7 nuke options, the PJ Productions kit has long been held to be more accurate (particularly in the nose area!) than the Airfix or Italieri offerings, long overdue for a modern re-tooling!!! Anyway, I am glad to have it at last. This time the kit comes with European markings, and the box looks like this: Those on the far side of the pond will be glad to hear that Hannants has them in stock, from whence came my soft-side boxed kit. Here's what's in the box: You'll note that some of the tiny parts had come adrift in the bag, including some PE pieces, so for now, I'm holding onto every bit (including some that may only be smuts) until I can sort things. You will note some rather large sprue parts on the fuse halves, which will need sawing off. Everything else looks quite good, with very little flash and very sharp molding. The kit offers three ejection seats, based on mark, and two vertical stabilizers, again based on mark that you are building. There are good details in all wheel bays. The are also two nicely-formed vacuform canopies, which is good is case one is messed up while building, and also, they eliminate the separate rear quarter windows of other existing kits: Below, more of the kit's detail is shown; particularly the detail in the cockpit side walls: Despite the inclusion of the well-printed Euro markings, I will of course, be contrary and use American markings, the old Microscale sheet for the 81st FBW, 78th FBS "Bushmasters". As a nod to my British hosts and fellow modelers, at least there is the Bentwaters connection! Anyway, as reviews of this it are scarce, I thought it would be nice to throw one in during the building process. Little "PJ" here is now due for it's bath in Simple Green detergent -- stay tuned... Ed
  13. Hi all! Yes, in true London Bus tradition (you wait ages and then more than one come together.... see my F-100 recently) I have the latest product of the Crawley Down hangar ready for inspection. J As you can see, she is a F-84F Thunderstreak as she was when operated by the Turkish Air Force from Incirlik AB in the early 1970s. The Turkish Air force (THK) received around 300 Thunderstreaks from West Germany, France and the Netherlands. This one, 53-7086 (ex-WGAF), a F-84F-75-RE was one of the last built and arrived In Turkey after a major overhaul in West Germany. They were known as “F-84Q”s. The Turkish ‘streaks ended their careers with the 131st and 132nd squadrons (Filo) at Konya AB in 1974. There were replaced by the F-5. It is a point of note that “the F-84F had only very few air-to-air engagements. One of these was the shooting down of two Iraqi Il-28 Beagle by two Turkish Air Force F-84F Thunderstreaks when the Iraqi bombers crossed the Turkish border by mistake when bombing Iraqi Kurdish locations in August 1962.” My reference image was this: My model is based on the great (in my view) Airfix 1/72 kit. I added a few extra details, such as different tanks (450gals from a Voodoo), a Martin Baker seat, a small vent under the starboard wing root, and a different cockpit based around a spare F-86F resin one that I had in the spares box. It isn’t 100% accurate but close enough and certainly better than the kit parts. I also replaced the canopy hinge mechanism with a plasticard one and added a blanking plate that is a bit more refined. I then scribed her as best as my old hands could manage, leaving just the pierced speed brakes and wing brakes as raised items. I didn’t see how to cut these and have them looking acceptable. The paints are Humbrol enamels - 165 Grey, 163 Green with 11 Silver undersides, knowing the latter should be a silver-grey which I chose to do this way and then matted it. One of my compromises. The tanks are 191 Chrome silver (they certainly operated with these tanks although my image above doesn't show that). The red is 60 Scarlet. It is matt cote overall (except the tanks which are gloss coted). I weathered with Tamiya Weathering Powders D and Flory Dark Dirt. The national insignia came from the Tigerhead set. Because these aircraft were straight out of the German system they had WGAF stencils. I therefore used an AirDoc set (72-008) for this. The white numbering is from Techmod. Here she is: Umarım senden hoşlanırsın!!! Martin Updated images:
  14. Wow! Feast your eyes on these beauties! Can't ever have enough Thud photo references! Enjoy! Mike https://imgur.com/a/k1k4D
  15. Source: http://www.themodellingnews.com/2014/04/guess-who-is-about-to-launch-new-f-84f.html#more Strong rumours say KittyHawk is working on a 1/32nd Republic F-84F Thunderstreak kit. Time will tell. V.P.
  16. Looks like my next project will be the ancient Monogram 1/48th Republic F-84F Thunderstreak. I have the newer Italeri (Kinetic) and HobbyBoss kits in the stash however the 1984 Monogram offering is still supposed to be the most accurate kit and it comes with the Mk.7 atomic bomb! I would appreciate any help with the Mk.7 atomic bomb as follows: 1) Which pylon was it attached to on the F-84F? I think it was in the place of one of the fuel tanks on the fuselage, not on the outer wing pylon however any advice appreciated. 2) What colour was the Mk.7 painted? All I can find on the interweb is silver with a brown nose and yellow stripes. Were there training shapes and if so what colour were they? 3) I know that USAF Thunderstreaks based in the UK could carry the Mk.7 bomb. What about European operators - West Germany especially? Thanks in advance Michael
  17. Hi guys here is my Kinetic F-84F in the colors of the Dutch 311 squadron. This kit seems to have very deep panel lines but I did not experienced it as very problematic. In fact I liked this kit very much. Decals are from Dutch Decal and the cockpit oi from Aires. Erik
  18. Redux 1/48 Republic F-84F Thunderstreak (RDXENS-1) built as 29029/1-NX from EC.1/1 ‘Corse’ Armee De L’Air masquerading as 200 Tayeset of the Israeli Air Force at Lod in late October/early November 1956 The model was built for a magazine article last autumn but due to an unfortunate shelving collapse this model and most of my work for the past year or so took its first flight earlier this week and so looks even worse now than it does in the images which include a couple on a mirrored base I was experimenting with. The kit parts are those produced originally by Monogram and more recently by Revell for the 1/48 F-84F Thunderstreak but without the Nuclear Bomb and RATO bottles that feature in some of their many releases over the years. REDUX had planned two different releases each with a single set of parts and different Hi-Decal decal sheet as well as masks for the cockpit canopy, French squadron tail stripes and ‘Suez stripes’. One version would also have included a French/English book on the F/RF-84F however for commercial reasons all of the existing components were brought together in a clear plastic box offering two sets of kits parts, both decal sheets, two sets of masks and the book. The package first appeared on the market about ten years ago and when I bought mine a couple of years later it was definitely cheaper then than two of the standard Revell releases even before the extras were taken into account. The Hi-Decal markings are excellent, thin, in register, apply easily and bed down well. Included on one of the sheets was my choice as shown here of an Armée de l’Air F-84F from EC.1/1 ‘Corse’ in standard squadron markings and codes but wearing Israeli markings in place of French roundels and having the Tricolore on the fin blanked out. This arose from the Anglo-French-Israeli planning behind the Suez affair and was intended to bolster Israeli air defences under the fiction that the aircraft were operated by the non-existent 200 Tayeset of the Israeli Air Force based at Lod for a brief period in late October/early November 1956 from just prior to Israel’s pre-emptive strike against Egypt until the Anglo-French ‘peace-keeping’ intervention a few days later. The aircraft were flown by their usual French pilots albeit as ‘civilians’ and Israeli markings were applied before aircraft engines had shut down upon first landing in Israel, standard AdlA roundels were re-applied once the ‘official’ Anglo-French involvement began a few days later. As can be expected the Monogram/Revell parts fit together well and have good cockpit detail however the kit provides the later deeper ventral brake parachute fairing which needs to be replaced with the shallower early fairing which I sanded from a piece of ‘U’ shaped sprue. Like many kits originating with Monogram it does have raised panel detail which you either live with or build something else. The model was brush painted using various as sold and mixed Games Workshop metallics with varying final lustres on panels achieved from different mixes of Klear and Tamiya Flat Base. Learning from many mistakes along the way with my first use of aftermarket masks the REDUX provided ones for the fuselage squadron stripes as well as wing and fuselage ‘Suez’ stripes were a big help. No stenciling is provided, the original plan being to commission a dry-transfer sheet from a far-east producer but the project foundered before this was achieved, so I used some from a Carpena/Colorado set.
  19. Hi all, I came across this and thought I'd post it in case the data within it is useful. Martin http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/268825-148-republic-f-84f-thunderstreak-by-hobbyboss-a-first-look/&page=5
  20. Hi all, Seeking advice/info please. It looks like the ex- KLU/Luftwaffe F-84Fs flying with Turkey had MB seats? If so does anyone out there know which model they used? Thanks. Martin
  21. 1/48th Republic F-84F Thunderstreak by HobbyBoss in 2013 - catalogue ref.81726 Source: http://scalemodels.ru/modules/news/img_5748_1358082281_fe7282025aafa40f1fabea15ab64034f79f0190e.jpg.html V.P.
  22. Encore Models is to rebox in 2016 the HobbyBoss (http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234932988-148-republic-f-84f-thunderstreak-by-hobbyboss-released/?hl=thunderstreak) 1/48th Republic F-84F Thunderstreak kit - ref. 48006(?) Sources: http://www.ipmsdeutschland.de/Ausstellungen/Nuernberg2016/Bilder_AT/Squadron_MMD.htm http://www.ipmsdeutschland.de/Ausstellungen/Nuernberg2016/Bilder_AT/Bilder_AT_1.htm V.P.
  23. Hi all, wonder if anyone has a solution to the following? I want to make the P-212 Royal Netherland A/F F-84F from the Dutch decals sheet https://www.scalemates.com/products/img/5/2/3/317523-12382-41.jpg but it has Day-Glow Orange drop tanks. There's no paint type call out on the sheet and I wonder if there is a paint specifically for this? I have two orange paints at the moment, Tamiya X-6 and Gunze Sangyo Hobby Color H14, both of which look like generic 'oranges'. So question, is there a 'Day-glow Orange' paint i CAN BUY or if not is there anything I can add to either the Tamiya or Gunze orange paints to get them nearer to the colour of the drop tanks? Any advice gratefully received. Cheers, Pete
  24. This set intended to improve 1/48 Monogram / Kinetic F-84F Thunderstreak exterior details. Highly detailed airbrakes, wing interceptors with fine details, emty shell ejection ports fences, small air scoops for both fuselage sides, JATO hooks are included in the set. Though airbrakes are very complicated to build, you can simlify building process, using kit details as a base for outer and inner elements. We will provide some building tips here soon for better model accuracy. Made of steel with a thickness of 0.05 mm.
  25. Hi, here's the latest off the bench. Italeri kit with Aries resin cockpit and Quickboost nose intake. Not a bad kit IMHO, just needed a little filler at the wing roots. Thanks for looking. FF
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