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  1. I'm game. The B-29 is one of the few Monogram kits I have yet to tackle. Add me to the list
  2. Damn, if a cat saw that in the yard it would bury it. And I thought the Collect-Aire kits I build were rough.
  3. I just sold that kit. Looking at yours I wish I hadn't. Nicely done
  4. I’ve built all three 1/48 jaguars. ESCI, Airfix and Kitty Hawk. The Kitty Hawk has the typical mistakes but it builds up nice and isn’t difficult. I found the most difficult part finding good paint and decal references for a French desert storm AC
  5. I'm in. I've got 3 or 4 British Phantoms I'd like to do
  6. I don't blame you. Only an idiot would pay $200 on eBay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/176458489214?_nkw=voodoo+1%2F48&itmmeta=01J5EF5A74XW0X0FN6VRE3P1DQ&hash=item2915bedd7e:g:5z4AAOSwrj1miVCZ&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKmuzlbu2O5d1hmwLNKsX5%2FrprfaYJPzrCIbxlg%2FwHKEjGCr9SPuximAMLwxZGzFA2KOQ9DtQqOuTjtr2%2FcAHIoB7dIi2uRsdIM9N7VMAmjCQo36%2BWoQi6MK07CYIViA1ScOCjIFyLa70TjP%2BsTJfS1gfPt0V5gSjajRI1k2waM17VpkmQSp1CnoXwQGjoxvDG1q0N48Yey3lFsF5BLLKuO11SdRXlsKxanxm8graj4VS%2FLO%2BQ5tYEiZvBcnNfueM2gds09gBnMQcdgRIrBfQu3L|tkp%3ABFBM0qOVz6tk
  7. Looks like you beat it into submission.
  8. Looks like one of those 70's era Airfix bagged kits.
  9. It's a ridiculous mistake, and one I never thought Airfix would make, but it's hardly catastrophic.
  10. I asked the Kinetic guys about the C-17 at the nationals. They said it was still in the works but wouldn’t be out until late 2024. Sort of Reminds me of the time I asked the HK guys about the British Phantom.
  11. How does it compare to the Trumpeter kit?
  12. I do this kind of thing all the time. Take parts that were designed for one kit and put them in another. Most of the time it works out fine. I can't say with 100% certainty that it can be done, but I just finished putting the CMK set into the Monogram kit, and it went well. Obviously it isn't as easy as using the designed kit, but it was do-able.
  13. That looks really good. I'm about 1/2 way through the Helldiver, it's a difficult kit, but very satisfying. I look forward to both the Kate and the Val
  14. I'm with Bertiee on this. The detail that can't be seen is just an added cost to the modeler. When I built the Trumpeter Tu-160 it had a toilet that I never cut off the sprue, much less added to the model. I've got the A400 in the stash, I'll get a laugh when I get around to building it.
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