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MRMRL last won the day on December 11 2024

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  1. That's a super build, I've built that Saratoga kit, and it's very representative of the early Trumpy ship kits, quite rough with a lot of detail missing. She's hard to get looking good, even when dressed up with photo etch, you've done a great job of her.
  2. Cracking job, I'm planning on doing 1/350 Bismarck this year, I'll be very happy if it looks this good and I'll have double the space to work with 😁
  3. That's phenomenal. I saw the first picture and was thinking it's a good sub model, then the interior pictures appeared, next level stuff that 😁
  4. I agree with the above, that water effect is very convincing. The sub looks great in that as well.
  5. Thanks Alan, that's really appreciated. I've not seen the trumpeter kit, but this one was excellent, really good fit all round, so I'm fine to ignore the alternative 😉. The detail is well worth investing in if you can, much more detail and as well engineered as the plastic. And yes, my best kit ship so far, we'll see if Bismarck gets close this year 😁
  6. That's quite the collection of aircraft, all finished really nicely. I'm especially fond of the Thundercheif and the ju86, they look superb
  7. Some nice work here, I love the pair of F35s. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for the Bremen Express, looks like a very interesting project.
  8. MRMRL

    Kriss 2024

    What a well made collection, and a nice variety of subjects. I love the Northumbrian, it's really interesting 😁
  9. MRMRL


    These are all stunning builds, a great collection for 8 months. The Stearman is very striking, but I think the Mustang looks incredible.
  10. These are stunning, as has been said, I completely understand the complexity of that camo scheme, I've not attempted anything that complicated, although I'm familiar with the analysis paralysis, I endured that doing the PE catwalks on USS Nimitz. It does look stunning, congratulations for persevering with it to the end 😁. The other two look great as well.
  11. Thanks, I made the distinct choice to do have an hour or two in the evening to myself at the cost of a bit of sleep, always a little tired, but for me it's worth it 😁 Thanks James, your encouragement during the group builds was greatly appreciated 👍 Thank you, hopefully 2025 will be at least as productive 😉
  12. Thank you. I've got a 1/350 Kagero and Alabama on the shelf if doom to finish off first, then it'll be the Bismarck I think.
  13. Those are all spectacular, the attention to detail is incredible. So many shots look like the real things.
  14. A good kit really helps, you've still got to put it together though, done so rather well 😁
  15. What a cracking selection of big planes. I love the open compartment Hellcat and Spitfire builds, exceptional. The Vulcan must be a bit of a scene stealer, most people spot the biggest beasts first 😉
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