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Tim Moff

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Tim Moff last won the day on October 28 2022

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About Tim Moff

  • Birthday 19/05/1969

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Colchester UK
  • Interests
    Current affairs, sport, modelling (Plastic not Catwalk!)

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  1. Wow small world Stefan - I lived at the top of Broom Road in houses that backed on to the warren where I also walked the family dog! I remember the F-4Ds transitioning to F-111Fs - as you say that was the last open day. I myself joined the UK military and went back on leave, being home the night of the Libya raid in 1986 - I thought that WW3 was starting with the launches...
  2. Great stuff - my home village - sometimes go up and have a day at the viewing area - really busy with 2 x Sqn of F-35A and 2 x Sqn of F-15Es...will follow along !
  3. Kit: Hasegawa kit 07017 1/48 McDonnell Douglas British Phantom FG Mk.1 Subject: Modelled as XT859/K of 111 (F) Sqn 'The Tremblers' at RAF Leuchars in August 1982 Details: Modelled as per reference pics from interweb and decal instructions Misc: Mr Paint paints, Mr Color paints, Vallejo paints,Model Maker A-7P in Portugal Service D72062 Decals, Quickboost Refuelling probe. Build Thread:
  4. All done, canopies were a pain...also informed the inner main gear wheels were painted black so did that. https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/y456/Tim_Moff/IMG_0624.jpg
  5. Last lap... Got the matt cote on... Started on the undercarriage and got the dummy missiles on, airbrakes, doors on the fuselage etc... On its legs! Painting the driver before the seats go in and the last bits will be the glass and ordnance/tanks...
  6. Got a semi gloss cote on to seal i. the decals and paint etc and started with some basic weathering. Used Grey Tamiya Panel Line Accent on the bottom and Dark Brown on the camo.Wiped it back with some white spirit. Then used some Florey's Wash, a bit of the dark dirt and grime just to the jet a used look. Not sure I need to get the oils out - didn't look too filthy on the ref pics.
  7. Kit: Italeri kit 2655 1/48 Fairchild-Republic A-10A Thunderbolt II Subject: Modelled as 81-0952, 510th Tactical Fighter Squadron, 81st Tactical Fighter Wing,RAF Bentwaters, UK, 1988 Details: Modelled as per reference pics from interweb and decal instructions Misc: Mr Paint paints, Mr Color paints, Vallejo paints, Caracal Models Cold War Hogs decal sheet 48192, Build Thread:
  8. Getting there, I just love stencils - how many hours and tea drank!! 😱 Work on the droppy bits... Stencils!!! More Stencils!!! and mooore stencils...🫣 be looking to Gloss/semi gloss to protect them all before getting some panel line highlighter/wash onto it to try to weather it a bit as per the reference pics... Work on the base completed - thought I'd do something a bit different... Got all the 'picky bits' off the sprue to prime and prep - mainly undercarriage stuff (In used to do wheels up for ease but have ran out of garage roof space!), air breaks, antenna etc...kit has metal wheels and rubber tyres which is nice. Hopefully be meeting the dealine!
  9. Great job - gotta love the GR5 in greens
  10. More done. Started work on the wooden base Stabs done Glossed the model and left 24hrs, Decals going on, using a mix to get the serial number, mainly Microscale and Xtradecal... The Yellow K is slightly too large, but I could not find a yellow letter that I either had, related to an airframe, or fit! So it will do! Working on the Travel Pod and adaptor thingie... Basically the Sidewinder rails trimmed back, bit of plasticard on the base, the pylon has the top 'adapter' bit built on from what I can see...not perfect but will do seemed to be green on the ref pic... Looking forward to all those stencils 🙄
  11. Some more work done, apologies picture heavy... Built up the 2 Napalm pod BLU-27's one with and one without fins - just to see what was best removing fins wise... maybe its the angle but I am not sure, but will have to do!! MRP Dark Sea Grey on first in a general pattern, before marking out the demarcation lines using Tamiya curvy tape as I feel the lines on the airframes look quite distinct rather than freehanding it... MRP RAF Dark Green on I then used a lightened version of both just top post shade some areas - it does tend to calm a bit under gloss and matt cotes... Got to work on the detail painting and some corrections etc, worst own enemy for chasing slight errors... I had already painted the metal areas white aluminium so next will be adding to that and blending in the colours - the lower part next to the exhausts seems quite a bit darker than the upper areas, will play with some different metals to get a worn look. Also work on the panel lines near the rear end fuselage as they seem to darken due to the heat?
  12. Thanks @Jabba - yep I have that set so I dug it out and will build it - somehow though it does not seem ‘fat’ enough ?! Will also need to fashion the pylon ‘adaptor’ - seems to be coming together !
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