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SleeperService last won the day on August 27 2017

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About SleeperService

  • Birthday 19/08/1961

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    Getting Worse as I age

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  1. I've had some time to think about this and I agree with you aircraft and armour are very different experiences. While some may see this as a problem I've found that a lot of techniques transfer across which can be good.
  2. Assuming the normal number of digits I'd be pretty pleased with that. Nicely built and well painted and even got some of the terrible Huns on board. One thing that causes armour modellers hassle is settling decals down onto a non-gloss surface, especially the number blocks. FWIW my method is; Cut out the decal and feather the edges with coarse sandpaper, then use a fine sewing needle to gentleman's parts the clear spaces. Once free put it on a paper towel ticky side up and slap some Micro Sol or similar on the rear of the decal and tank when it's dry repeat then apply to kit and get in place before slapping more on and then Micro Set. At this point the surface may crinkle up, laugh at it's pathetic attempts to unsettle your nerves. Take the dog for a long walk and things should be looking much better. When fully dry give the area a wipe over with lukewarm water and that's it. If it still isn't fully settled my goto nuclear option is Humbrol Decalfix. Do NOT slather this on instead apply just enough to puddle the surface. This has only failed me a couple of times once with the Air America Turbo Porter in 1/48 from Roden which I think is fair enough. Not being a smart bottom BTW, I've been building armour kits a long time and starting aircraft was a rather huge change of affairs. Is No 1 son enjoying the benefits of electricity now??
  3. I came so close this time but enjoyed the build which hasn't always been the case. Now going every other day for my battered thumb to be redressed after being cleaned with something rather unpleasant. I was worrying about the penalty shoot out then I wasn't. Fair play to both sides but Spain were much better in possession even though England managed to cram their style better than some other teams have recently. Southgate taking it in the neck again but we've got to the finals twice with the guys and the women won and he'd done wonders there. Sacking him will be a dumb move IMHO. BOT it's a good thing you noticed the guard issue and were able to sort it, things like that really annoy me. Not that it stops me doing similar next time....
  4. It's 17:17 on the last Saturday and I'm not going to get it done. Taken two full days to get about a third of the etch in place, didn't feel too good this morning and it seems it got infected so the bench goes on hold for the next 10 days - the Doctor was quite firm that I take the whole course and not stop as soon as it seemed better. Deep joy. I shall try and avoid the football tomorrow as England never win when I watch them on TV and the tickets are rather expensive...
  5. Hope you get it sorted safely. Life can be treacherous at times. I'm falling at the last hurdle too and, for once neither of us can be blamed.
  6. Thanks Guys. Yes stay away from nail guns even from a wall away they're a real threat. Thankfully the other nine are still present although nerve damage means one is decorative purposes only.
  7. Greetings All Well life seems determined to prevent me completing a group build... so the day after I posted last I went round to help a friend line out the extension that was replacing a rather tired conservatory. My job was inside slotting the precut timbers into place while keeping the membrane in place. Matey was outside with the nail gun fixing from the rear to leave a nice internal appearance. Little did I know that I wouldn't see my thumb for the next 3 weeks until today in fact All was going well until the gun made a peculiar metallic sound and then jammed, As I heard a muttered 'that's odd' I realised that a stream of blood was running down my arm. It seems that the nail head separated and without the natural resistance through the wood it passed through the timber, into the end of my thumb and just broke the skin near the base. The small mark near the crease of my first finger shows where it got to. Showing considerable concern my mate's first reaction was to get a bowl to ensure no blood got to the floor, have a tinkle and then phone for assistance. Busturd... Two things kept me occupied during the wait; there was absolutely no pain at all, and the impact had pushed my thumb clear of the wall which remained bloodless and intact except for the small hole. Our fantastic but seriously overworked NHS got the nail out, x-rayed to make sure no more metal was floating around, stitched and dressed it before it started hurting. I have just returned home amazed that my digit seems unfazed by the event. Once I find the parts I'll finish the mudguards and start applying the etch detail parts. It may not get to the decal stage but I hope to have the base paint done by end of play for the GB.
  8. Howdy All! First the photograph The wreckage of my previous attempts at building a Meteor which are all documented HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, with support from GOD'S TEETH In my defence I was left unsupervised and then I went mad and was denied access to knives, chemicals and much else. Hopefully the meds will continue to work and I can make something of this pile of wreckage. If it doesn't pan out then I'll resort to Airfix and Alleycat but spending money causes me physical pain. I've got a couple of entries in the Tiger STGB to complete but I can make a start on working out whatever the hell I was thinking of when I started these - possibly not a lot TBH.
  9. Thank You! F-86... I've now found my copy about ten seconds after reading your comment.
  10. Just a place holder but my brother found a bin bag with the last of my stuff in. The Meteor parts are at the Post office for me to collect in the morning. I shall sleep easier tonight.
  11. Well according to the walkround HERE 44-2664 P-39Q-15-BE didn't have them at all. The intakes just ahead of the exhaust are for cooling the sparkplugs, 'our' opening slopes up steeply and would be about right for the nozzle on a fire extinguisher to cover. Wings of Fame Vol 10 includes the P-39 I'll try and find my copy and see what the cutaway shows.
  12. I believe that was an access point for a fire extinguisher in the event of an engine fire. I'm not sure what models had it as the photos in the D&S Vol 63 aren't reproduced too well. I'll keep looking.
  13. It has taken four hours work to produce one section of track guard for the VK4502(H) so I'm really grateful for the extension. Thank You to @Enzo the Magnificent and @Marklo you wise and benevolent people. At least I've found a way to make them reliably and so they fit
  14. I thought you might want one. I do too. @Sabrejet has made a good job of building this and if it's that good from the box then so much the better.
  15. Overall accuracy and shape. Incorrect details and what needs attention such as features from two or more versions on the same model Trump Supermarine Attacker for example. To exclude items that are personal preference overstated panel lines are one thing, if they are incorrect they should be discussed. Decals that are incorrect giving the manufacturer a chance to correct or issue an addendum sheet. Inappropriate weapons included and what can be used instead. Flash/misalignment on a new tool which indicates that the model may not be around for long buy it now if in doubt.
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