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Blight 2, a Blight to Remember

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I'm running a little behind on this one; too many irons in the fire.

I know many modellers dislike grey schemes, and I completely understand that stance, but my favorite Phantom scheme is the final RAF grey one. When I was young, I came across a National Geographic article about the Falkland Islands, and it included pics of 1435 Flt Phantoms, and I was hooked.

My plan is to build a Fujimi FGR2 in the grey scheme of 92 Sqn with a blue tail using a Modeldecal set. Then it can fly around the living room, I mean sit respectfully on a shelf, next to the blue-tailed 92 Sqn Lightning I built in the Lightning STGB. Full circle!



Hockeyboy and 3rd Placer have been building the same kit, and I am going to copy them as best I can. No really, I've been taking copious notes.

Note #1 - Invent amusing names for the pilots.

Let's see...

Flt Lt's B.L. "Blight" Youtale and R.E. Heat.

Note #2 - Post a pic of the box and decals.

Oh, already did that one. This is going well.

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I like the rockets and gun pod on the box art. Will yours be similarly armed?

The rockets would be quite inappropiate for a grey FGR.2.



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Better late than never Cookie.

Now find myself with a protective arm around my builds, checking occasionally over my shoulder in case there's a cookie spook lurking in the shadows.

Edited by Hockeyboy76
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Ryan - That'd put me in at around a 5th or 6th placer. That's a little ambitious for me.

Rob and Andre - I haven't decided on stores yet. I've seen a good reference pic of my subject armed only with the centerline gun pod (I assume on exercise on Cyprus or the like). The kit comes with Skyflashes, and I have plenty of spare AIM-9L's if it comes to it.

John - your cranium must look stately yet sleek in its new color. I'm hoping for a nice Medium Sea grey when the time comes.

Hockeyboy - always beware the cookie in the shadows...taking notes.

Edited by Cookenbacher
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John - your cranium must look stately yet sleek in its new color. I'm hoping for a nice Medium Sea grey when the time comes.

Beware when the time comes Cookie, it can lead to some pretty odd looks when you start comparing pots of Humbrol to hair colour. :lol:

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I have strands of humbrol 11 in my hair which is ok, but why does my newly grown euro beard (no need to shave for three weeks) have to be salt & peper with an essence of ginger!

Edited by Hockeyboy76
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  • 3 weeks later...

I finally got a little work done on Blight 2.


Flt Lts Youtail and Heat were pillaged from an Airfix Buccaneer. Giemme included this link in Navy Bird's build, and it happens to be the very aircraft I'm modelling. It shows a 'periscope' in the navigator's cockpit, so I tried to add one here.


And finally got the fuselage together.


Thanks for looking.

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Nice work. The consoles look terrific. The link was gold too. I got sidetracked for half an hour clicking through the photographer's Flickr album - lots of interesting aircraft, not just Phantoms.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the encouraging words everyone, I'm sorry that my progress is so slow on this one.

I've finally got something to show. I used AK Interactive white primer on the inside of the intakes and the metal portions of the fuselage, and buffed on some Uschi pigments. I also added spacers based on Note 28 on 3rd Placer's build:


But I wasn't aggressive enough with them (there was ominous creaking though!), and the fuselage is still a little narrow for the wings and intakes.


Plenty seams to clean up.

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That's good progress Cookie, it looks like you have got a good fit around the wing join so the spacers have helped. When using this method you only need to achieve a snug fit, if it's too tight you could risk popping the top joint open.

Good job bud. :thumbsup:

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Nice to see you progressing cookie.

The fit of the chin vents on mine was awful as in they are over scale & needed sanding.

Edited by Hockeyboy76
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i got a little bit more done on this one, but it's mostly of the filling and sanding variety I'm afraid. Blight 2 is going to be wheels up, since Blights Lightning is too, so a little work had to be done on the kit as it was definitely not designed to be built wheels up.


I managed to lose one of the underside bits by the intakes and had to fill it with plasticard and putty.


I also filled the wing root gap, and intake gaps with Perfect Plastic Putty.


Just need to mask the canopy and it'll be ready for primer.

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Thanks Hockeyboy and John!

I go the canopy and metal section on the back all masked up:



And sprayed Alclad grey primer for the first time. Based on some good advice from fellow Britmodellers, I sprayed it at 18 psi, and it went on like a dream. I can see why folks recommend this stuff.


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