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  1. Yes, Tamigawa this kit ain't! The decals of mine worked fine, though. Cheers, Andre
  2. That's the spirit! At least you will bask in the warm glow of a real sense of accomplishment when you succeeded in closing up the wings and fuselage. Cheers, Andre
  3. That is setting the bar quite low, but I'll take the compliment. Cheers, Andre
  4. As far as Academy in-house decals go, these perform really well so far. A good thing, as there are about a gazillion of them on these! Cheers, Andre
  5. Perhaps I should start some builds for a number of other natonalities then, if that would help... Cheers, Andre
  6. Nothing wrong with that some good ol' fashioned modelling skill won't fix! That, or high explosives. Cheers, Andre
  7. Forewarned is forearmed! - the resin bits for the cockpit and wheen wells looks great, but does not fit. At all. It is almost as if there were two completely seperate teams working on both the plastic parts and the resin, and never the twain shall meet. I have attempted this kit last year and got it together... almost adequately, but this is the kit that finally persuaded me to buy a Dremel. You'll need to grind both upper and lower wings to almost paper thickness before you'll be able to get a somewhat satisfactory fit of the main wheel well, etcetera. I really need to finish this one one of these days... Cheers, Andre
  8. Here's mine!; Probably she'll end up (sorta, knowing my builds... ) as a NM Cigognes bird. I'll probably won't start until the weekend. Cheers, Andre
  9. Thanks! It's a nice change from just plain ol' grey. Cheers., Andre
  10. Bugger - JUST missed the Gallery! Thanks to our gracious hosts for another exxellent 'un! Cheers, Andre
  11. Thanks! All masking tape now has been removed after the last bits of respray: I've begun adding the RAM decals, starting with the starboard wing - there are not as many as on her Dutch sister, but still a lot. Notice the darker shade of the RAM decals on this one as opposed to those of the other kit. There's a South Korean decal on the port wing as well - no going back now! Cheers, Andre
  12. Thanks! Here is where we are now - I've begun addding the RAM decals: Of which there are... many. I seriously doubt I have ever had this high a percentage of the fuselage of a fighter jet kit covered with decals. Unfortunately, I've added one of the decals with not enough light to see what the heck I was doing, so the honking big decal on the port upper fuselage was ever so slightly misaligned with the underlying raised RAM detail molded in the kit. The decal was slightly crooked as well. The longer I looked at it, the more it annoyed me. So off it had to come. Unfortunately, it had sucked down like a limpet, so much force was needed to remove it: Not to worry, because I had a spare one from my other kit. After all, the ROKAF bird is not covered in as much RAM tape as the Dutch one. Unfortunately, then this happened: The RAM tape decals of the two kits differ quite a lot in shade - one kit has them in something close to Dark Gull Gray, while those on kit #2 appear almost Dark Ghost Gray. Oh well. On this aircraft, the RAM tape was removed and replaced by fresh tape which resulted in a slightly different shade! It's my story and I'm sticking to it, Your Honour. Notice that awesome first Dutch roundel as well! Bottoms up: Cheers, Andre
  13. Getting close now.... Landing gear added: Fuel tanks added: And I'm calling her done! Cheers, Andre
  14. According to my Hi-Decal instructions, these are FS36622 light grey with FS35450 blue grey. HTH!, Andre
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