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Pobeda 357 ***RFI done***

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Oh good, @flashlight, you haven't got to fitting the windscreen yet.


I built this curiosity a couple of years back and wanted to warn you that the windscreen fit is ATROCIOUS ! I had to sand off the upper and lower frames and still it didn't fit. My solution, such as it was, was to fit the clear part to the front of the fuselage and sand off any remaining overhang, filling the resulting gap.

The windscreen will not fit its position, unless mouldings have improved. The struggle you've experienced thus far suggests that they haven't.

Regarding KK, I have in the past used it as a masking medium for small windows, carefully removing it with a new blade after painting, then replacing it to replicate clear parts.


The model builds up into a definite talking point and you're making good progress with it. Good luck with the windscreen.




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@roginoz Hi Rog, thank you for commenting and for the heads up. Yes, it was my plan to attach the windscreen at the end of the build. From the experience with the side windows I supposed that the windscreen is also too big. The way you use KK seems to be good, so I might give it a try someday. Thank you!


@AdrianMF Hi Adrian, yes, there is an embossed star on each side - maybe I'll paint them metallic red!

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51 minutes ago, flashlight said:

I suppose you can only attach the Krystal Klear windows after the painting of the model, I imagine that masking such windows would be difficult if not impossible. Right?

Yes I just mask the window openings with damp tissue then ain’t the model and apply the Kristal Klear after painting is finished. Much easier than trying to windows.

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Right, after another filling and sanding session with the fuselage I began to sand down the shapes as described above. After a while it turned out that not only these shapes caused the problem, but also the whole end part of the wing was too thick and it did not meet the curvature of the floaters, so they would not sit vertically but canted outwards. I had to sand down the wing's ends considerably.




But then...









Big mouth - I wonder how they would have managed the water intake during starting and landing causing a bad short circuit in the big generator.




Looking like the figure in "Scream" from this angle.




It will rest now over night. Next steps are filler at the joints of the floaters and then I'll start to fix the empennage.


That's it for today, thanks for looking and commenting!


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@Courageous Thanks, Stuart! Yes, slowly but steadily it's shaping up.


Hi everybody,


I had some progress with the Pobeda recently. First I attached the tailplane, which wasn't problematic at all.






As you can see, I already dealt with the windscreen. Being warned by @roginoz Rog I checked the fit, and he was right - it did not fit at all! Much too big! I wanted it to fit without too much sanding, so I was thinking about a different solution, and I found this:


First I sanded the area marked by the red line straight.




This came at the price of the instrument panel which got knocked off during the process. Never mind, it was invisible anyway, no problem at all. After this I cut the recesses on both sides where the windscreen should be attached (arrow) deeper down and widened them.




Now it was possible to slip the windscreen down into the recesses. I cut them deep enough so that the upper side of the windscreen nearly matched the height of the fuselage top.




Now it was easy and didn't take long to sand the clear part flush.





Only a little drop of filler will be needed on both sides and that's it.


Next will be the intake ring, I'm afraid this won't be as easy.


Thanks for looking and commenting!


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@AdrianMF Thanks, Adrian! Good idea, the windscreen is still not fixed yet...but I think you would'nt see anything of the painted on instruments anyway! 😄


Had a little time for my "beauty" - the big mouth is stuffed now!




It took some time to sand the front of the fuselage to give the intake ring a good fit. It's not perfect, the ring is a bit too narrow on the sides and a tad too long, I had to sand it down at the underside.






There is only a very small step between fuselage and ring on the sides, but it is hardly noticeable.


Now all the main components are done, next will be a check of the seams and joints, some additional filler where needed, then she will be primed during weekend!


Thanks for looking and commenting!

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@roginozThanks, Rog! Yes, priming will be done today or tomorrow, we'll see.


The first thing that came on my mind seeing this craft was an Edsel Limousine of the late 50ies I guess. 


Edit: Yes!!! This Ford comes quite close to it, maybe the soviets copied the look! Who knows... ;)

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Hi everybody,


today it was prime time but with a little accident. One of the masks for the side windows got displaced. I only realized it after the session was done. Now I have a halfway black painted window and a small area without primer. I will let it rest till tomorrow, sand the area even and spray another coat of primer. Maybe it's possible to scratch the primer off the window after the paint job is done, we'll see. If not, I'll paint the whole window gloss black,I bet nobody would notice. Also I could push the clear part inside and buy and try Krystal Klear! :idea:




Thanks for looking!

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Hi everybody,


the priming is done now. It looks a bit awkward in the first pic, but from a different angle it's not that bad. That'll do for me. It will cure until tomorrow, then the real paint job will begin. First I'll paint the lower halves of the floats medium grey. After this has cured I'll mask them and the first layer of aluminium will be sprayed.






Thanks for looking!

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